Chapter 262 The Return
Amosta returned to Hogwarts at dusk three days before the end of the Christmas holiday. At this time, the little wizards who went home for Christmas had not yet returned, but among the teaching staff, the deans of the four colleges had already returned to Hogwarts. Go back to school early to deal with the off-duty semester.

He didn't bother anyone, but went back to his office first to see how the pair of friends were getting along.

Unexpectedly, there was no one in the spotless office, only the fireplace automatically ignited after sensing the return of the owner of the room.

After putting the suitcase on the sofa, Amosta turned his head to see that there was a note on the desk, which seemed to be left by one of them.


I discussed it with Lenny. It is useless to search blindly if the mouse did not show its weakness. Therefore, we are going to live in Lenny's old house for two days. I heard Lenny say that you have Tenure of that house, and, you had planned to clean the house over the Christmas holidays, I thought Lenny and I could help get that started first.

If you're back at school, you can come and see us at the old house, and we can throw a party together to celebrate Lenny's freedom.

Your Faithful Remus Lupine

The handwriting on the letter paper was not exactly the same as Remus's usual handwriting, and there was a sense of lightness between the lines of the writing. Obviously, when writing this letter, Remus must be in a good mood.

"What do you mean 'I have the right to use that house'?—"

Amosta pouted, "I hope these two guys don't forget that the Aurors from the Ministry of Magic are still waiting outside the door."

Amosta threw Remus' message into the fireplace, and a stench of scorched hair filled the air. He stared at the time when the paper turned into ashes. After Amosta said this casually, his brows also slightly twitched. wrinkle.

As he said, the Ministry of Magic was still watching, so these two guys shouldn't be too happy.

"All right--"

Through the monitoring screen, Amosta took a few glances at the deserted Hogwarts castle. After a short thought, he picked up the coat thrown on the bed, and walked out of the office quickly.

It was getting late, and the chimney on the roof of Hagrid's hut on the edge of the Forbidden Forest was already emitting a little smoke. Amosta had extraordinary eyesight. Through the window, he could faintly see several different figures in the dimly lit room. Flashing forward, thinking about it, it should be Harry and the others who are visiting there.

At this time, if he waited for the train to rush back to London, it would probably be at least midnight before he arrived at Grimmauld Square, and the Knight Bus was a way he would never face, so he had no choice but to choose Apparition, Although it consumes a lot of magic power, but fortunately it is fast.

The world was hazy in front of my eyes, and the sound of howling winds filled my ears. In an instant, Amostar crossed the barriers of thousands of mountains and rivers and the ancient defensive spells guarding the old house, and stayed firmly on the narrow road in the entrance hall. And the dilapidated corridor.

When he saw the condition of the house, Amosta raised his brows, feeling somewhat surprised.

Compared with last time, the appearance here has changed a lot.

Every inch of the formerly dusty floor seemed to have been wiped down with stain remover polish, reflecting a jewel-like glow in the light of the stark new chandelier on the ceiling.Both sides of the wall have been repaired, and those dark green and black walls have been torn down, and replaced with a more pleasing sky blue.

But I don't know if it was intentional. The portraits of the ancestors of the Black family on the walls on both sides have not been processed in any way, and they still look blackened with age.

On the previous visit, the old lady who threw a fit at him was covered by a starched curtain, but it hadn't been taken down.

Amosta smacked his lips, and when the ownership of the house was officially changed, he would not keep these picture frames that could go crazy at any time.

There was a clanging sound from the basement. It seemed that someone was cooking. Amosta stepped forward and pushed open the door leading to the underground.

"Ah, Amostar, it's you—"

Remus, who was looking sad and awkwardly dealing with the potatoes on the chopping board, turned around immediately when he heard the movement, and when he saw who was coming, a smile appeared on his recovered face,
"When did you return to Hogwarts, did you see the note I left?"

Amosta nodded in disbelief. He walked down the stairs, looking around in the kitchen and small dining room. After a while, he nodded in satisfaction and asked casually,
"Who gave you permission to be in my house, Professor Lupine?"

Remus immediately smiled wryly. Compared to most Slytherins, Amosta is easy to get along with, but this does not prevent Amosta from still retaining certain Slytherin standards idiosyncratic.

"By the way, why did you do the cooking, Remus, could it be that Sirius secretly fired my house-elf while I was away?"

Glancing at the potato chips of different shapes and thicknesses on the chopping board, Amosta curled her lips in disgust.

"That's a long story, Amostar—"

Remus threw away the kitchen knife in his hand, clapped his hands to shake off the stained juice,

"When we first moved in, it was the house-elf named Kreacher who was cooking for us, but you know, it's unlikely to be very friendly to a werewolf like me.
In fact, 'not very friendly' is a bit of an understatement, it tried to poison my meals several times in an attempt to get me out of the house, tried to poison me, seriously, If I hadn't spent some years in the underground world and was alert to this kind of poison, I might have been made by it. "

Huh, interesting--
Amosta laughed.

Remus went on to say,

"Later Sirius was furious and ordered it not to do this. Kreacher couldn't resist Sirius' order, but he was unwilling to give in. My meals gradually added a lot of interesting things, for example, death in mushroom soup Rats, spider legs and frog entrails in a salad, succulents in a roast chicken"

"Remus, who are you talking to?"

Just as Amosta was listening to the unfair treatment that Remus suffered, Sirius suddenly heard an inquiry from upstairs, followed by a rush of footsteps going downstairs. A moment later, Sirius was also standing at the door leading from the hall corridor to the basement.

Although less than ten days had passed, Sirius' condition was much better than before.

Maybe it's because he ate a few full meals steadily, maybe it's because he let go of some knots, in short, he doesn't look like a skeleton crawling out of hell, his skinny cheeks finally have some flesh, and his hair has been washed Clean and tidy, he changed the old robe that Amosta lent him before, and wore a black-gray robe. The whole person looked a little bit like 12 years ago.

"Oh, it's you, Amosta—"

Sirius muttered a little unhappy.

"When I left Hogwarts, I foresaw to a certain extent that you would reveal yourself to Remus,"

Following Sirius who was going downstairs, Amosta showed a somewhat playful or sarcastic smile,

"But I really didn't expect you to be so good, Sirius, you were picked out in less than twelve hours?"

(End of this chapter)

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