Homecoming from Hogwarts

Chapter 255 Chapter 253

Chapter 255 Chapter 250 Three Owl Shack

In order to prevent his letter from being intercepted by someone, Remus didn't write anything related to Sirius in the letter, he just wrote cryptically:

Sorry to disturb your Christmas with your family, Amosta, remember that house elf named Lenny who suddenly came back to me and shared some secrets that really surprised me, I can't help it True and false, but it tells me that you know those things are true, so can you please come back and talk to me soon?

Even though he was still in the weak stage of his werewolf transformation, Remus still strode forward, descending like the wind to the first floor, and then walked through the corridor towards the west tower.

Along the way, he mused over what omissions might have been made in this brief letter that, if it fell into the wrong hands, would remind one of Sirius Black.

Going up to the bottom of the eighth-floor tower in the west tower, Remus gasped for breath while leaning on the rough rock wall, sweat dripping from his brow across his pale cheeks.

Although he felt extremely tired, when Remus gazed at the undulating snow-white forest through the arched window, he suddenly felt a surge of generosity rising from the bottom of his heart, burning Every inch of his skin was burning hot.

Sirius Black and Pettigrew Peter -- there was something different after all.

A minute later, after resting, Remus straightened up again, and after passing a narrow spiral staircase, he finally saw the round stone house.

The windows of the owl hut are not equipped with glass for the convenience of owls coming in and out, so in the severe winter, the hut will be very cold, and the straw, owl droppings and the mouse bones spit out by the owls on the taupe flagstone floor make Remus Thirty feet away and a fit of nausea.

Sirius Black was still unconscious in the office, although without a wand it was impossible for him to break through the spells of Amostar and his own closed office, but in the current situation, Remus couldn't feel at ease without staring at him .

He opened the wooden door and rushed in, pointing to pick a school owl from the high perch and post the letter, but...
The moment Remus rushed in, the frightened owls flapped their wings and flew up. In the dark shadows of the sky, in the innermost part of the owl hut, in front of several collapsed shelves, three students suddenly stood up, They turned to stare at Remus, who had barged in, with an unnatural expression on his stiff, pale cheeks.

Draco Malfoy, Gregory Goyle, Vincent Crabbe - this is the third year student of Snape's college, Remus raised his eyebrows, he subconsciously wanted to hide the envelope in his hand After getting behind him, he suddenly came to his senses and realized that these were just three students. Then, he laughed at himself in the bottom of his heart, and stopped his small movements.

"What are you here for—"

Before Lupine, the professor, could say hello first, Malfoy asked first.

Malfoy's tone was dry and impolite, but Remus wasn't surprised. As a seasoned wizard who had been working in the magic world for almost 20 years, he noticed this blond-haired and gray-eyed wizard when he first joined the job. It was natural for the little boy to dislike and disdain him. It was only natural for the descendants of the Malfoy family, known in the wizarding world for their wealth and shrewdness, to look down on a poor and run-down wizard.

"Ah, it's you three—"

Even normally, Remus would not be offended by Malfoy's offense, he smiled and said, "I thought this was the place to send letters, Mr. Malfoy"

Remus shook the envelope in his hand and said, "And I happen to have a letter that needs to be mailed."

"To whom?" Malfoy asked again.

This question was so impolite that even the good-tempered Remus frowned slightly when he heard it.

"It's for Professor Blaine, Mr. Malfoy, he's gone back to spend Christmas with his family and friends, and I happened to be in a hurry to find him—"

However, after thinking for a while, Remus still answered this question. He looked at Malfoy with an indifferent face, and the two big men beside Malfoy, and his heart suddenly moved.

Amosta had mentioned Malfoy to him the night before, during a small talk.

And the reason for talking about Malfoy is because after that substitute class, because Malfoy's unexpected performance in class was treated coldly and violently by the little Slytherin wizard, Amosta thought that Malfoy would soon get rid of the embarrassment However, he later learned from Snape that Malfoy seemed to be devastated.

Amostar hoped to help Malfoy a little, but Snape repeatedly advised him not to try to change the rules within Slytherin, which made Amostar a little bitter.

Thinking of this, looking at the lifeless little boy in front of him, Remus' eyes showed some sympathy, and his voice became softer,
"Then what are you doing here, oh, please don't get me wrong, I didn't mean to pry into your little secret, but I think you should choose a more cheerful way to spend Christmas..., I happen to know that Professor McGonagall A small banquet is going to be held in the auditorium, three gentlemen, if you have nothing important to do, I suggest you go and have a look, after all, a delicious fried steak and delicious pudding are better than a smelly owl shed It's more pleasing to the eye, isn't it?"

Remus's tirade didn't move the three of Malfoy in any way, they just stood there staring at Lupine, as if they were on guard against him.

This is very strange, what do these three little guys have to do in the birdhouse?
"We're not hungry--"

Just as Remus's probing eyes were on the faces of the three of Malfoy, Crabbe on the other side suddenly took out a lamb chop that had been gnawed beyond recognition.

“We ate”

Even though he had just experienced a sufficiently absurd thing and had built up his psychological defenses, Remus still felt a sense of absurdity when he saw the grilled lamb chop that the big man Crabbe took out.
"Oh, interesting, are you having dinner at the owl shack?!"

Maybe Malfoy was bored by Remus' pestering, he said bluntly,
"This has nothing to do with you, Professor Remus Lupine!"

Being hated to such an extent, Remus finally felt unhappy. He nodded, gave up the idea of ​​solving these three maverick little wizards, and quickly searched for one that looked reliable enough. After the school owl, he stuffed the envelope into the owl's claw and whispered,

"This matter is very urgent, please hurry up, at least bring back a reply letter."

Watching the owl's figure gradually turn into a black spot in the high sky until it could no longer be seen, Remus breathed a sigh of relief and looked away,


Remus looked at the little wizard who looked like a stake indifferently,

"I'll just take my leave and wish you all a Merry Christmas--"

Because he was afraid that something might go wrong in the office, after saying this, Remus turned around neatly and pushed the door away, not realizing that when he turned around, Malfoy's gray eyes showed a bit of fear and anger. plead.
The owls here were already familiar to the three of Malfoy, and after Remus left, many owls fell back to the ground one after another, slowly pecking at the rare grass seeds in the fluffy straw.

What the hell happened to Remus Lupine, rushing to write a letter to Amosta Braine on Christmas Day?

A few minutes later, when everything returned to normal, a mouse with a broken front paw quietly appeared on Malfoy's shoulder—

(End of this chapter)

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