Homecoming from Hogwarts

Chapter 714 Good, Evil and Standpoint

After the dance, Fleur reluctantly let go of Amosta's hand.

"I hope my poor dancing won't embarrass you, Miss Delacour--"

Amosta calmly took a step back and said politely.

However, Fleur did not react to Amosta's attempt to muddy the waters. Her stubborn and affectionate eyes were still locked on Amosta's eyes.

"I plan to work in the UK after graduation. Do you have any good suggestions?"

Fleur said.

Amosta stared deeply at Fleur, his eyebrows coming together unconsciously,

"Although I am not qualified to interfere with your choice, Miss Delacour, I hope you can think carefully and act with caution. After all, this is related to your future life trajectory-"

There was solemnity in Amosta's tone, which was his sincere suggestion.

He made such a suggestion not only because he did not want to see Fleur acting impulsively, but also because it was foreseeable that the situation in the British wizarding world would take a turn for the worse in the future. If Fleur insisted on getting too close to him, it would be difficult to avoid suffering. Revenge of the Death Eaters

In the early days of the war, assassination and instigation of rebellion would be the main theme, but he and Dumbledore would resort to cunning tactics because of their positions, and some things would be inconvenient to do too harshly.

This is not because Amosta does not have enough understanding of the cruelty of war, and Dumbledore's constraints will not be the main factor. It is just that he cannot bear it. How many of the parents of these children in Slytherin College have Having followed Voldemort, he wouldn't know it.

But judging from Fleur's determined eyes, Amosta knew that his persuasion might not have any effect.

Fleur invited Professor Blaine to dance, and Professor Blaine did not refuse. This 'bold' behavior fell into the eyes of the little witches. These girls who still don't understand the difference between love and admiration will not let this golden opportunity pass. When the two of them finished dancing, they all rushed to Amosta's side and extended an invitation to him with hope in their eyes.

Under such circumstances, Amosta had no need to disturb the student's interest. He put away the worries in his heart and nodded with a smile.

And since then, for more than half an hour, he couldn't get off the stage at all.

There was a huge fireworks display outside the ice castle. Fred and George and their mutual friend Li Jordan bought Amosta to celebrate. They struggled to pull out most of the fireworks and stuck them on the ice, and lit them with their wands. , Fireworks flew into the air and exploded with brilliant sparks.

The crystal clear ice castle reflects the gorgeous light and shadow. Under the cold night, it itself becomes colorful, and the beauty is breathtaking.

Even the villagers as far away as Hogsmeade were attracted by the movement at Hogwarts. They walked out of their homes one by one and stared at the snow, watching in the darkness.

Laughter and laughter roamed the Hogwarts campus, as if they were the last song of joy before the storm was about to come.

His Hogwarts colleagues all smiled as a sweaty Amosta jumped off the stage with a gasp and returned to the guest table to get a drink.

"You are really popular with the students, Amosta -" Professor Sprout held her hand on her cleaned wizard hat and said with a smile, "The changes since I went to school with you have been earth-shaking."

"We all know that Amosta is not happy to express himself--" Although Professor McGonagall had a straight face, there was still a smile on the corner of her mouth.

"But I dare say that Albus must have seen through it a long time ago, right?" Professor Flitwick stood on the table and turned to look at the smiling Dumbledore.

"Oh, actually, Severus discovered Amosta's difference earlier than I did -" Dumbledore stood up and said with a smile, "I didn't realize at that time that I would Welcome a strong competitor--"

Dumbledore's teasing caused a burst of laughter, and Amosta also shook his head slightly and smiled.

To be honest, this is the most valuable thing about Hogwarts. To a certain extent, the staff of the school have a pure heart. They go all out and love their profession for decades. . The relationship between colleagues is also simple. If it were the Ministry of Magic, and a latecomer like Amosta was regarded as the successor, the opposition would definitely be fierce.

"How wonderful-"

Dumbledore came over from behind the table and clinked the wine glasses with Amosta. He looked at the students - dancing on the stage, releasing youthful restlessness, eating and drinking at the dining table, and chasing under the ice tree. There were children with ice sculptures and people laughing and setting off fireworks in the square outside the castle, which was protected from the wind and snow by magic. Dumbledore looked at these children, took off the half-moon glasses frame, and gently wiped his moist eyes.

"Who says it's not?"

Amosta took a sip of whiskey and agreed with a slight smile.

"This beautiful moment belongs to everyone, Amosta, we should not leave anyone behind." Dumbledore's careless words made him frown slightly. He turned to look at Dumbledore, but saw Dumbledore Bullido suppressed his smile slightly and glanced meaningfully at the end of the faculty table, where Professor Moody was sitting alone and quietly watching the playing children.

"I don't quite understand-"

Amosta withdrew his gaze and was silent for a moment. He shook his head slightly.

"She is our enemy, isn't she?"

"Oh, about that--"

Dumbledore smiled happily,

"I was not the one who signed the application form for Professor Moody's salary advance, Amosta, and it was not me who gave him the candy."

The corners of Amosta's mouth twitched, his face darkened, and his mood became worse.

"--She once saved Sirius on the night of the Quidditch final,"

Dumbledore said gently,

"Besides, looking at the children living in the Forbidden Forest, Amosta, I don't think Miss Cliona is the evil dark wizard that people think."

"No one's life is smooth sailing, principal, everyone has something unspeakable -"

Amosta remained unmoved;

"With your wisdom in life, you must be clear. Sometimes, good and evil don't matter, only your position matters."

"Oh, ho ho, maybe you overestimate my wisdom, Amosta, I superficially think that good and evil are always more important than stance."

Dumbledore said softly,

"If you don't understand, think about Sirius's younger brother, the heroic boy named Regulus. He once worshiped Tom crazily, but he did not give up his conscience because of this, and even died in order to defend his conscience. Gave his life.

There is also Severus, who was once encouraged by Tom's incendiary remarks and swore to follow him, but he finally returned to our side. I think Severus did this not only because of his love for Harry's mother. , because love comes from goodness, and Severus himself is kind--"

Looking at Amosta who was lowering his head and pretending to appreciate the red wine in the glass, Dumbledore looked solemn.

"I'm not shirking responsibility, Amosta, but in this matter, you are more suitable than me and more suitable to contact this Miss Cliona. I think, just like Severus back then. , Miss Cliona must be full of confusion and pain now. Maybe, you can guide her in the right direction.

Even according to your ideas, Amosta, if you can change her position, it would be an amazing victory for us, wouldn't it? "

Amosta sighed and put the goblet on the table with a thud.

Professor Moody was still holding his wine bottle in his hand, perhaps staring too fascinatedly at the hall filled with laughter and laughter. His vigilance and the blue magic eye in his eye socket had no effect. It wasn't until Amosta's shadow climbed onto his ferocious cheek that he realized it in surprise, and quickly stood up with crutches.

"Oh, do you have any advice, Professor Blaine?"

Professor Moody gripped his bottle tightly and said roughly. He looked a little nervous.

"Oh, I'm here to ask you to dance, Professor Moody—"

Amosta smiled slightly, but after seeing the astonishment on the hideous face filled with scars, he couldn't help laughing.

"Just kidding, Professor Moody, I'm going to go out on patrol, um... would you like to go for a walk with me?"

(End of this chapter)

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