Homecoming from Hogwarts

Chapter 591 speechless

Chapter 591 speechless
In the early morning, the mist melted in the breeze and the pink-gold sunshine. After breakfast, the villagers of Hogsmeade sat on their carriages and went to work in their fields.After Halloween, they need to urgently harvest the poor-looking pumpkins in the fields and plant cabbages, so that they can make a profit before Christmas.

To be honest, these villagers without much magical talent are no different from Muggle farmers. In fact, they are worse than Muggle farmers.

Because of the restrictions of the "Wizard Secrecy Act", they are unable to use some very mature agricultural equipment invented by Muggle scientists from the Muggle world, and they themselves have mastered the trivial spells and some magic props they can use. , the role they can play is not big, so for hundreds of years, their way of life and work has not changed much, just like their ancestors in the Middle Ages.

In fact, the villagers of Hogsmeade are quite lucky, because it is adjacent to Hogwarts, and most of their output will be directly purchased by Hogwarts, which saves them a lot of worry, while the people in Cornwall Villagers living in Dingworth, Upper Flagley in Yorkshire, Ottery St. Catchpole on the south coast of England, and Godric's Hollow in the southwest were not so lucky.

The magic world itself has a limited population and cannot consume their output.They could only sell their products to Muggles.

But this is exactly the problem. Their efficiency is not as good as that of Muggle farmers, and due to legal restrictions, output from the wizarding world needs to undergo strict approval when transported to the Muggle world, which means they have to spend some gold. To smoothen the relationship, because of the final selling price, their output does not have any advantage in the Muggle world.

Therefore, in order to survive, deception and tax evasion are almost essential skills for farmers in the magic world who rely on the land to survive. Of course, it is not that they do not have means to make their lives more comfortable, but they are reluctant to give up their magic. World residents and wizards' are two well-known names.

"Are they serving Hogwarts?"

On the road from Hogwarts to Hogsmeade, Amosta led the little wizards from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang through the forest shrouded in cold mist. These little guys were in high spirits. After all, What they were about to visit was the famous Hogsmeade, the only existing pure wizarding village in the UK.

Amosta did not control their actions, and some of the people who couldn't wait trotted toward the village looming in the mist, while Fleur and Gabrielle followed him.

Fleur seemed to have come out of the bad mood caused by Hogwarts' mistake in getting the four warriors out. She looked around with interest. When Amosta suddenly stopped in a field and looked at the Fleur asked as the villagers were busy.

"Do not--"

Amosta shook his head slightly, his tone a little dull,

"They're making a living out of it."

The workers I saw in the industrial area of ​​Diagon Alley last time, as well as the villagers in front of me, they all belong to the real bottom of the magic world. They are too ordinary, too ordinary, too humble, and those who are above the clouds Powerful people cannot see these 'dusts'.

Fleur looked sideways at Amosta Blaine. This man's brows and eyes were releasing an incomprehensible light of pity and worry.

"Let's go--"

Amosta shook his head and led the group of people around him to continue crossing the wilderness.

"Oh, sister, did you see it?"

Along the way, Gabrielle was jumping around like a happy elf, curious about everything. When Hogsmeade became clear in their sight, Gabrielle immediately noticed the village adjacent to Hogsmeade. There was a house standing on a high slope. She pointed out it to Fleur in surprise.
"There's a house there, but it's strange who would live there-"

"That's the Screaming Shack--"

Amosta smiled and explained,
“It’s famous and is rumored to be the most haunted place in the UK.”


Gabrielle shrank behind Fleur, but she still couldn't help being curious and secretly glanced at the house on the hillside. Many of the students who were traveling with Amosta also showed eager expressions.

"I don't advise you to take any chances there--" Amosta said.
"This house is quite old and lacks repairs because it has been unoccupied. I'm not sure if a group of people breaking in will cause it to collapse -"

"So, there are no ghosts there, right?"

Fleur said with interest.


Amosta smiled and said,
"I don't think so, but there was a werewolf living in there--"

Amosta stopped in front of the sign at the entrance of the village and smiled at the guests. This gentle smile made many Beauxbatons little witches have rosy cheeks and quickened heartbeats. Even Fleur was staring at him obsessively. .

"--The following is free time. You can explore this ancient and mysterious village to your heart's content, as long as you get here before five o'clock in the afternoon.

There are many shops worth visiting in Hogsmeade. Duke Bee Candy Shop has hundreds of candies of different categories and unique tastes, which are very popular among Hogwarts students;
The Joke Goods Shop has a complete range of prank products that can always bring joy to people;

Wenrenju Quill Shop can meet all your needs for school supplies;
Ladies and gentlemen who like gorgeous fashion, please don’t miss Fengya Wizard Clothing Store. Of course, your wallet must be rich enough, as the things there are not cheap;
If you want to have something to eat, go to the Three Broomsticks Pub. The butterbeer there is unique and the lady boss is pretty and flirty. The only thing I need to remind you is, don’t go to the Hog’s Head Pub. The boss there is the same as Hogwarts. The principal is having a holiday. If you insist on breaking in, be prepared to be thrown out. "

The surrounding villagers had already gathered, and they looked at Mr. Blaine and the young people in unique clothes surrounding him with awe and curiosity.

Amosta didn't like being watched. After explaining the necessary things, he waved his hand to the students.

Many of the students who were the first to leave had already been having fun in the village for a while. The good and well-behaved children who followed Professor Blaine were also impatient. After hearing the order, their eyes lit up one by one and they quickly dispersed in all directions. , like Xiu Xiu being released from the cage.

Amosta stretched out and was thinking about where to go to kill time. The Three Broomsticks Bar was a good choice, but it would definitely be filled with many students after a while. Amosta hoped to be quiet.Suddenly, Amosta turned his head when he realized something. He found Fleur and Gabrielle still squatting on the spot, staring at him.

"Oh, this is a rare opportunity. Miss Delacour, please don't waste your fun time following me, okay?"

Amosta said a little helplessly.

But Fleur didn't mind Amosta's words. She smiled sweetly at him,
"Before coming out, Madame Maxime told me to follow you. In this way, if anything happens to the Beauxbatons warriors, she will know who to go to settle the score!"

Amosta's face darkened.

Very good, this reason is very strong, Amosta can't find an excuse to refuse.

(End of this chapter)

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