Homecoming from Hogwarts

Chapter 453 The Twins' Trouble

Chapter 453 The Twins' Trouble
"No way, the World Cup final is just around the corner. In order to make everything go smoothly on the day of the match, the ministry dispatched a lot of people to go there. As a result, many tasks were left unattended. Before I came back, I helped Dirk have a big fight with the goblin. Fight, then—" One minute before seven o'clock, Mr. Weasley finally rushed home panting, he hurriedly untied his tie, gave Harry a hug, and said with a smile,
"How about it, Harry, is the journey going well? Did the Muggles make trouble for you?"

"No, Mr. Weasley, you know, Muggles are dying to let me go," said Harry.

"Don't say that, Harry—" Although he was very tired, Mr. Weasley still cheered up, "I know there has been some misunderstanding between you, but you are relatives, aren't you? I believe, deep down, You must still love each other."

Harry didn't want to correct Mr. Weasley's absurd opinion, so he hurriedly joined the line of serving dishes.

Ron's house didn't have a big enough place for thirteen people to sit down for dinner, so the dinner was held in the courtyard.

The night sky of Ottery St. Khakipoor Village is different from that of Hogwarts and London. It is neither the beautiful and colorful scene rendered by the bright stars of Hogwarts, nor is it that of London. Muddy black, but a clear dark blue.

Two tables merged into one, piled high with muscles, ham, pies and salads, and a huge cake nearly as tall as a house-elf, Sirius' masterpiece, which he had specially ordered from Diagon Alley Here it is, on the cake is a 'little Harry' with '14' written on the back of the jersey in red icing, flying around on a Firebolt and chasing the Snitch. Of course, this is the shape of the cake just served , and now it is beyond recognition.

Harry leaned back in the chair, smiling lazily in the breeze, feeling extremely satisfied.

This is the second half of the dinner, and everyone has started free activities.Hermione and Ginny ran to the side to feed Crookshanks, Remus was chatting with Bill and Charlie about England's disastrous defeat in the Quidditch World Cup this year, Percy excitedly told his parents that he was Regarding the attention received by the Ministry, Mr. Weasley smiled and said nothing, while Mrs. Weasley looked proud.

"Then, gentlemen and ladies—"

After looking at each other, Fred and George stood up at the same time, took two steps back from the table, stood on the grass and saluted everyone,

"Please allow us to say goodbye first—"

"Our great cause awaits us!"

"What the hell are you doing in the room?"

Ron withdrew his head from Cake Harry's crotch, wiped the cream and jam all over his face, and asked in confusion,
"Non-stop all summer?"

"None of your business, little fool," said Fred.

"Concentrate on your food, Ronnie!"

George added another sentence, and afterward, the two walked away shoulder to shoulder.

"Oh, it's already this late?"

Percy glanced at his watch and exclaimed,
"I have to hurry back to my room to catch up on my report. Although Mr. Crouch has given me plenty of time, I certainly can't wait until the last day to hand over the report to him, can I?"

Watching Percy rush into the house, Harry caught a glimpse of Sirius looking at him, and, looking across,
"What the hell is Percy writing about?"

"It is said that it has something to do with the cauldron—" Sirius smiled. He glanced at the members of the Weasley family, and then waved to Harry.

Harry immediately understood that Sirius had something important to say, and he followed Sirius to the broom closet of the Weasleys' house. Before he could ask Sirius why his expression became serious, he suddenly heard footsteps approaching, Turning his head, he saw that it was Remus.

"What's wrong?" Harry blinked in surprise.

"We want to talk to you about your scars, Harry." Remus nodded, noticing the surprise in Harry's eyes.
"Yes, Sirius told me all about it, but what is it, Harry, your scar I know is an unusual one, it doesn't react often, does it?"

"Uh scar, yes, it hurts for a while—"

Harry was still a little uncomfortable with the sudden shift from a happy and harmonious birthday party to such a serious topic. He stammered and quickly organized his thoughts.

"Yeah, it doesn't hurt often--"

Touching the lightning-shaped imprint on his forehead with his fingertips, Harry spoke much more smoothly. He glanced at his godfather and Remus, who was also his father's close friend, and said quickly,

"It hasn't responded for two years. The last time was in the first grade, when Voldemort was possessed by Quirrell and lurking in Hogwarts."

