Homecoming from Hogwarts

Chapter 216 The Way to Kill the Dementors

Chapter 216 The Way to Kill the Dementors
Dumbledore's question brought Amosta's thoughts back to the collapsed island of Avalon. In the Greek temple in the center of the island, there were nine huge murals that he had seen before. On the murals, they depicted A long time ago, the legendary king Arthur and Merlin fought against the Queen of Avalon Island - Morgan Le Fay in the earth-shattering battle.

The last survivor of this war was Merlin.

King Arthur and Morgan Le Fay, the rivals who were also recorded in Muggle myths and legends, all fell, and the whereabouts of Merlin and the shadow remained a mystery.

Thinking of that black shadow, Amosta's eyes fell on the bottle on the desk in front of him, thinking quietly.

Morgan Le Fay was known as the Witch of Avalon Island and was the leader of the Druid sect with a long history. This has been described in both Muggle classics and wizard history.

The shadow in Morgan's body is only recorded in mythology. Where did it go? It was imprisoned by Merlin in the Blackstone Tower?
At the end of that great battle, the double snake rod thrown out by the shadow. Dementor. Azkaban
"Do you know the exact location of Azkaban, Headmaster Dumbledore?"

After a long silence, Amostar looked at Dumbledore, expressionless.

Dumbledore wasn't surprised that Amostar wanted to go to Azkaban to find out, after all, that's where the dementor that caused his soul change was first discovered.

"I'm sorry, Amosta--"

Dumbledore shook his head and said,

"The location of Azkaban is a top secret in the magic world. It is protected by the Silent Man of the Department of Mysteries with the Loyalty Curse. It has been passed down from generation to generation. I am afraid that even Connelly does not know which Silent Man holds this secret. inside"

"How did the Ministry of Magic manage those prisoners in the bond prison?"


Dumbledore smiled complicatedly,

"Once the Wizengamot thinks that a wizard should be sent to Azkaban, the strikers will escort the wizard directly to Azkaban through a two-way door key set in the Ministry of Magic if"

Looking at Amosta who was listening attentively, Dumbledore suddenly envisioned a possibility:
The well-known bounty wizard in the underground world—Gold Viper, forcibly broke into the Ministry of Magic, paralyzed all the armed forces in the Ministry, and snatched the door key to Azkaban. At present, the Ministry of Magic has not yet learned that Gold Viper committed this crime. What is the purpose of the heinous crime, but it does not rule out that the Golden Viper may have accepted the commission to rescue a certain prisoner who was imprisoned in Azkaban Prison.
Thinking of this, Dumbledore couldn't help feeling a chill in his heart. He knew that Amosta had the courage and ability to do this.

"If you need a trip to Azkaban,"

Dumbledore looked at the young man opposite who seemed to be thinking about something, and said with an emphasis,
"I can apply to Connelly for you to use the Defense Against the Dark Arts research topic and other excuses. I believe Connelly will not refuse my request, but I think he should let me go. At least, he will probably let Lu Firth or Barty with you."

Amosta frowned, every one of these things he wanted to investigate might cause an uproar if thrown out, so what could he do with so many people staring at him.

"Thank you for your kindness, Principal Dumbledore," Amosta nodded gratefully, "I'll figure it out myself."


Dumbledore leaned forward, serious eyes shot out of his blue pupils, and there was a hint of warning in his tone.

"I understand what you are worried about, Principal Dumbledore." Amosta smiled, "Don't worry, I'm not such an impatient wizard, I will wait for the right opportunity, and I won't make the world know about it and panic people .”

This is the end of the topic of how to go to Azkaban. Dumbledore knew that he could not stop Amostar, but he kept emphasizing that if people knew that the Ministry of Magic had lost absolute control over Azkaban, then , For the residents of the British wizarding world, what a terrible thing it is.

"About dementors, evil creatures—"

Amostar would probably do those things, Dumbledore knew, so he said directly,
"Since it was discovered more than a dozen centuries ago, wizards have never stopped studying them. When I was young, I tried to reveal their secrets for a while. Of course, it was just research on materials. As they say, it can't be killed, the only thing that can stop them is the Patronus Charm--"

"Even you can't destroy them?"

Amosta narrowed his eyes, "I mean, with all your strength?"

Noticing that the cup in Amosta's hand was no longer steaming, Dumbledore moved his fingers and filled the cup for him again. Hearing this question, Dumbledore smiled helplessly, but did not speak.

Dumbledore's silence already explained the answer to the question.

But that's a strange enough thing, isn't it?

Amosta blew away the tea leaves from the cup, sipping the tea thoughtfully.

Where there is life, there is death. This is the law of nature, and it is also the law of the universe. Even with the magic of magic, there is no way to escape this iron-like law.

If there is a creature with an extremely long life, and there is no way to kill it, then throughout the ages, so many black wizards and careerists have tried to come up with various methods to prevent their own death, even at the expense of splitting their souls , isn't it a very stupid thing to make Horcruxes, why don't they rush into Azkaban and study how to turn themselves into dementors?
Unless, a dementor isn't a life at all.

"Do dementors have souls?"

After thinking for a moment, Amosta blinked her lavender eyes and asked.

"You got to the heart of the matter—"

The dementors that ordinary wizards talk about are actually the same thing for Dumbledore and Amostar. Apart from being unkillable, these things can't pose a threat to them.

With admiration in his blue eyes, Dumbledore said with a smile,

"Like you, Amosta, my main method of research on dementors is to consult literature, and many years ago, a close friend of mine seemed to have done real research, and in a letter to me, he Brings up an interesting point."

The person whom Dumbledore hailed as a close friend actually went to study the dementor, a creature closely related to black magic, Amosta raised his eyebrows, and then thought of Albus Dumbledore, a contemporary Unverifiable rumors of the Greatest Wizard himself in his youth.

"He thinks that the soul of a dementor is its body, a creature of 'spirit and flesh'. Dementors regard 'evil thoughts' as their bodies, and there is a mysterious connection between individuals. Perhaps their The life force is connected."

"So, it's not that dementors cannot be killed, but that they cannot be killed individually. Mr. Grindelwald is indeed a genius."

Amidst Dumbledore's wry smile, Amosta nodded thoughtfully,
"Also, did Mr. Grindelwald mention anything else...for example, the reason or method of making this creature?"

"Something happened after that,"

Dumbledore's old cheeks trembled with a fleeting bitterness,

"We have completely cut off private contact."

(End of this chapter)

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