Homecoming from Hogwarts

Chapter 534 1 month later

Chapter 534 A month later

"--I must admit, you are a noble little wizard--"

Professor Moody's deep voice echoed in the dark foyer, and Hermione, who bore the brunt of the redness, suddenly turned pale. She stared blankly at Moody's scary blue magic eye. Out of fear, she Shivered slightly.

After Harry heard this, his eyes widened immediately, and his heart was already in his throat. He remembered the fluttering blue light that flashed through the dark window when he was in Hagrid's cabin, and then looked at Mu Dee's magic eye, Harry subconsciously shouted,

"Earlier in Hagrid's hut, you were right outside the window!"

"Oh, very nice, Mr. Potter, you're very sharp--"

Professor Moody didn't hide his thoughts at all. He looked at Harry with admiration in his voice.

"When I came back from patrolling in the Forbidden Forest, I saw three people wearing invisibility cloaks sneaking towards Hagrid's house. As a professor, there was no reason for me not to go and take a look, right? What if these were three people with evil intentions? Where’s the dark wizard!”

Since you can see through the invisibility cloak, how could you not discover who they really are?
Harry cursed in his heart, but he did not dare to point out Professor Moody's lies.

"So, Miss Granger -" Professor Moody's blue magic eye was aimed at Hermione. Somehow, Harry felt that Professor Moody was not that angry. In fact, he seemed to be dissatisfied with their behavior. Still feeling happy,

"I must admit you surprised me-"

Professor Moody came to Hermione with a cane and a cane.The height difference between him and Hermione was not that big, but because Hermione lowered her head, it seemed that Professor Moody was much taller than Hermione. He looked down at Hermione and spoke with an injured voice. The sound was like the whistling of a leaking bellows
"In my long career, I have seen many evil-minded guys. I personally sent many of these bad guys to Azkaban. But I didn't expect that there would be a little wizard like you - "

Professor Moody looked at Hermione's head and said with appreciation,
"You respect life, Miss Granger. Even if you are just a poor, humble house elf, you want to help them fight for their rights. I can tell you that among those wizards who claim to be righteous, there are not many like you. Such a kind-hearted——"

Hermione looked up with disbelief on her face.

She thought she would be greeted by Professor Moody's violent rebuke. Thinking about what Professor Moody did when Malfoy attacked Harry last time, Hermione thought she might also suffer two curses. Well, unexpectedly, Professor Moody actually praised her.

And this actually made Hermione feel ashamed.

"I shouldn't lie to you, Professor Moody, I-I just-"

Hermione's tone of explanation was filled with tears, but Professor Moody interrupted Hermione directly.

"No need to explain, Miss Granger, no one wants to be punished-"

Moody stepped aside, leaving the crack in the door open to them.
"But now it's really time for you guys to go back to your dormitory. Brian sometimes walks around the castle a few times in the middle of the night. I'm not sure if he will let you go very generously."

"You're going to let us go!"

Ron said in surprise,

"Won't you deduct points, put us in solitary confinement, or tell Professor McGonagall about our night outing?!"

"If you want me to do that, Mr. Weasley!" Professor Moody laughed horribly, "It's not that I can't help!"

Harry and the three of them rushed up the stairs in the hall almost as fast as they could escape. They didn't notice at all that Professor Moody had been standing in the dark hall, looking at their fleeing figures with deep eyes until their backs. disappear.

"I didn't expect him to let us go!"

Ron said in shock as he stepped out of the Fat Lady's portrait into the common room where only a faint light remained.

"And his eye can see through the disguise of the invisibility cloak -" Harry said immediately, "Except for Professor Dumbledore and Professor Blaine, this has never happened before!"

"I have to go back to the dormitory quickly and think about how we should promote it before going to bed--"

After this incident, Hermione not only did not feel depressed, but seemed to be inspired. Her eyes were shining and she hurried towards the girls' dormitory. "Are you crazy!" Ron shouted at Hermione's back, "That elf of yours almost killed the three of us by Moody!"

Hermione jumped up the spiral staircase of the girls' dormitory with vigorous steps, turning a deaf ear to Ron's screams.

"I think she's just crazy!" Ron looked at Harry and said angrily, "When will she calm down?"

Harry shrugged and said nothing.

Hermione did not become silent as Ron expected, but faithfully followed through on her words.

In the next month or so, nothing new happened at Hogwarts. If I had to find one thing, it would be the SPEW (Society for the Promotion of House-elves' Rights and Interests) created by Hermione Granger.Since that night, although Hermione did not go to Hagrid's hut every day, whenever she had time, she would always force Harry and Ron to visit Dom together.

Harry and Ron were also lucky enough to witness the unusual growth rate of house elves. In just over a month, Dom had grown from not much bigger than a goblin to almost as tall as Dobby.

Hermione had been trying to teach Doom to rest and enjoy life, but it was completely useless, and the order she gave Doom not to allow Doom to do housework for Hagrid had no effect, because, for Doom, In other words, work means rest and enjoyment.

Hagrid's house has completely changed since Doom moved into it.

Except for sunny days, the small house that had always seemed dark and filled with the smell of all kinds of magical creatures suddenly became bright and bright. It took nearly half a day for Dom to wipe the windows and floors of Hagrid's house, which were stained by oil smoke, to spotless. The century-old stove also regained its metallic luster.

Hagrid's damp and smelly bedding was always clean, and Yaya's black hair became shiny.

Dom would also take advantage of Hagrid's sleep at night to secretly go to the vegetable garden to weed, remove insects and water water. In short, Dom had no idea about the snails that Hagrid raised, and it almost destroyed Hagrid. Keep your life and cooking in order.

"Just leave it here, Hermione -"

One day, when Hermione, who could no longer stand Dom's hard work, was desperate to take it back to the castle to raise it secretly, Hagrid tried his best to open his beetle-like black eyes and begged,

"I promise to teach Dongmu how to enjoy life!"

Still, Hermione brought Doom back to the castle, where she hid it in a chest of drawers in the common room. Just two days later, Hermione sent Doom to Hagrid's hut, which immediately became a mess because she didn't have it. I couldn't explain to my classmates what was going on with the shiny and smooth floor in the common room, and the girls' underwear that had been washed cleanly and folded neatly on the bedside. They never give their clothes to the school laundry room.

Lavender screamed and wanted to tell Professor McGonagall about this, but fortunately Hermione used some excuses to hold her back.

In addition, Hermione's Elf Rights Promotion Association also received a setback.

She was really in Professor Blaine's physical education class, while everyone was lining up to practice dodging, she preached to everyone about the unfair treatment of house elves. It is conceivable that the Slytherin guys are Why are you laughing at her?

"Do you see yourself reflected in those little ones, Granger?"

Pansy Parkinson scoffed loudly.

But Hermione was unmoved, still holding a piggy bank to collect membership fees, and tried hard to persuade Ernie to join the association.

It's not that no one joined. Some people like Ginny, Luna and Hannah were indeed willing to listen to Hermione's nagging and paid her two Silver Sickles dues. Qiu Zhang also joined. She was personally invited by Harry. , but recalling Qiu Zhang's stunned look when he first heard about this, Harry always felt that Qiu Zhang probably just couldn't save face.

In addition, Professor Blaine also made some contributions. He generously paid ten gold galleons and did not stop Hermione from messing around in his class. Based on this alone, Harry felt that Hagrid was talking about That's true at all. Professor Brain is indeed a very amazing wizard, not just powerful.

Late October, Wednesday night.

In Professor Blaine's physical education class, a new situation occurred again.

(End of this chapter)

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