Homecoming from Hogwarts

Chapter 232 Hello, Mr. Black

Chapter 232 Hello, Mr. Black
It was a room, a messy, gray room, with peeling wallpaper, stains all over the floor, all broken furniture, as if it had been smashed by someone, and all the windows were sealed with formwork.

Amosta was suspended in mid-air, his eyes wandered around, and then his face darkened.

This was the Shrieking Shack - it only took a few seconds for Amostar to figure out that he'd been here for a while, and there was no reason why he couldn't recognize it.

Staring at the big black hole under his feet, Amosta rolled his eyes speechlessly. He had discovered this hole when he first stepped into this haunted house. At that time, he thought it was made by Ban Deman. Unexpectedly, it would be the entrance to a secret passage leading to Hogwarts.

Is it the secret passage dug here by that idle, boring, good-for-nothing person? !

The fluorescent light reflected from the white snow penetrated into the room through the gaps in the planks, reflecting on Amosta's vague face, he couldn't help thinking angrily.

No one was in the house—even without leaving the room, Amostar could confirm that, unless, of course, Sirius Black was more magically accomplished than he was, and that possibility hardly existed.

In a room full of rubbish, on the silent gray floor, there are still only footprints of cats and dogs, but they are much clearer than those in the mud under the Whomping Willow. Amosta has already understood that the footprints of cats The footprints were indeed Crookshanks', but the dog's footprint was not made by Hagrid's Fangs, but by the big black stray dog ​​he had glimpsed once.

Amosta subconsciously scratched his itchy hair, and smiled uncontrollably.

So how many times had Crookshanks led the dog around Hogwarts?
Through the magical perspective and the warning and marking magic he had left around the house, he saw Crookshanks and the big black dog sleeping on the rotten sofa in the living room hugging each other.

This house Amosta probably won't be used again in the future, since he came here, it just happened to clean up the traces of his previous experiments left in the house.

Thinking of this, Amosta jumped over the falling crystal chandelier on the floor, and floated out of the bedroom on the first floor like a ghost.

What a big dog, like a black bear!
When Amosta's curious eyes fell on the big black dog that seemed to be sleeping unsteadily, he wondered in his heart, could it be that this thing has the blood of a magical creature, otherwise, how would he explain the abnormal amount of magic power in its body? And such a huge body?
Amosta stood ten feet in front of the sofa, eyeing it with interest and scratching his increasingly itchy hair
The darkness surrounded the screaming shack silently, and when the graceful and comfortable fine snow petals approached this house, they drifted away calmly as if they had received some disturbance.

Amosta's movement of scratching her hair has stopped, and the originally casually probing gaze has hidden a deep pressure like an abyss.

Staring at the big black dog whose eyelids were constantly trembling, Amosta's mouth gradually revealed a hint of self-mockery.

The wizarding world is full of talented people.

Godric's Hollow
At the end of summer and early autumn, billions of twinkling stars on the boundless night cast bright starlight on the earth.

The gentle warm wind lingers on the intricate dirt roads in the village, slightly blowing away the darkness that hangs over the hearts of every magical resident.

In a white bungalow.

"I have to say, James, this kid looks almost exactly like you!"

Sirius was wearing a brand-new sky blue robe, his neat and smooth short hair was naturally scattered over his shoulders, and the dim candlelight softened his heroic but too sharp facial features.

Looking at the little Harry who just turned one year old in the cradle, sucking his finger, Sirius grinned happily,

"You have to grow up quickly, boy, your father and I are still waiting for you to inherit our great adventure!"


Lily, who was standing on the other side of the cradle, heard Sirius say this, and her loving expression disappeared immediately. She stared at Sirius angrily,

"That's exactly what I've been worrying about, Sirius. If possible, I hope Harry will be a brave little wizard, but definitely not like you and James when you were studying at Hogwarts!"

"If you're expecting Harry to be a well-behaved little wizard, my dear"

A skinny man with messy hair came over from the living room with a weird smile. He gently stroked Lily's dark red hair, then put his arms around her shoulders,

"I bet you will be disappointed."


Lily glared at her husband and said,
"With you and Sirius as two good examples, I can probably imagine what Harry will look like in the future. If possible, I hope that Remus can give him some positive guidance"

"Don't let Remus fool you, Lily—"

Sirius laughed cheerfully. "He's less honest than you think."

Harry, who was sleeping soundly, cried out with his mouth curled up. Lily drove the two unreliable men to the kitchen, and hummed a lullaby softly. After a while, when she also walked into the kitchen, she found that The expressions of her husband and Sirius were very serious.

"Things have been tough lately—"

Sirius said to Lily who was sitting down,

"I think you must have heard about the terrible things that happened to the Longbottoms. Voldemort is now eyeing you, and he must have known through secret agents how we plan to protect you. Therefore, we must ensure that Nothing goes wrong."

Lily immediately knew what Sirius was talking about, something they had discussed before.

James unreservedly supported Sirius' proposal, because Peter was also his friend who could guarantee his wealth and life.

"This business is always risky, Sirius."

Lily said worriedly,
"In my opinion, it would be more appropriate for Dumbledore to be our secret keeper. As we all know, he is the wizard Voldemort fears the most."

"Dumbledore is indeed reliable, but he already has so many things to consider, we can't rely on him for everything, can we?"

James voiced his opinion.


Sirius was happy for James and his tacit understanding, he looked into Lily's green eyes and said,
"If Dumbledore's guess is true, and there are really traitors in the Order of the Phoenix, then Voldemort should have figured out that we don't intend to make Dumbledore the secret-keeper. Among the remaining candidates, I am the most likely candidate. The one, Voldemort will try his best to find me, but they never dreamed that we will adjust the plan and let Peter be the secret keeper, which is equivalent to an extra insurance."

If he was really caught and killed by Voldemort, Dumbledore would definitely get the news, so that he would have plenty of time to transfer the James family away.

This was what Sirius had in mind, but he didn't choose to say it.

In the flickering candlelight, Lily finally nodded hesitantly.

screen freeze
Even the bright moon hanging in the sky couldn't penetrate the blood that shrouded the deep night.

Hagrid got on his motorcycle and disappeared into the night. Black stood among the ruins on the second floor, watching Lily fall, and wailing heart-wrenchingly.

A chill hit, the big black dog shivered, and suddenly woke up from sleep.

For so many years, the death of James and Lily has appeared in his dreams countless times. Even after 12 years, he still clearly remembers every detail.

His mind was still in a trance, remorse and pain biting his heart like a poisonous snake, everything in front of him was blurred, the big black head drooped on his front paws, and wept silently facing the thick darkness.

"What's the matter, Mr. Black?"

Amosta, who had been sitting for a while, waved his magic wand to dispel the illusion, looked at the big black dog lying sideways on the sofa with tears streaming down his face, and sneered softly,

"Did you dream about your old master who failed so badly?"

(End of this chapter)

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