Homecoming from Hogwarts

Chapter 537: Idle Chapter and Bad Luck

At night, the clear moonlight shines on the earth.

The lights in the office building went out one after another. The wizards who had worked all day dragged their tired bodies down to the first floor and lined up in front of the fireplace in the lobby. This was a completely enclosed factory area. No companions are allowed at the gate, and the space inside the factory is bound by the Anti-Apparition Spell and the No-Fly Spell. Apart from using a specific fireplace, the staff inside have no other way to leave.

The office gradually became quiet, but there was still a constant roar in the tall factory building across the road. Sirius stood on the edge of the rooftop of the office building, looking at the closed factory building without windows, letting the noisy wind blow across his face. There was a hint of worry in his eyes.

"for you--"

Suddenly there was a voice behind him, but Sirius was not surprised. He turned around and his colleague handed him a sandwich. He opened the package and took a big bite. He mumbled while chewing,

"Oh, that's delicious, thank you, Tonks--"

"You're welcome--"

It seemed that Tonks was very happy because of the compliment. She flipped her hair. Silently, her chestnut hair turned into violet. She also lay on the railing and looked at the factory building opposite for a long time. , murmured softly,
"It's just a waste of time——"

Sirius smiled helplessly when he heard the complaint, but in his heart he fully agreed with Tonks' statement.

Half a month ago, several well-known companies in the wizarding world suffered thefts. The thieves broke into the core office areas under the tight security of these companies.But what is strange is that a thief with such strength did not take anything, but only searched the high-level offices of the company.

The thieves were very careful not to mess up the office, but those shrewd business operators still discovered the clues through some surveillance magic and clues. Together with some important companies that had not been stolen, they put pressure on the Ministry of Magic and asked the Ministry to arrest the thieves. Catch the murderer.

Unable to withstand the pressure, Cornelius Fudge directly mobilized the elite forces of the Ministry of Magic, part of which was to track down clues, and the other part to nip the problem in the bud.

Therefore, Sirius and Tonks were sent here.

The Floo Powder Company, which produces Floo Powder, is a complete monopoly in the wizarding world. The founder of this company is Ignata Westsmith in the thirteenth century. He was the inventor of Floo Powder, and this company is also the inventor of Floo Powder. The only company in the wizarding world authorized to produce Floo powder.

It is related to the daily travel of thousands of wizard families, so one can imagine how much attention Floo Bang will receive.

Sirius and Tonks were on guard on the roof, while in an office below, Kingsley and Delis were waiting.

But, just like Tonks said.There are more than one important companies in the wizarding world, and it is impossible to achieve complete defense with just the few manpower in the Auror Office.

"Have you heard?"

Tonks had no awareness of the task she was performing. She said in a normal and nonchalant tone,

"Next week, the people from Durmstrang and Beauxbatons will be coming to Hogwarts!"

Tonks looked envious,
"Why couldn't the Department of International Magical Cooperation and the Department of Magical Sports do something useful when I was at Hogwarts? I wonder if Mr. Scrimgeour would allow me to take two days off during the Triwizard Tournament?"

"You're dreaming, Tonks--"

Sirius smiled bitterly and said,

"Ever since I started working as an Auror, the Ministry hasn't given me a day off. I've been planning to take the time to go to Hogwarts to see Harry--"

"Oh, the Boy Who Lived, Harry Potter!" Tonks suddenly became interested, and she asked enthusiastically, "Do you think he will participate in the Triwizard Tournament?"


Sirius smiled and said,

"Of course, I know Harry. He will definitely not be afraid of the dangers in the Triforce Tournament, but the problem is that he is not old enough. With Amosta in Hogwarts, Harry and his group of friends Even if you want to find a loophole, I'm afraid you won't find a chance. Speaking of which, Tonks, you and Amosta went to school at Hogwarts together, right?" "We were also imprisoned together. Nepna——"

Tonks and Yourongyan said with emotion,
"He is two years older than me. When he went to Hogwarts, he was not the same as he is today. He doesn't like to communicate with others, but you can see from his eyes that he is not afraid to communicate with others no matter what. Wherever he goes, he carries baskets of books with him, making him a famous nerd."

"Sounds a bit like Harry's friend, a little witch named Hermione Granger."

Sirius pursed his lips and smiled slightly,

"When I was in school at Hogwarts, Lily was the one who loved learning the most. You must know that she is Harry's mother. She is the smartest witch I have ever seen in my life, and many people admire her. James Needless to say, he likes to cause trouble for Lily, but in fact he just wants to be close to her, and Peter, let's not talk about him, Remus is the same. He especially admires Lily's intelligence. Of course, he himself also Not bad, Remus is the hardest working one among us--"

"Remus told me how you became friends-"

Tonks suddenly became energetic and she said enthusiastically,
"He told me that when he was studying, you were one of the few students who didn't care about his identity!"

"He actually told you this?"

Sirius looked at Tonks in surprise, "This guy won't tell anyone about his past easily. I bet, Tonks, Remus must like you very much!"

Although she knew that Sirius didn't mean what he meant by 'like', Tonks was still happy and her hair turned pink. She looked at Sirius diligently and asked him to tell more stories about their past.

Sirius is also considered a legend in the Ministry of Magic. His unique life experience has attracted many people, and many people are curious about his story. Therefore, he did not think there was anything strange about Tonks' request. Moreover, Since Amosta asked him to make more friends in the Ministry of Magic, apart from some secrets that could not be told, he never kept secret about his past.

In order to prevent Delis and Kingsley below from finding out that the two were slacking off, Sirius arranged magic to prevent the outside world from eavesdropping on their conversation. Then, he chatted with Tonks about the past.

The two people who were talking happily forgot about the passage of time. Tonks would tell Sirius what she remembered about Amosta Blaine who was studying in school, and Sirius was not shy about telling Don. The adventures of several of them in Hogwarts.

As time passed, the moonlight became brighter and clearer against the rich night sky.

The two men stared at a large group of horse-drawn carriages parked outside the factory for inspection, and then watched as the motorcade drove into the unloading channel of the factory.

Sirius withdrew his gaze and continued the topic,

"After I graduated from school, I had a falling out with my family, so I moved into James' house with my luggage. James' family was very good to me. They almost regarded me as their second son. James and I both tried to persuade Remus to move in, but he was still unwilling. He was always afraid that one day he would lose control and hurt James' family--
Later, the war became more intense and we..."


The floor beneath his feet suddenly trembled, like magma erupting. A large ball of fire broke through the wall and sprayed into the air. A figure wearing a black cloak was knocked away by the strong shock wave.

"Tonks, Sirius, what are you doing!"

Kingsley was thrown into the corridor by the explosion, with one arm bleeding profusely. He used his other hand to blow up the ceiling with his wand, and he yelled at the huge hole.

Delis had already broken through the billowing smoke, and with a ferocious look on his face, he rushed towards the black cloaked wizard who was knocked unconscious on the ground.

Under the bright moonlight, looking at the face lying on the ground with the broken mask, Sirius and Tonks on the roof fell into a daze.

(End of this chapter)

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