Homecoming from Hogwarts

Chapter 695 Murderous Intent

"You mean, Barty didn't go to the game, but he asked Winky to help him get a seat in the box, right? So how do you know all this, Harry?"

Dumbledore's deep eyes made Harry lose consciousness for a moment. He nodded and said in a daze,

"Before the game, when I walked into that box, I quickly spotted Winky but I didn't know it was Winky, I thought it was Dobby, you know, Professor, house elves all look alike. "

Dumbledore nodded in understanding and Harry continued,

"Coincidentally, Winky and Dobby knew each other, so we chatted for a while. Winky told me some things about Dobby, and then it talked about itself and Mr. Crouch. It told me that it was Mr. Crouch. Send it to the box and make room for it, Professor Dumbledore--"

Harry spoke to Professor Dumbledore, but looked at Professor Blaine with confusion.

"Winky is working in the kitchen right now. If you want to know about that mark, why don't you call it over?"

"We'll go talk to it when we know what's going on, Harry--"

Amosta said, he thought for a moment and then asked,

"So, until before the riot started and during the game, Batty didn't come to this box, right? Have you noticed this? Or maybe he came quietly to watch the game for a while, right? But is it possible you didn’t notice?”

Amosta thought Harry would hesitate or need to think carefully, but unexpectedly, he said simply,

"No, Professor Brain, Mr. Crouch has never been to the box. My position is close to the door of the box. Whoever enters the box needs to pass by me. I didn't find anyone coming in after the game started."

There was only a short moment that Harry wasn't sure about, and that was the few dozen seconds when the Bulgarian mascot danced. However, Harry didn't think that Crouch had slipped in at that time, because Mr. Weasley was there at that time. Next to him, the Minister of Magic was also in the box. If Mr. Crouch walked in, they would definitely not turn a blind eye.


Amosta nodded thoughtfully,

"So. In other words, Twinkle occupied two seats at the time. It sat on one by itself and the other was empty next to it. During the game, did anyone sit in this empty seat?"

Harry wasn't so sure about this issue.

Logically speaking, there are no "standing tickets" in the box. Everyone has his or her own seat. Those decent big shots in the magic world in the box at that time would not do anything without quality. However, the game was exciting at that time. People's hearts, many people have left their positions to cheer, who can guarantee whether they will be in the wrong position?

Harry looked at Hermione and Ron, but his two friends also had hesitant expressions and did not dare to vouch for the answer to this question.

"Please go on, Hermione -"

Professor Dumbledore didn't seem at all puzzled by Professor Blaine's confused questions, and he made an inviting gesture to Hermione.

Hermione took a deep breath, and after a few seconds of slight silence, she started talking again.

Including Barty Crouch's unwillingness to believe the facts after returning from the box without success, including Amos's interrogation of Winky, including Winky being fired by the angry Crouch until Mr. Arthur escorted him They went back to Sirius' tent and everything, every detail, Hermione told them all.

However, during this process, Professor Dumbledore and Professor Braine never asked any more questions. They seemed to have made a firm judgment on the tangled matter.

"Very well, Hermione—"

After Hermione finished speaking, Dumbledore nodded approvingly at them.

"And Harry, and Ron, thank you for the valuable truth you provided for me and Professor Blaine. It solved our confusion. I have to say that the information you provided is very valuable-"

Dumbledore's praise made the three Harrys happy, but also very confused.

"Sorry, Professor Dumbledore, Professor Brain -"

Hermione asked a little uneasily,

"Can the things we just said help Winky clear his suspicions? I mean, will the Ministry of Magic issue a certificate of innocence for Winky or something?"

"It doesn't have to be so troublesome, Hermione -" Amosta's mouth twitched, "As long as Professor Dumbledore, I, and of course Mr. Crouch believe that Winky is innocent, there will be no problem, oh!"

Amosta looked at the clock on the wall and said apologetically,

"Sorry, we have been delayed for so long. Go quickly, Harry, Hermione, Ron. Go to the auditorium quickly. You should still be able to eat in time. In such a cold weather, there is no need to fill your stomach. Can't sleep!"

Harry and the three stood up from their stools in a daze. They were called to the principal's office by Professor McGonagall in a panic. They thought it would be something big, but it turned out that Professor Dumbledore and Professor Brain were asking about the Dark Mark that appeared above the field on the night of the Quidditch final. The whole story. Of course, the Dark Mark was indeed something that needed to be taken seriously, but Harry believed that it was not something that Dumbledore and Professor Brain would take so seriously, and besides, it had been so long since.

The three people walked into the office confused and walked out confused.

When passing the golden branch where Fawkes was perched again, Harry suddenly stopped as he thought of something. He turned around and found Professor Braine still standing in front of Dumbledore's desk watching them off, as if he had no intention of leaving.


"Did you remember anything important, Harry?" Amosta raised his chin.

"Oh, it has nothing to do with the Dark Mark, Professor—"

Harry hesitated for a moment, but decided to tell Fleur's instructions. After all, he had promised Fleur to be her dance partner, and he should do this small favor for her.

"It's Beauxbatons' Champion, Fleur Delacour"

It was really embarrassing to talk about this in front of Professor Dumbledore and Professor Braine. Harry's face turned red and he hesitated,

"Ahem. Well, in the foyer. Just now, Fleur asked me to tell you that we are dance partners. That's it!"

After stammering these words, Harry swooped out of the principal's office like he was riding his Firebolt, without giving Professor Blaine a chance to ask him anything.

After standing still for more than ten seconds, Amosta regained his composure and sat down with a dumb smile.

Fleur asked Harry to be her partner at the Yule Ball?

Amosta shook his head secretly. This girl's thoughts were really wild. However, this was nothing. Amosta put the matter behind him and prepared to discuss it with Dumbledore. The fact was certain. However, when he glanced back, he found that Dumbledore was looking at him with great interest.

"What's the matter, Headmaster Dumbledore?"

Amosta frowned slightly, expressing in an unhappy tone that he did not want to discuss this topic.

"It's surprising, Amosta--"

Dumbledore said with a smile,

"You asked Miss Fleur Delacour to be your dance partner, didn't you? And you were rejected?"

This old man pretends to be confused while pretending to understand--

Amosta's face turned dark. He knew that Dumbledore was trying to tease him, but he still said more.

"Perhaps the truth is exactly the opposite of what you expected, Headmaster Dumbledore."

"Oh, really?"

Dumbledore twitched his silver eyebrows and still looked at Amosta with a smile.

"What a pity. I have always thought that Miss Fleur Delacour is very good, and she seems to like you very much. So, who would have the honor to dance with you at the ball, Amosta?"

Before Amosta could speak, Dumbledore immediately pretended to be surprised and answered his question,

"Oh! Could it be Professor Moody? To be honest, this is a good choice. Amosta, I don't think you need to."

"Let's discuss Barty Crouch Jr., Principal Dumbledore!"

Amosta said with a black face and murderous intent.

(End of this chapter)

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