Chapter 70 Negotiations
The thinking of the swarm can be shared to a high degree. For the corrupt family members, the death of an individual is insignificant, and the collective wisdom is the most important.

Gu Wei brainstormed, and finally revamped his plan, and planned to wait for Wuming to get the golden needle, and use this set of excuses to trick him into going to church.

He was full of confidence and looked forward to it.

Waiting, waiting, finally saw a giant beast with one eye and two horns striding heavily into the canyon again, approaching his cabin.

Then, under Gewei's expectant eyes, he passed the cabin and walked towards Selia Town.

"Wait, wait, didn't you say hello to me when you passed by?" Gewei shouted from the hole in the wooden house.

On the back of the Falling Star Beast, Wuming still looked like a bug. He glanced at Gewei and patted the Falling Star Beast.

The Falling Star Beast turned around and walked slowly towards the wooden house.

"You want something from me?" Wuming rode on the falling star beast, and talked to Gewei through the hole in the wooden house.

Gewei was speechless: "Shouldn't you have something to do with me?"

"What can I do with you?"

"Where's the golden needle?" Gewei couldn't take it anymore, and stopped going around in circles with Wuming.

"Good news, I got it." Nameless said.

"You really gotta get it? That's good—"

"Bad news, I don't use mercury anymore." Wuming said, "I won't exchange this golden needle with your mercury."

Wuming turned the bull's head with a smile:

"Then I'll go for a stroll in Selia Town, and leave if I don't have anything good, bye."

Gewei was dumbfounded.

He brainstormed with the swarm for a long time, but he didn't expect this possibility.

If the golden needle was left by Wuming, wouldn't Millison be saved?
"No!" Gewei rushed out of the wooden house, jumped up and hugged the star beast's thigh, "If you don't save Millicent, she will be lost! Please, please save her!"

Gewei gave up all the pretense, and turned into a bug with a corrupt family member, with all his hands on the Falling Star Beast's legs.

Seeing Gewei's hoarse voice, Wuming felt that Gewei's emotions seemed to be real.

He really wanted to save that person named Millicent.

"Okay, I will save her, but you can't hide anything anymore." Wuming said.

"Hiding it? I didn't hide it." Gewei said.

Wuming said: "When I asked you why you asked me to fetch the golden needle, you hesitated; when I asked you to show the mercury, you were very straightforward. It seems that you are not slow to respond, but that you really have something to hide from me , is my understanding wrong? Or do you have another explanation?"

Gewei was about to break out in a cold sweat.

When Wuming triumphantly said that he had a high IQ, he really didn't realize that Wuming might really be a little smart.

He was able to analyze from his momentary hesitation that he was concealing something, and even let him demonstrate mercury magic to verify his guess.

Combined with Wuming who suddenly doesn't need mercury now, could it be that this guy didn't need mercury in the first place, but just used this to trick himself and test whether he was lying?How could this scheming be so deep and dark?

Gewei's mind was overwhelmed, and the danger of Wuming in his heart was greatly increased.

Apart from panic, Gewei was more fortunate.

Fortunately, he didn't use the usual rhetoric before, but carefully discussed it with the swarm.

Guwei said: "Sorry, I did not tell the truth about some things, I will tell you all——

"You may be wondering why I care so much about Millicent, because she is my daughter. I picked her up from the swamp and raised her. I can't bear to see her suffer so much."

Nameless said, "What's there to hide?"

"I didn't intend to hide this matter." Gewei sighed, "As you said, what I concealed was the identity of my corrupt family members. Our corrupt family members are born in corruption and die in corruption. It is our creed, our law."

"Now you want me to cure your daughter's corruption." Wuming said.

Gewei nodded: "Millison is a lovely girl. I have betrayed my faith. Even if I sacrifice my life, I hope to save her. Even if her memory has been eroded by corruption, she can't remember me."

Gewei's words are sincere and full of affection.

It is the opinion of the Swarm that humans are emotional creatures and are more receptive to what others have to say when they feel deeply emotional.

