The Ring: Sell Dung Beetles in Junction

Chapter 77 Escape from the Lion's Mouth

Chapter 77 Escape from the Lion's Mouth
Nameless ran while humming.

Spear-like arrows shot continuously from behind.

Ratan was half floating in the air, holding a big bow, and big arrows poured down like a torrential rain.

Wuming hid his figure with light magic, avoided the pursuit of those big arrows, and rushed towards the high point of the sand dune amidst the hail of bullets.

Wuming ran to the high point, finally confirmed the location of Xiaohe, and was about to run over, when Lataen had already come close.

Wuming hurriedly applied lightening and sound-absorbing magic to his feet to prevent footprints from being exposed on the sand dunes.

He can see the fanaticism of Jie Lian and the Red Lion. If he fights with Rataen here, then his cooperation will be forgotten.

Judging by the nameless judgment, Jie Lian held a battle ceremony to see off Rataen. He could not wait for the whole orchestra to play music while fighting. At the end, the moves slowly fade away in the lingering sound, and come to an end together with the end of the music.

If Wuming joined the battle in such a funny way and sent Lataen to the end, then the Red Lion might not want to send him to the end.

Even without considering the opinions of Jie Lian and those red lions, Wuming couldn't fight Lataen.

He also has plans of his own.

While sneaking away, while looking back to observe Latan's movements, Wuming finally saw Latan's appearance clearly.

He was really tall, wearing extremely thick golden lion armor, not much smaller than the falling star beast.A ferocious face that had fallen into a daze and madness appeared from the lion's helmet, and it did not return to its original handsomeness.

The big spear-like arrows that shot at the nameless spears were really spears, and they were densely inserted into Lataen's body.

The soles of his feet were gone, but there was a very thin horse in his crotch.

The pony, which seemed to be no bigger than his calf, could actually support his huge body, allowing him to move freely.

He holds two large black iron swords, decorated with a lion's mane design, and a round coat of arms on the broad sword body.

Looking at the big sword like a door panel, Wuming shut his mouth and prepared to sneak away.

Latarn couldn't find any trace of Wuming when he approached, looked around, absorbed a large sword to his lower back, grabbed a wreck in the sand dune, and gnawed it.

He heroically gnawed at the corpse, put it down casually, then raised his two big swords like door panels, and slashed down heavily.

Nameless was shocked.

The big sword was slashing in his direction.

"Been discovered?" Wuming quickly dodged.

The big sword slammed heavily under Wuming's feet, raising a large cloud of dust and swaying it on Wuming's body, depicting his figure in an instant.

Wuming fell to the ground, the big sword was only a hair's breadth away from his anklet, and almost cut off the anklet.

"It's dangerous." Wuming heaved a sigh of relief, "I almost got picked on by the red lion again."

As a suspect of a corrupt believer, Wuming is very conscious of a suspect, and always pays attention to the fragile shackles under his feet so that they will not be broken, which will destroy the trust of the paranoid gang in Red Lion City.

"But how did he find me..." Wuming retreated and observed Lataen.

Ratan's eyes didn't look in the unknown direction at all, and the madman's eyes were almost dull.

But he still raised his double sabers, this time with more power.

Blue-purple light appeared from the two swords, and a burst of suction covered the surroundings. The nameless body was captured by the huge force, and flew towards Lataen's sword.

At the critical moment, Wuming slapped the blade of the giant sword, and slapped himself out of the scope of the blade, but was still swept away by the shock wave from the heavy blow of the sword.

Wuming silently rolled down a few times in the desert, got up and carefully observed the round badge on the Latan sword.

Different from the clear lines of the general coat of arms, the lines of this coat of arms are very rough, as if they are made of bits of broken iron filings. Along the two sections of a central axis, a round ring spreads out in all directions.

Wuming noticed that the strong suction just now didn't suck too much sand and dust.

When he was sucked over, the armor also moved first, and then drove his whole body to fly over uncontrollably.

Wuming checked his armor, and found that his armor was a bit strange after being hit just now.

A slight suction appeared on the armor, which made his movements slightly blocked.

He suddenly understood a little bit how Ratan found himself.

Ratan doesn't need to rely on sight, he has another layer of perception, which can perceive iron.

"Isn't that impossible to escape?" Wuming was distressed.

He glanced back, and the other side of the river was already clearly visible, and Jie Lian didn't leave. He was still looking towards Latan, looking around, as if looking for the whereabouts of Latan's prey.

When he looked back, Ratan's great sword struck again.

This time Wuming didn't dodge any more, he stretched out his iron-covered gauntlet to block the big sword's attack.

The powerful and heavy sword smashed Wuming directly into the soft sand dune, and then exploded the whole sand dune.

The dust exploded, revealing an unknown figure.

His hands gripped the blade, his legs sank in the sand.

Wuming still maintains the magic of invisibility, and there is nothingness under Ratan's sword.

But the nothingness seemed to heat up, twisting and dancing the air into curly updrafts.

The gravel under Wuming's feet became red hot, and under the concealment of light magic, the full body armor glowed hot.

"You can perceive me, but Jie Lian can't." Wuming was relieved, "It's fine to turn around and argue."

He thought of the strange creatures he had seen in Garrett, and said firmly:

"It's a giant invisible dung beetle, it must have been a giant invisible dung beetle that hit you!"

After finishing speaking, Wuming let go of the hand holding the giant sword, and twisted his body along the blade.

Fiery red debris rushed out from the gap in Wuming's back armor, speeding up his body instantly, and threw him directly on Ratan's face.

Wuming clenched his fist, and scorching hot air flowed out from the gap in the armor of his elbow, and he punched Latan in the face.

Rataen seemed unprepared for the sudden punch, and was knocked over on his back.

A surge of purple magic power flowed in the direction of his fall, causing Lataen, who should have fallen, to turn around in mid-air and stand up again.

He looked around, roared to the sky, raised his two knives and swiped wildly around.

Wuming originally wanted to pursue him, but when he saw Latan's movements, he stopped again.

He clasped his hands together and let them go, carefully feeling the strength needed for this movement.

That strange attraction was gone.

Wuming's move just now was solid, but until his fist touched Latan's face, Wuming didn't see Latan notice him approaching.

Although he didn't understand the reason, after his armor was scorched, the perception ability beyond the line of sight was invalidated.

Then what else to fight.

Nameless turned and ran away.

This time Lataen did not pursue him, and he successfully ran to the small river.

Wuming jumped into the small river and withdrew the invisibility magic.

"Help me, I can't swim!" Wuming called for help to Jie Lian on the shore while splashing in the water.

Jielian hurried over and pulled Wuming ashore.

Wuming lay wet on the sandy ground:
"Thank you, I'm alive."

Jie Lian was quite surprised:

"You can still come back alive."

"I don't have any other skills, but I can live." Wuming sat up and looked at his feet.

The anklet is dissipating heat under the cooling of the river water, but it has not been damaged.

Jie Lian said, "Your armor hasn't sunk to the bottom yet."

"Will, it must be the will to survive that changed the shackles of gravity." Wuming said seriously.

Wuming stood up from the ground, and only then did Jie Lian realize that no matter whether it was Wuming jumping around wearing armor before or getting up now, they were not as light as a person wearing armor.

How light and hollow is the person inside the armor?Or did you use light magic?Or master the magic of gravity like a general?Jielian observed Wuming.

Then he observed that the businessman who should have survived the catastrophe got up and looked at him as if nothing had happened:

"Okay, let's continue with the business."

(End of this chapter)

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