Chapter 552 The Return
Amosta did not follow him into the factory, because if he appeared in front of the workers, Remus might not be able to steal much of the limelight.The two of them stood far away from the door, looking at Remus who was bringing all the workers into the beautiful white building. For a moment, they both felt a little sad.

"I never thought that this day would come -"

Sirius blew his nose, his voice both joyful and sad.

"You know, Amosta, among the few of us back then, Remus's situation was always the worst. He couldn't find a job, had no fixed place to live, and even had problems eating, but he always Not willing to accept funding from me, James, and Lily--"

Amosta turned to look at Sirius, who was wiping his red eyes, and suddenly felt sympathy in his heart. Remus aside, Sirius's generation was indeed in great difficulty.

"James and Lily would definitely be relieved to see Remus today."

"Life is not a day and night, but a long journey. You must learn to accept the new scenery that appears on the journey." Amosta said with a smile, and then his expression became thoughtful again, "Speaking of which , Tonks seems to have a soft spot for Remus——"

"Tonks?!" Sirius' eyes widened and turned red, "That girl and Remus!" Sirius suddenly slapped his forehead in annoyance, "I asked why she always likes to ask about us at Hogwart. It happened when Ci was studying!"

Sirius's gray eyes were shining with excitement,

"That is, it is possible that Remus will have a child?!"

"Maybe -" Amosta smiled and shook his head, "What about your plans, Sirius? Could it be that you don't have any plans for the rest of your life?"

When talking about Remus, Sirius looked excited, but when the topic returned to himself, his expression became complicated. After a moment of silence, he sighed and said,

"I just want to grow up with Harry."

"In a way, you and Severus are quite similar."

Amosta said calmly, both of these two people have a deep obsession with Harry's parents, even to the point of abandoning themselves.

"Oh, that one." Sirius looked unhappy.

The conversation about life ended here. While waiting for Remus to come out, the two chatted casually. Amosta warned Sirius that after Remus' incident, his situation in the Ministry might become more difficult. , but Sirius disagreed with this.

Not to mention Amosta's relationship, he himself also has certain connections in the Ministry. Most of his classmates when he was studying at Hogwarts have entered the Ministry of Magic and now hold important positions, and more importantly, Sirius has a certain influence on the Ministry of Magic. As far as the Ministry of Magic is concerned, he is one of their own because he is from the Black family.

Scrimgeour had to worry about this even if he wanted to deal with him.

An hour later, Remus came out of the office building surrounded by a large group of people. After bidding farewell to the cheerful workers, Remus trotted towards them. Amosta and Sirius both You can easily see the excitement in Remus's eyes, like a little wizard who got excellent results in the OWLS exam.

"It seems that you are very popular?"

Amosta raised his eyebrows slightly and asked with a slight smile.

"Those workers were caught off guard by the transformation of the workshop. I told them that the workshop would resume production as soon as possible, and I also promised to give them a 10% salary increase!"

An adult wizard is always full of energy, but Remus' identity has meant that he has had nothing serious to do for most of the past ten years. Now, managing this workshop seems to have allowed him to find confidence and groundedness. In the future, he chattered some of his plans to Amosta and Sirius, and this energy made the gray-haired Remus seem several years younger.

"Time is precious--"

Remus said,
"I will leave for Italy with Jin Ge this afternoon. I plan to sign the cooperation agreement on all related accessories within a month. The assembly workshop here will be restructured during this period to adapt to the production of new machines. need!"

Production, operation, sales - this series of things is indeed complicated. Looking at Remus, he can't wait to get involved in this complicated work immediately.

"I have to go back to Hogwarts too—"

Amosta said to Sirius and Remus,

"People from Durmstrang and Beauxbatons will arrive at Hogwarts tomorrow afternoon. I have to go back early to prepare. According to the schedule, the first game will be held on November 24th. If time permits, you guys You can come and visit——"

"Triwizard Tournament"

Unexpectedly, Sirius did not show much excitement, but frowned and looked at Amosta,

"You and Dumbledore must be ready. I mean, this is an opportunity. If someone wants to harm Harry, they will definitely find a way to involve Harry and create some accidents-" Amos The light in Ta's eyes, as deep as the abyss, swayed for a moment.
"Don't worry, Harry will not be in danger."

With Amosta's assurance, Sirius didn't look so worried, but he still couldn't be completely reassured. Harry was so much like his father. Many times, trouble didn't come to him, but to him. trouble.

"By the way-" Remus said suddenly, "there's something-"

Remus took out a money bag from his pocket and handed it to Amosta.
"Here's a thousand galleons, I gave it to Fred and George the little guys-"

Remus said apologetically,

"Being in charge of a workshop requires many times more things than I imagined. I'm afraid I won't have time to fulfill my promise to them and cooperate with them to open a store, but I promised Fred and George's investment, and I must It needs to be given to them, so can you please help pass it on, and I will write to Fred and George to express my apology-"

"These two little guys have made a lot of investment during this time--"

Sirius suppressed his worries about Harry and smiled at Amosta who agreed to Remus' request and said,

"During the Quidditch Cup final, Fred, George, and Ron all participated in the bet where Bagman was the banker. They all won the result. I guess. They learned from Bagman. At least one or two thousand gold galleons were obtained!”

"Bagman's Gambling Game?"

Amosta raised his eyebrows in surprise, and then shook his head with a smile. Ludo is really stubborn.

"Oh, thank God, you still know how to come back?"

Amosta used Fawkes to return directly to Dumbledore's office, preparing to inform Dumbledore of the results of Remus's matter, but it happened that Professor McGonagall was also here, and she was concerned about the sudden appearance. Amosta was surprised, but after reacting, he immediately said angrily,

"Why didn't you wait until the Triwizard Tournament was over before coming back, Amosta, then you would have nothing to do!"

"As long as my salary continues to be paid, I have no objection, ahem -"

Amosta laughed a few times, but when he saw Professor McGonagall's stern eyes, he immediately turned his laughter into a cough.
"I mean, Headmaster Dumbledore is the one who can make decisions, Professor -"

"We also want to hear different opinions, Amosta--"

Dumbledore smiled gently. He obviously knew that Remus was fine, and was satisfied with the result of Amosta's handling.

"We are discussing tomorrow night's menu, considering that our guests may not be comfortable with Hogwarts food, so some adjustments need to be made--"

Professor McGonagall, who didn't want the topic to get sidetracked, said with a tigerish face,
"Also, I'm wondering if I need to persuade Beauxbatons and Durmstrang students to live in the castle. After all, they come from afar, and Hogwarts has to show grace and etiquette. Oh, and, by the way, there are Goblet of Fire!"

"What happened to the Goblet of Fire?"

Amosta asked with concern, this was far more important than menus and accommodations.

"The Ministry of Magic sent someone to deliver the Goblet of Fire to Hogwarts yesterday--"

Dumbledore looked at Amosta, blinked his blue eyes,
"Because you are not at school, the Goblet of Fire is currently placed in Argus's office. I think it is better for you to keep it, Amosta. Argus is worried that something will go wrong, so he has been staying in his office. Because of this, I didn’t even get a rest last night.”

"Ah, is that right?"

Amosta smiled irrefutably,

"I understand, leave it to me, I won't let those naughty little wizards find the opportunity to do anything -"

(End of this chapter)

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