In other words, all beliefs are like this.

Because of this, believers will be convinced.

Wuming was really moved and remained silent for a long time.

Gewei pursued the victory and said:
"But this is a betrayal of the swarm. The church where Millicent lives has many corrupt family guards. They worship Millicent's corruption as a god. When Millicent is corrupted into a pool of rotten flesh, they may You will be moved to tears.”

Nameless said slowly:

"You...are not pious."

Gewei was stunned: "What did you say?"

"Beliefs can be changed so easily, you bad old man, it's not good." Wuming shook his head at Guwei, "Leaving aside the facts, you are not religious."

Gewei blushed, someone said that the swarm was not pious enough?
But Gewei still can't refute.

Gewei glared at Wuming with a red face:

"Are you saying I should let my daughter be corrupt?"

"I'm just saying that you are not religious, and it has nothing to do with whether I want to save your daughter or not." Wuming said, "Your belief is not something I should evaluate, and it has nothing to do with me."

"Thank you for having such a clear understanding." Gewei said coldly.

"But your betrayal of the swarm because of your beliefs is related to me." Wuming regretted, "You have to be clear about one thing, we are trading, and you have no bargaining chips."

Gewei opened his mouth: "Are you human? Do you have empathy?"

"You have so much empathy, why don't you go get the golden needle yourself?" Wuming said, "What's the use of empathy alone? I don't eat? I have hundreds of people opening their mouths. Opening their eyes every day, hundreds of People eat, drink, and drink, and they have to wait for me to serve them."

Wuming spoke with confidence and force, and spoke more forcefully than Gewei.

Behind Guwei is Millicent, but behind Wuming there are really hundreds of people waiting to eat.

Gwi withered:

"What do you want? I...I have the secret of Selia Town."

"Will that secret allow hundreds of people to eat?"

"No..." Gewei objected, "Even if I didn't betray the swarm, you still can't trade with the swarm."

Nameless: "I was going to open a mine in Garide earlier, which requires the support of the swarm snakes, and do you know the Roja fruit?"

Gewei didn't know why the topic suddenly changed to Roja Fruit, and subconsciously nodded:

"I've seen it, what does this have to do with letting you eat?"

Wuming said: "The Roja fruit is processed by a special method, and it can be made into soft and tough cotton wool. These cotton wool can be used as fillings for quilt cotton clothes, and can also be spun into threads to make clothes."

"So?" Gewei didn't understand.

"I think the worm silk of your rotten family members is good." Wuming said, "Can it be used to make clothes? Is it poisonous? Is there any other application for the sticky property? Can it remove mucus?"

A series of questions from Wuming was paralyzed by Gewei:
"Did you know that worms are our prayers?"

"I know."

"Did you know that prayer represents our faith?"

"I know."

"Know that you use our faith to make money!"

"Didn't you abandon your faith?" Wuming shrank his head, "It's not normal for you to be excited."

Gewei choked for a long time, and said:
"I don't want my daughter to die, but it doesn't mean I have completely abandoned my faith. Even those who really have to abandon their faith, the thinking formed by years of inertia is difficult to change."

Nameless said: "So can the swarm provide me with worm silk? You can give me some first, I will study the properties and application plan, and then we will talk about it."

Gewei covered his forehead:

"I will give you some to help you negotiate with the swarm, but there is no guarantee of success. Also, the swarm doesn't know that I have abandoned my faith, so don't mention my name when you save Millicent. Remember, it is a The human hero saved Millicent, not the corrupt family entrusting you to save Millicent."

After the negotiation was completed, Gewei went back to the hut and gave Wuming a can full of worm silk, and Wuming finally went to the corrupt church.

 Don't smoke, don't smoke, the child is trying to hold back the word count (_)
  It seems that some readers want to join the group, but I have never done it, and I will prepare it.I don’t think there is anything to look forward to if I really add a group, the fan group I joined before is completely dead (

(End of this chapter)

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