Homecoming from Hogwarts

Chapter 296 Unacceptable

Chapter 296 Unacceptable
Successive changes made Harry dumbfounded. First, Professor Lupine appeared inexplicably with his Marauder's Map. He was not here to subdue Black, but to help him. Then, Professor Lupine told them something like Facts like the Arabian Nights.

Blake was not the murderer who killed his parents. The real murderer was Peter Pettigrew, who was awarded the Order of Merlin by the Ministry of Magic, and that guy changed into a mouse and lived in the Weasley family for more than ten years. Ron's pet.

If all this was true, Harry almost shuddered.

He actually got along with the murderer who killed his parents day and night for three years, and he would help Ron feed Scabbers many times.

Such a result, not to mention Ron, even Harry was unwilling to accept it.

And now, Professor Snape, whom Harry hates the most, also appeared. He seemed to have a deep hatred with Black and Lupine. He first confiscated Lupine and Black's wands, then brought Lupine down, and finally pointed his wand at Black. His eyes, it seemed, would take his life at any moment.

For a moment, Harry couldn't tell which one had the deeper hatred on the faces of Snape and Black, who were staring at each other.

"Say something,"

Snape's face was livid, he pressed his wand against Black's brow, and every word he uttered from his mouth was filled with deep resentment,

"Tell me, the werewolf lying on the ground is telling lies, Blake, as long as you say that, I promise to give you a good time, Blake, tell me!"

Snape's dark eyes blazed horribly, and his last words came in a growl.

In the chilling forest, a slight sigh was hidden in the wind and the dancing sound of forest leaves, no one noticed.

Maybe in the next second, Sirius will bid farewell to his life, but he didn't show any fear, instead he grinned, his voice slightly hoarse,

"You're kidding again, Severus, you haven't improved at all in all these years."

Since entering the school for more than three years, most of the time Harry saw Professor Snape with only two complexions, one was the usual sallow color, and the other was the livid color when facing himself, but tonight After Sirius said those words, he rarely witnessed an abnormal flush on Snape's face. Anyone who witnessed this scene knew that Snape's sanity was probably on the verge of collapse.

Harry didn't want Snape to kill Black, at least not right now.

Lupine believed in Black, and Professor Lupine himself was deeply trusted by Professor Dumbledore and Professor Blaine. If Lupine believed in the wrong Black, it means that both Professor Dumbledore and Professor Blaine believed in the wrong person .

"Professor Snape - listen - listen, I mean, Professor Lupine just talked about Halloween last year, and it wouldn't hurt to hear the rest of them, would it?"

Hermione clearly agreed with Harry, she looked at Remus on the ground fearfully, and then said in a timid voice.

"Miss Granger, now is not the time for you to prove that your brain is better than others, you are already facing suspension!"

Snape was still pointing his wand between Black's brows, but he turned his head suddenly, the expression was so terrifying that even Harry didn't have the courage to refute, but Hermione bit her lip and continued tremblingly,

"If—if it's true—"

"Shut up, you stupid girl!" Snape snapped, suddenly frantic. "Don't talk about things you don't understand!"


Lupine who was lying on the ground was not struggling, but said with a sad face, "You know what the truth is, Severus, you just don't want to face it."

"Shut up, werewolf!"

A few sparks shot out from the tip of Snape's wand, and Sirius instinctively tried to dodge, but Snape gripped his collar tightly and growled,
"Whether that's the truth or not, Black, you deserve death!"

Hearing this, Sirius, who had an unruly expression on his face, suddenly froze for a moment, and then his face became dull. He turned his head and looked at Harry. The guilty expression made Harry unable to believe what Professor Lupine just said. All are the truth.

Ron was still shaking his head and mumbling nonsense. Obviously, the fact that Scabbers was a murderer hit him hard.

"Whether it's true or not, Severus—"

At this time, Hagrid was the first to come back to his senses. He frowned and looked at Professor Snape and said,
"It should all be judged by Professor Dumbledore, Severus, in this situation, I think it is indeed possible for Black to live a little longer--"

Snape was unmoved, still staring at Black with hatred in his eyes.

"You want me dead, I'm fine with that, snot-"

After taking a deep breath, Sirius withdrew his gaze from looking at Harry's face that resembled James, and said calmly,
"But that guy Peter shouldn't have run far away. If we can't catch him tonight, I'm afraid he will go far away!"

Snape's cheek twitched, but he didn't let go of Sirius' collar.


Lupine half knelt on the ground and said wearily,
"You don't have to trust us, but you should trust Amostar, right?"


Snape's eyes flickered for a moment. Among the things Lupine said just now, Amosta was not involved. What does this matter have to do with him?
"-- You came out too early before, and I haven't finished talking about the rest of the matter,"

He looked up into Snape's eyes and said,

"In fact, before Christmas, Amosta captured Sirius. He checked Sirius' memory and confirmed that the person who killed James and Lily was indeed Peter. Peter, that's why he decided not to expand the matter. Before, you should have seen a black cat named Lenny next to Amosta, and he was Sirius--"

In the darkness, Harry quietly opened his mouth. He looked at Hermione blankly, but found that Hermione had almost the same expression as him. It looked like he was under the petrification spell.

"It's a lie"

Snape's downcast eyes became dazed, and this was the result of his Occlumency seal,

"You know Dumbledore and Amostar have both left the school, and you want to help this scum escape, don't you, I read your heart, Lupine."

"If you really see through, Severus."

Lupine didn't avoid his eyes, he said firmly, "Then you should know that everything I say is not false."

(End of this chapter)

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