Homecoming from Hogwarts

Chapter 210 Dementors

Chapter 210 Dementors

The weather on Saturday was still very bad, the layered clouds flashed a heart-pounding thunder from time to time, and the sky was pouring with rain, but fortunately, the wind was much weaker than yesterday. Even if you get on the broomstick, you have to be blown into the Black Lake by the strong wind.

In any case, the opening battle of the annual Quidditch tournament began.

Early in the morning, in order to seize a powerful position, the young wizards from the four colleges gathered together in twos and threes, holding umbrellas, and rushed to the stadium against the strong wind. The enthusiastic discussion of the students could almost suppress the howling wind and rain.

Because of the accident caused by the Defense Against the Dark Arts class yesterday, Wood, who was terrified all night, got up early in the morning. On the way to the school hospital, he also brought Harry some porridge and sausage, but he ate it himself. No more.

When he walked into the school hospital and saw Harry, who was already in a bright red uniform, moving his hands and feet, Wood breathed a sigh of relief.
"I was thinking about it in my dreams last night,"

Wood handed Harry the breakfast,
"If you can't play today, I will rush into Professor Blaine's office and die with him."

"Don't be silly, Wood—"

Feeling pretty good, and because Harry, who finally defeated Slytherin yesterday, was in a good mood, he smiled and said,

"Even if you pull us all together, it's not enough for Professor Brian to beat him up alone. I don't know if Professor Brian will go to our game."

"Hope he doesn't go."

Wood said angrily,

"I figured it out, there must be no good where he appears."

In fact, Amosta did not have the intention to watch the game. After entering the magical world for so long, Amosta did not have much interest in this sport that has spread all over the magical world. It was not because he was not good at flying broomsticks. In fact, Amosta, who has been traveling all year round, is quite good at driving a broomstick. During missions, if the distance is long, he usually uses the broomstick and apparation alternately to hurry.

Amosta pushed open the door of the office, stopped behind the door, and glanced at the crowds on the wall that were continuously gathering outside the castle. After finding nothing unexpected, he walked slowly to the camp bed in the room, looked at the Lying sickly on his bed, Remus curled his lips, and put the plate containing the sausage and bread on the floor under the edge of the bed,

"Here, it's time for breakfast."


Looking at the funny Amosta, Remus smiled weakly,

"I ate on the floor yesterday because I was a wolf back then, but that doesn't mean I enjoy doing it."


Amosta, who pretended to wake up, scratched her head,
"Sorry, I forgot about this!"

I believe you a ghost!
Remus tried his best to support his body and sat up, his drooping eyelids trembled. Thinking of this in his heart, he didn't wonder why Amosta always liked to tease himself when he had nothing to do. As Snape's favorite student, Amosta He must have known some past grievances between them.

Made a little joke, looking at the fragile Remus who seemed to be dying, Amosta also felt sympathetic.

To be honest, a wizard like Remus Lupine who accidentally became a werewolf had a tragic fate.

In the previous chats, Amosta learned that for these years, every month on the night of the full moon, in order not to hurt others, Remus would find a deserted wilderness, and set up a blanket to prevent anyone from accidentally breaking into it. Entering and restricting spells, surreptitiously transforming into werewolves.

But in that situation, Remus, who lost his mind and couldn't suppress his desire to attack, had no choice but to bite himself. Because of the lack of Gallon to buy healing potions, his injuries recovered very slowly. Another full moon is coming.

And after entering Hogwarts, Remus could finally drink the wolfbane potion known as the gospel of werewolves. But to be honest, this potion is not a good thing.

Amostar did not have the same creative talent in potions as he did in spells, but although he could not be called a master, he could be considered a master.

Wolfsbane potion is something that the few remaining potion masters in the magic world, Damocles, had a brainstorm. Amosta once studied it. The basic principle that this potion can work on werewolves is to fight poison with poison A rival poison suppresses the wolf poison in the werewolf's body to an extremely low level due to the special magic tide caused by the full moon.

But the problem is that wolfsbane is a magical virus, which is entangled with the individual's magic power. When the wolfs poison potion kills the virus, it will not only damage the health of the carrier, but also consume the magic power of the carrier.

Therefore, the werewolf who drank the wolf's poison potion will fall into weakness after the full moon period.

In other words, if you drink too much of this potion, your life will be shortened.

"Speaking of which-"

After breakfast, Lupine supported his sick body and came to the window. Afraid of the wind and rain, he didn't dare to open the window, but listened carefully through a piece of blurred glass. Unconsciously, he thought of his old friend who was hailed as a Quidditch genius. He recalled the carefree and happy time in school, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.
"Even Albus went out of the office to watch the game, why did you—"

"I'm only interested in things that can improve my strength."

Sitting at his desk, Amosta, who was doing theoretical research on the blood curse, replied calmly.

"You are too hard on yourself, Amostar."

Lupine leaned his back against the cold glass, and said to Amosta who was frowning in thought.

However, looking at Amosta, who is immersed in the world of knowledge and unmoved by foreign objects, he feels a little admiration. At the age of 20, he has the strength that even Albus praises. Talent doesn't tell everything.

The dry firewood crackled and exploded in the hot fireplace.

A little afraid of the cold, Remus slowly moved to the window sash in front of the fireplace, while listening to the waves of calls outside the window, while looking at the front page of the latest issue of the Daily Prophet, the impassioned Minister of Magic was Tell everyone what an 'amazing' achievement they have made in capturing Blake.

Thinking of Sirius Black who entered Hogwarts through a mysterious way not long ago, Remus' face sank. He turned his back to Amosta and faced out the window, looking in an inexplicable direction.

How on earth did Blake get into Hogwarts?
Everyone in Hogwarts, including Albus Dumbledore, and Amosta Bryan, who was immersed in magic research behind him at the moment, was speculating about it.

Remus pretended to be as confused as everyone else, but he had a vague guess deep in his heart, and he knew that guess was close to the truth, but he couldn't face the answer, nor did he have the courage to say it, because the answer was right As far as he was concerned, it meant he had betrayed Albus' trust.
"It doesn't have to be that way,"

Remus' face was as bad as the weather outside the house, and he murmured in his own voice,

"Maybe he learned a few tricks from Voldemort"

Maybe it was because he was too weak after transforming, the cold air from the window made Remus shiver, he stepped back a few steps, and walked to the hearth to warm his cold hands, but this didn't seem to be of any use, as The bone-eating maggot-like cold still permeated Lupine's sense of despair that he had nowhere to escape.

Streaks of white frost spread from the window cracks like irritated tentacles of the devil's net, and dark magic power ravaged the room.

At some point, Amosta, who was at his desk thinking hard, raised his head. He glanced at Lupine, who was leaning against the fireplace with a livid face and swaying. His lavender eyes revealed anger.
"Dare to come to my place to find trouble, are you tired of working?"

(End of this chapter)

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