Homecoming from Hogwarts

Chapter 207 The Ultimate Winner

Chapter 207 The Ultimate Winner
Malfoy and Parkinson charged into the right track, did they find the right way?

Seeing this scene, Harry murmured in his heart. He glanced at Neville, whose back was completely soaked in sweat but insisted on standing still, with eyes that couldn't bear it.
"Neville, Bostrode and Greengrass have been left behind, replace me, my mana is almost recovered!"

"No, I can hold on—we're just barely there."

Neville wiped his sweaty face, gasped and refused Harry's request.

Finally, under Neville's desperate efforts, 20 seconds after Malfoy's boat disappeared from everyone's sight, Gryffindor's boat was finally about to reach the intersection of the 'Y'-shaped track, separated by tens of feet. Even at a distance, Harry could vaguely see the difference between the two sides.

As the two number one enemies at Hogwarts, since Malfoy chose the right side, Harry would choose to turn the rudder to the left without hesitation.

Such a choice is not pure will.

Harry believes that if the track on the right leads to the finish line, then Malfoy, who made the right choice first, will undoubtedly win, even if they follow behind and run the whole distance, they still cannot escape being ridiculed by Malfoy and cleaning the owl house Therefore, it is better to bet that Malfoy chose the wrong side, and the left track will lead to the finish line.

Thinking of this, Harry gritted his teeth and looked at the track on the left with several orange lights flashing. Just as he was about to take action, behind the track on the right was covered in fog.

A loud crisp sound made Harry's hand tremble violently, and the oak boat swayed sideways. Neville, who was startled by the strange sound, also trembled in fright, withdrew his palm unconsciously, and stood up unsteadily. .

Neville blinked his eyes and hesitated for a moment. He glanced behind the boat under his feet and looked into Harry's eyes. The eyes of the two intersected in mid-air, and they both understood that the other party had the same guess as himself.

"What's the matter, Harry?"

Neville asked anxiously, "That sound just now, seems to be the sound of a ship being smashed?"


"Ah, a monster!!!"

Harry didn't have time to speak, because what he was about to say was interrupted by two screams full of panic and fear that sounded almost simultaneously, and then, under the suddenly terrified eyes of Harry and Neville, the fog wall on the right track It rolled over, and then, two faint figures desperately beat the water waves and swam towards Harry and the others. Needless to say, they were Malfoy and Parkinson.

In just a split second, Harry and Neville looked at each other and thought of the horrible attempt that occurred in the practical class of Defense Against the Dark Arts class in the first half of the year. Uncontrollably, Harry subconsciously took out his wand, which was already in his mind. Silently recite the mantra of the Fire Curse.

"Help me, Potter!"

The moment Malfoy, whose whole body was submerged in the water, rushed out of the mist, the first figure that fell into sight, when his life was threatened, Malfoy ignored all trivial conflicts, and he shouted for help , As a result, he suddenly poured a mouthful of river water.

"There's something in there, Malfoy, is it an Inferi?"

Although he hated Slytherin's despicable methods in order to win the game, his reason also told Harry that he should leave immediately, because a hideous silhouette full of murderous intent was about to walk out, but when he saw that he was desperately thumping this way Malfoy and Parkinson, Harry, who was frowning, felt that his feet had taken root, and he couldn't move.

"It's not a ghost, Potter, save me!"

Malfoy yelled in horror, and Pansy Pankinson cried too, "It's a monster, it's trying to kill us!"

Harry instinctively wanted to scold them, but, thinking of Professor Bryan's unrestrained style, he kind of believed their 'nonsense'.

In such a moment of hesitation, the monster in the mist had already stepped out of the water, and the moment they saw his clear face, the hesitant Harry and Neville immediately gasped, and their scalps exploded. .

So far, Harry has seen three of the scariest monsters, Hagrid's three-headed dog in the first grade, Professor Brian's corpse in the second grade, and the Hogwarts special train at the beginning of the third grade. The terrifying creature called a dementor, and now, there is another creature that frightens him.

Grim eyes full of dead silence, ferocious claws and teeth
Scary enough, but nothing that frightened Harry. What frightened him was the black air around the creature, the sheer malice, and the power that resembled death.
cluck cluck
Harry, whose body was so cold and stiff, heard a strange sound. After thinking for a while, Harry realized that it was the sound of Neville's teeth chattering.

That Amosta brought out from Avalon Island, after being eroded by the magic power of darkness, Hincklepunk shook the orange tentacles on the top of its head, bared its teeth, and spewed out streams of foul-smelling black Smoke, just like the eight-eyed spider that was imprisoned under the floor of the dormitory by Amosta for several years, this Hinkpunk who lived in a glass bottle for half a year couldn't restrain the bloodthirsty desire in his heart, it wanted to kill.
Malfoy and Parkinson hurriedly climbed into Harry's small boat. The cabin that was originally suitable for two people became extremely crowded after accommodating four little wizards. They could only stand shoulder to shoulder next to each other.

"What are you standing around for, Potter?!" Malfoy yelled, "Waiting for that monster to tear us all to shreds, hurry up and sail!"

"If you don't show your due gratitude, Malfoy,"

Harry blinked his eyes and suddenly came back to his senses. Facing Malfoy's almost commanding words, his face turned cold, "Then please leave me and Neville——oops!"

Puff, puff!
The world tilted sharply in the horizon, and Harry and Neville didn't figure out what happened until their faces made intimate contact with the cold water-Pansy Parkinson actually pushed them into the water!
"Sail away, Malfoy, we now know which way is right!"

Pansy happily stepped to the stern of the boat, passing by Malfoy who was staring at her in disbelief, and gently pushed him towards the bow!

"Who made you do this. Pansy"

Malfoy opened his mouth, and he glanced at Longbottom and Potter, who were trying to maintain their balance in the water, with astonished expressions, completely unaware that Pansy would dare to do such a behavior without his order.

"Don't be dazed, Draco—"

Pansy didn't seem to realize how bad her behavior was, and before her palm touched the hemisphere, she urged Malfoy to take the helm,
"That monster will teach Potter and Longbottom a lesson for us, we have to leave quickly to avoid being affected!"

Malfoy pursed his lips tightly, his astonishment disappeared, and his gray eyes showed cold anger. He looked away from Pansy and looked at Potter who was helping Longbottom to stand up in the water. , after a brief hesitation, he squatted down, leaned down and handed over his hand.

And his behavior confused Harry and Neville, what the hell was going on in Slytherins, Pansy Parkinson was doing something nasty and pushing them into the water, and Malfoy was trying to pull them into the boat?

"Don't get me wrong, Potter, it's still in Professor Bryan's practical class last time!"

Facing Harry's puzzled look, Malfoy blushed and said.

(End of this chapter)

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