Homecoming from Hogwarts

Chapter 277 Finding the Golden Viper and Finding the Golden Viper

Chapter 277 Finding the Golden Viper and Finding the Golden Viper
After hearing Amosta's words, Lucius' complexion suddenly changed.

Last school year, his plan of trying to drive Dumbledore out of Hogwarts through the secret room was actually perfect. Dumbledore has been officially transferred out of Hogwarts. feet, then Dumbledore probably won't be able to come back.

But immediately, Lucius couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Amosta gave him the opportunity to speak out about the commission, which meant that the matter had the possibility of success, but how to speak was still a problem.

Lucius picked up the cup of green tea and took a sip, his cloudy brows furrowed.

It was too bitter, he couldn't imagine how anyone would like this 'unique taste' drink, but out of politeness, he forced himself to swallow the tea soup in his mouth, but the bitterness in his mouth couldn't be shaken no matter what. Do not go.

Amostar did not urge, but waited quietly.

"There's something you might want to see first—"

After a brief silence, Lucius finally made up his mind. His face was gloomy, and he retracted his hand into his robe for a long time before taking it out. Lenny, who saw this scene, tried his best to wink at Amosta, trying to remind him not to ignore Lucius. Malfoy is a cruel and cunning Death Eater, but Amosta, who noticed his reminder, didn't show any expression, just drinking tea calmly.

Finally, under Lenny's vigilant gaze, Lucius took out his hand that was stuck in his robe, and slowly put the things in his hand on the table.

The moment he saw that thing, Lenny on the sofa leaped over a distance of ten feet, the sharp claws of his limbs popped out and clasped the table, his ferocious eyes were firmly locked on the one who was a little surprised by the black cat's actions on Lucius.

A paw that looks like a human hand and is scorched black all over!
This is the hand of a werewolf!

The moment he saw the black claw, Amosta recognized it, and he also happened to know who the owner of the wolf claw was.

Things get interesting.

There was an unfathomable light in Amosta's eyes, he stared at Lucius Malfoy who had turned his attention away from Lenny and was tentatively looking at him, waiting quietly for an explanation.

"You must have recognized it. This is the paw of a werewolf."

Seeing that nothing could be seen from Amosta's expression, Lucius controlled the speed of his speech and said cautiously,
"And its owner is that notorious werewolf, Fenrir Greyback."

Amosta touched the wall of the cup with his fingers, making a crisp sound, and the tea soup in the cup filled up automatically with a slight tremor.

"Fenrir Greyback—"

Amostar repeated the name and said with a smile,

"This is a dangerous element that the Ministry of Magic dreamed of catching, so you killed it?"

"I don't have the ability, Mr. Blaine—"

Thinking of what happened half a year ago, Lucius' tone became stiff,

"In fact, during last summer vacation, Greyback brought a few werewolves into my mansion. He hoped that I could use the influence of the Malfoy family to help him find someone, and this paw was his The 'commission money' left behind."

Hearing this, Lenny withdrew his attacking posture and turned to squinting at Lucius Malfoy with a very contemptuous look.

It's been 12 years since Voldemort's downfall, and his once loyal subordinates have also started to bite dogs?

Amosta narrowed his eyes, and his tone became subtle.

No need to think about it, Amosta also knew who the gang of big wolfhounds who would never learn a lesson were looking for, but he really didn't expect that Greyback would think of asking Lucius Malfoy for help, no Did Lucius Malfoy find himself because he knew he had a foundation in the underground world, or did he test himself through some clues?
These two conjectures are possible, and Amosta couldn't judge for a while, but at least, he was sure that Lucius was not sure that he was the Golden Viper, otherwise, he wouldn't be so stupid to come to find him directly. Doing so will only irritate yourself.

"--The name of the person Greyback wants me to help find in the underground world is Gold Viper, Mr. Blaine. He has become very famous in recent years, and you must have heard of him."

When uttering these words, Lucius Malfoy ignored the risk of offending Amosta Bryan, staring closely at those recognizable purple eyes, hoping to get the answer he wanted , but he found nothing but the chilling abyss.

After hearing the name 'Golden Viper', Lenny quietly opened his mouth.

Isn't this the Golden Viper Amostar?
On the day Remus revealed his identity, because the misunderstanding had not been resolved at that time, Remus thought Amosta was his accomplice, so he called out the name himself!
Lenny didn't know the cause and effect, but according to the information he just heard, Greyback expected Malfoy to use his family's influence to help him find the Golden Viper, and left behind the scorched claw. This claw was Gray Burke's, presumably the Golden Viper, is what Amosta Blaine had turned Greyback's claws into.

And for some unknown reason, Lucius Malfoy went directly to Amostar and hoped that he would know something about the Golden Viper?
If this is a coincidence, then Lucius Malfoy is too unlucky!
Lucius was very disappointed that he didn't get the expected response. However, he controlled his emotions very well, and he admitted that he didn't show any flaws.
"Those vile, lowly werewolves threatened me with Draco—"

Lucius knew that Amosta had a pretty good sense of Draco, so he said that on purpose.

"--Let me find out the true identity of Jin Viper as soon as possible, and I am not allowed to inquire in the underground world with great fanfare, lest that dangerous guy named Jin Viper get wind of it. Some of my connections there are useless, I ask Kang Nelly Fudge checked some secret files in the Auror office, but there was nothing there, too, I know you."

"That's not how the Malfoy family behaves as I know it, Mr. Malfoy—"

Amosta tilted her head and smiled faintly,

"With the financial power of the Malfoy family, if you want, you can promote the implementation of relevant laws and let the official power strangle the pack of wolf cubs headed by Greyback."

"This is indeed more in line with my wishes!"

Amosta's words aroused Lucius' anger, his face was ashen, his teeth itching with hatred,

"But if a werewolf escapes from the strangulation, then the Malfoy family will not be able to survive. You must know Greyback's despicable practices!"

Lenny stared at Lucius Malfoy with contempt. He knew the dirty things Lucius did when he was a Death Eater, but now, he actually had the face to reprimand someone who behaved as "noble" as him Fenrir Greyback, this is ridiculous too!

Lenny turned his head and looked at Amosta Bryan, wanting to warn him not to agree to any request from Lucius, but suddenly thought that Amosta was the 'Golden Viper'!
Interesting. What would Amostar do?

Lenny was suddenly not in a hurry. He lay down on the table, scratched his beard with his cat's paw, and waited for Amosta's reaction with Lucius Malfoy.

(End of this chapter)

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