Sirius and Remus looked at each other quickly, exchanging thoughts.

"Is there anything else we don't know?" Sirius pressed.

Harry hesitated, not sure if he should tell the right thing about the dream, first of all, he wasn't sure if the absurd dream had anything to do with his scar, and, since waking up, it seemed that something had cut him off. Like his memory, what happened in his memory quickly became blurred. To this day, he doesn't remember much.

"Before the scar hurt, I was sleeping, and then, I had a dream. I dreamed of Voldemort——"

Harry was very relieved that neither Sirius nor Remus showed an expression of irony after he said that he dreamed of Voldemort. They still listened to his narration seriously and attentively,

"I um, I don't remember exactly, anyway, it started out as a dilapidated old house, and there was a very old Muggle walking around the house, and then, he, uh, found Voldemort Voldemort in the room , talking to a woman"

"A woman?" Sirius frowned, his gray eyes flashed with thought, he looked at Remus,

"The Daily Prophet hasn't reported any more prison breaks recently, has it?"

"The Daily Prophet reported once in total, and you were the one who escaped from prison." Remus said without hesitation, but immediately, his tone was always full of uncertainty, "Do you think the woman Harry saw was A Death Eater who once followed Voldemort?"

Sirius folded his arms and squinted,

"Voldemort must trust this woman very much. Think about it, he has been hiding from his face since Lily and Harry destroyed his magic, and now, he is actually willing to be exposed in front of this woman when he is weak."

"Who do you think she could be?" Remus asked cautiously.

"If my dear cousin is still out there, it must be her, but she's still in Azkaban, eh, Narcissa Malfoy?"

"Not likely—" Remus shook his head heavily. "Why didn't he go to Lucius Malfoy?"

"and many more!"

Harry finally couldn't help it anymore. He hesitated for a moment between the authenticity of the dream and the question of Sirius' cousin. Harry still chose the former. He stared at Sirius and Remus with wide eyes and asked in surprise. road,

"Do you think...that the dream was real?"

Sirius and Remus looked at each other, their faces darkened, and neither spoke.

"But—" Harry wanted to ask inexplicably, but at this moment, he was interrupted by a sudden roar from the house, so violent that even the dining table in the yard trembled a few times.

"I'm so sick of them both!"

Mrs. Weasley stood up from her chair with a snap, and rushed towards the room aggressively, shouting, "I'd like to see what the hell you're up to!"

"Come on, Molly!"

Mr. Weasley hurried after him. "Children of Fred's and George's age should have their own privacy."


Mrs. Weasley snapped open the back door,

"If their privacy is not keen on tearing down houses, I would be happy to respect it!"

At the dining table, the brothers and sisters of the Weasley family followed one after another, preparing to watch the fun.

"You should, too, Harry."

Absolutely, said Remus, winking playfully at Harry.
"If Fred and George are blamed for anything, you can give them a fair word with Molly."

It didn't take long for fierce arguments to be heard in the house, but from the string of reprimands, it could be seen how annoyed Mrs. Weasley was, but Sirius and Remus never entered the house, they kept Standing in front of the broom, looking gloomy.

"I have the same doubts as Harry."

The impatient Sirius finally couldn't help but speak,
"How on earth did this happen through the dream, Harry was in Privet Drive, he couldn't have seen it with his own eyes, could he?"

"Only wizards like Albus and Amostar can figure it out—"

Remus said worriedly,

"You've already written to Albus about Harry's scar, right?"

After being acknowledged by Sirius, Remus nodded,
"Albus also needs to know about Harry's dream, and the woman who appeared in the dream. Amosta, well, since he's busy with his own business now, we don't have to worry so much. But, Sirius -- "

Remus suddenly focused his gaze on Sirius's eyes, and their eyes met in the air.

A close friend for many years can understand what is thinking in Duo Fu's heart without saying a lot.

"Yeah, that person is probably coming back."

Thinking of his brother Regulus, Sirius sniffed hard.

"This time, how many people will be sacrificed?"

Remus's worried and sentimental voice drifted into the distance in the endless wilderness with the breeze.

(End of this chapter)

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