Homecoming from Hogwarts

Chapter 227 Where's Your Courage?

Chapter 227 Where's Your Courage?

Amosta led Hermione and Ron, who were restless, and Harry, who was also calmed down by the cold wind, through the corridors hung with ribbons made of holly and mistletoe. He spoke to the three little wizards with great interest. Introduced, these decorations are all his credit.

The three of Harry followed Professor Brian into his office on the third floor. Compared to other young wizards, they were already familiar with this place.

Professor Brian's office hasn't changed much, except that a new set of sofas and coffee tables have been placed in the empty space near the door, which finally makes the office look less shabby. .

The snow outside the window is still covered with dandelion-like flakes of snow, the temperature has been dropping, and it hasn’t cleared up for a week. The surface of the huge black lake is already covered with icicles, and it may be completely frozen in a few days.

"Let's cut the long story short, Harry—"

After Amostar beckoned Harry and the others to sit down, he took out his wand and threw a flame to light the fireplace, and then he himself sat on the sofa by the wall.

"Are you blaming me for not telling you the truth?"

Ron and Hermione sat next to Harry. Under the gaze of Professor Brain, they didn't dare to make small moves, but they still tried their best to remind Harry, hoping that he would not be too impulsive.

"You mean, everybody thinks I don't need to know--"

Harry knew that he should be calm, because his parents were not killed by Professor Brian, but when Professor Brian asked straightforwardly, a fire still ignited in Harry's heart. He was hot all over, he raised his head abruptly, and looked directly at Professor Brian's dark eyes,

"My parents died at the hands of his best friend, and now that person wants to storm Hogwarts and kill them all, but"

Harry gasped and said,
"Professor Dumbledore McGonagall, Hagrid, the Ministry of Magic, and you all think that I don't need to know all this."


Hermione kept winking anxiously, but Harry didn't pay attention at all.

"You know what I can hear when the dementor is near me, professor, I hear my mother screaming, begging Voldemort. She is not begging for her own mercy, she is begging Voldemort to go around me .And they ended up like this because of a mistaken belief."

"Brother, we have discussed these matters in private, that Black will suffer retribution, I can guarantee it!"

Noticing that Professor Brian's eyes had become dark, Ron summoned up his rare courage and said, while Hermione was already tearing up.

Harry said these words almost in a roaring voice. He thought that Professor Brian would immediately defend himself, say some high-sounding reasons, or say some comforting words similar to Hermione and Ron, but in fact No, Professor Brian just looked at him with stern eyes.

"If I understand you correctly—"

There was a trace of coldness in Amosta's tone, it was a tone that he would only use when he was active as the Golden Viper,

"You want to kill Black with your own hands, don't you?"

Ron asked this question before, and Hermione interrupted Harry before he could answer it. Now, facing this question again, the fire in Harry's heart was rising, and he ignored Hermione's pleading in a low voice. , said stubbornly,
"Yes.Professor, if I can do that!"

Amosta laughed, the smile was very cold, looking at the ignorant Harry, he nodded slightly,

"Even if you know that you won't be Black's opponent, even if you know that the result of your reckless actions is to make your parents' sacrifices go to waste and your own life to die in vain?"

The stubbornness in Harry's eyes wavered for a moment, but he still said bravely,

"At the very least, my parents certainly didn't want their son to be a wimp."

"very good!"

Amosta stood up with a blank expression on his face. A strong sense of oppression exuded from his whole body. In the nothingness, the magic power rolled up a storm, and even the vigorously burning flames in the fireplace were flickering under this oppressive force that seemed to be real. .

Naked murderous intent swept across the room. The room that was still warm just now has entered the cold winter. Amosta leaned forward in an arc. Just this small movement made Ron and Hermione, whose bodies had become rigid, The scalp was numb, and the stunned hair crackled across the static electricity... hallucinating. In a trance, both of them seemed to see an evil dragon with its ferocious head hanging down, spreading its wings to cover the sky and the sun!

"don't want--"

Hermione murmured feebly, tears rolling down her cheeks.

At this moment, she really thought that the single-minded Harry had angered Professor Brian, but now, apart from Headmaster Dumbledore, Hogwarts School and even the wizarding world might not be able to find a strong opponent. The wizard is going to kill Harry!

What should she do?
Ron looked like he was just a step away from passing out, Harry was also reeling from Professor Blaine's rage, and only Hermione could still make his brain spin in front of him.

Time Converter!
Hermione suddenly thought of this thing, and used the time-turner to go back to the past, preventing the three of them from going to the library tonight or, going back to the past to warn Professor McGonagall!
Hermione knew that doing so might lead to catastrophe, but, except for this method, she couldn't think of any way to stop Professor Brian who seemed to be killing someone!
Hermione gritted her teeth tightly, and raised her hand tremblingly, but Amosta glanced over, the coldness piercing her soul made her petite body tremble and sway, even her breathing was frozen.

Amosta raised his right arm holding the stick, and the tip of the stick pointed directly at the fireplace like a candle in the wind. The red-burning firewood spun and sprinkled brilliant sparks in the air, and one of them turned into a dagger and fell. It was in his hand, and the other hovering in mid-air beside him was undergoing complex transformations.

A few seconds later, a man appeared, and the moment they saw his cruel face, Harry, Hermione, and Ron all felt as if a cold hand had grabbed their hearts.

That's Sirius Black!
Harry swore he wouldn't forget the face, like it was on the Muggle TV news and wizards' wanted posters, the man had a gaunt face, the hair on top of his head was messy and matted and split Under the lips are two rows of dark yellow and black teeth.

He was wearing the dirty prison uniform of Azkaban, and he was so thin that he could count how many ribs he had!
'Black' took the dagger from Amosta's hand, he went around the coffee table, and approached the terrified Harry step by step, with bloodthirsty excitement revealing in his clouded eyes.

'Black' turned the dagger upside down, pointed the sharp dagger at himself, and stretched out his hand towards Harry, the corner of his mouth was split open, almost like Peeves,
"If you want to avenge your parents, Potter—"

The hoarse voice of 'Black' was like crushing a dry bat corpse with a stone mill in Professor Snape's class. He smiled ferociously,

"Then kill me, Potter, just take this dagger to my neck and stab it hard,"

Harry backed away subconsciously, but he forgot that there was a sofa behind him, so he slumped down and sat down, the fear in his eyes had completely overwhelmed the hatred,
"Hit this dagger into my neck, Potter, and let my blood splatter you. Come on, I'm waiting for you to do it."


Harry kept shrinking back, shaking his head while desperately avoiding the dagger, his cheeks were as pale as snow drifting on the playground!
"Come on, professor!"

Hermione burst into tears, covering her face, not daring to look at 'Black' approaching Harry.

At some point, the strong murderous aura in the office disappeared, and the matches in the fireplace glowed again. The warmth quickly dispelled the chill, as if the whole world became brighter.

'Black' and the dagger quietly turned into a few wisps of ashes that fell slowly. Amosta tilted his head, looked at Harry who was already stupid, and said with a smile,

"Where's your courage, Harry?"

(End of this chapter)

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