Homecoming from Hogwarts

Chapter 668 Do you have the same name?

Gertler Grindelwald - the first wizard widely known as the Dark Lord in the history of modern magic. At his peak, his power swept almost all of Europe except the United Kingdom, with approximately 100,000 people. The wizard followed him voluntarily.

And Grindelwald was not satisfied with ruling the magical world. He also coveted the Muggle world in order to achieve the purpose of domination. He led his followers to form partnerships with the extreme forces among Muggles, and promoted hegemonic wars around the world, causing turmoil in the entire world.

And his fall was as rapid as his incredible rise.

When Grindelwald's power reached its peak, Albus Dumbledore approached him alone. After a duel of the century, the winner Dumbledore returned to Hogwarts as the principal, while the loser Grindelwald He was imprisoned in Newgarmond, and his fanatical followers who tried to turn the tide were defeated by the coalition of wizards from various countries under the leadership of the International Federation of Wizards.

That war can be said to be a catastrophe for the entire world. Therefore, some foreign opinions believe that compared with it, Voldemort, who was so feared by the British, is not worth mentioning. You must know that when Voldemort was at his strongest, , and his main forces failed to leave Britain.

But that’s not actually the way to look at the problem.

Because Grindelwald did not encounter any decent obstacles in the early stages of developing his strength, he was almost unbeatable, and by the time Dumbledore took action, his power had already taken shape. Perhaps learning from the experience of fighting against evil last time, the greatest wizard of our time is more proactive when it comes to Voldemort than he was last time.

When Voldemort's evil power had just begun to rise, Dumbledore had already told people in various public places that they needed to be vigilant and called on people to fight against him. He even personally formed the 'Order of the Phoenix' to fight against Voldemort and his food. The Dead Apostles fight.

Like a quagmire, Voldemort's forces were tightly trapped in Britain, preventing the cruel war from burning more innocent wizards, civilians and Muggles.

Therefore, there is no doubt that Gertler Grindelwald and Voldemort were both extremely evil dark wizards who tried to use the suffering of all living beings to build their own cold thrones, and their crazy ideas ultimately failed.

Amosta Braine is recognized by the European magic community as the most outstanding young wizard in recent years. Now that Dumbledore is already old, many people directly believe that he is the most powerful wizard of the contemporary era. There is no young wizard at Hogwarts who is not proud to have such a "legendary wizard" in the school, and Krum actually talked about Professor Blaine's worship of Grindelwald here.

To be honest, if Harry were here, he would probably have punched him in the face, even if Viktor was a world-famous Quidditch star!

But Hermione still tried her best to stay calm and listened. Frankly speaking, she felt some sympathy for Krum. After all, his grandfather died at the hands of Grindelwald. This experience was a bit like Harry's. However, because of a The symbol binds Professor Blaine and Grindelwald together. This kind of speculation is too imprecise--

Krum, who was immersed in his hatred for Grindelwald, finally realized that something was wrong with the face of the girl in front of him. Her breathing was slightly rapid, and there was a trace of hostility in her pure eyes.

"Oh, sorry!"

Krum suddenly came to his senses, and he quickly explained,

"Brain is a very admirable wizard. I'm not saying that he must be worshiping Grindelwald. At least, at least, that symbol. He may be studying Grindelwald, but this is also dangerous, especially for a man with high magic power. For wizards—"

"That's prejudice, Krum!"

Hermione took a breath and looked at Viktor Krum angrily.

"Perhaps Professor Brain is just studying that period of history. Since the stack of manuscripts was placed in the forbidden book area instead of being thrown into the fireplace and burned, it means that in some cases, it is always valuable, and studying it does not violate the law! "

"Well you're right, Hermione, I just-"

Krum looked extremely embarrassed. He did not expect Hermione to suddenly get angry. He also guessed that because of his unrestrained words, his invitation would most likely be ruined.

"So, would you like to come with me?"

But no matter what, Krum still wanted to give it a try.

"Sorry, Krum, I don't think this is quite appropriate-"

Hermione said with a straight face,

"If it is a warrior's duty to go to the prom, then I will go, but I would rather go with my classmates."

The way Hermione left with her hair swaying was a bit like Fleur Delacour's usual haughty attitude.

However, after descending a few steps on the corridor, Hermione suddenly stood still and turned to look at Krum again.

"One more thing, I don't think Grindelwald has anything worthy of Professor Brain's admiration. I think Professor Brain is much better than him, both in terms of magic and character!"

The corridor in front of the library returned to silence, and Hermione left completely, leaving only a dejected Krum beside the corridor. Amosta did not expect that he would mess up a very likely successful date between a young couple, but at the same time, regrettably, he also missed some valuable parts of Hermione and Krum's conversation. information.

He took the stack of manuscripts to the fifth floor and stood in front of Professor Binns' office door.

This is probably the most disgraceful room among all faculty and staff offices, as you can tell from the old, cobweb-covered wooden door in front of you.

The door is completely useless to Professor Binns. It can pass through walls and carry its own lesson plans and papers submitted by the little wizards.

Amosta had wondered about this when he was in school at Hogwarts, because normal ghosts do not have the ability to touch entities and switch between reality and reality. As for the existence of Peeves, he is not a pure ghost. They cannot be considered the same. This question confused Amosta for a long time. It was not until he returned to Hogwarts that he could see some clues with his keen eyesight.

There is some special magic in the soul of Professor Binns. The effect of the magic can not only keep Professor Binns awake for a long time, unlike some ghosts who become confused after too long, but also give them the ability to An ability that he and ordinary ghosts cannot possess.

"Come in--"

After a while after Amosta knocked on the door, a dull voice came from behind the door.

The office is relatively clean, because every headmaster of Hogwarts that Professor Binns has experienced cannot let him correct the little wizard's papers on a pile of garbage, so they will regularly help him change the furnishings in the office, and Every year when the new timetable is distributed and the list of students for the Advanced History of Magic class is verified, Professor McGonagall will also stop by to help clean up.

The desk is piled with corrected homework and prepared lesson plans submitted by the little wizards of all grades. The advantage of ghosts is that they don’t have to sleep. Therefore, no faculty member can be as efficient as he is in dealing with his job. Comparable to Professor Binns's.

The room was dark, with only a ray of sunlight coming through the middle of the closed curtains and reflecting on the floor. When Amosta walked in, Professor Binns, who had no work to do, was floating in a daze in front of the extinguished fireplace.

"Good afternoon, Professor Binns, I hope I didn't disturb you--"

Amosta said politely.

Professor Binns, who was floating in the air, slowly turned around and stared hard at Amosta, as if it was the first time he saw him.

"Are you here to turn in that failed paper, Zlenit?"

Professor Binns looked very surprised, which was not surprising. In his vague impression, it was not yet time to issue a new class schedule or a new student list.

"Ahem -" Amosta was not surprised. He clenched his fists and coughed twice, "Actually, I am Amosta Brain, Professor Binns."

"Amosta Blaine?"

Professor Binns blinked and said in a breathless, dry voice,

"You have the same name as Amosta Brain, who arrested the dark witch Vitia Cliona who was preparing to launch a terrorist attack at the 1994nd Quidditch World Cup finals in September 9?"

(End of this chapter)

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