Homecoming from Hogwarts

Chapter 723 The Brave Loyalty Curse

"I'm not mistaken, Remus-"

Sirius said firmly,

"Two months ago, we once caught a criminal selling Class B contraband in Birmingham, but this guy was very smart and destroyed all the evidence before he fell into our hands, so we wanted to go to his house. Check it out, maybe you can find something.

At that time, I went to the wizard's residence registration office in the Muggle world to check the information. Well, out of curiosity, I checked Amosta's residence in the Muggle world. "

Sirius pointed to the street sign not far away,

"178 Frinker Street, I swear I remember it right."

Harry stood on a section of abandoned railway track embedded in the ground, squinting his eyes and looking across. The nameplate said No. 177 Frinker Street was an eight-story department store, while No. 179 was a bakery. Bakery, these two buildings are connected together, there is no such thing as 178 Flinker Street.

A sudden cold wind swept over with scattered snowflakes. Harry turned his face to avoid the wind and snow. Suddenly, he saw an old stone arch bridge standing in the direction of the street towards the suburbs.

"What's wrong, Harry, what did you find?"

Hermione immediately noticed something was wrong with Harry's expression, and she asked with concern.

"Oh well--" Harry smiled and looked away, "It's nothing, I just squinted due to the snow-"

"If you remember correctly, Sirius, this means-"

Remus' eyebrows furrowed. He stared at the partition wall between No. 177 and No. 179 and said in a low voice, "Amosta used magic to hide the orphanage. I think this must not be allowed." ,Sirius?"

The cold weather and poor business have caused most of the shops on this street to suspend operations. Sirius, who was planning to find someone to inquire, heard Remus' question and smiled softly.

"Of course it's not allowed, Remus. If it's a pure wizarding family, they have the right to hide their house to keep out unwanted guests, but the orphanage. You know, Remus, There are Muggle children and Muggle volunteers inside. In this case, they are not allowed to use magic on the residence. Of course, Amosta will not care, and no one in the ministry is stupid enough to do this. I want to go to trouble with the famous Amosta Blaine——"

Hermione wrinkled her nose, not seeming to like this statement.

Of course, what Remus really wanted to ask was not this. He still stared at the partition wall and said softly,

"The question is, has this orphanage always been hidden by Amosta, or is this a recent thing?"

Only Sirius and Hermione understood Remus's hint. If this house had been hidden, it would not matter. If it was, Amosta had recently, even yesterday, returned here and immediately started to hide it without stopping. The place where he grew up was protected with strict magic, and the meaning of it was extraordinary.

It was getting dark, and there was a tinkling sound from the yellow lampshades hanging on the street lamps on both sides, and the electric lamps emitted a dim light. Under the illumination of the lights, the falling snow petals had a faint tendency to grow heavier, and the reddish-brown stone bricks on the ground that had been cleared of snow were covered with a thin layer of white snow.

"I can't see any trace--"

Remus, who had been trying to find traces of some kind of magic, finally gave up. He shook his head slightly.

"In Amosta's style, if he decided to hide the house, he would have used the most powerful spell possible. I suspect it was the Fidelity Charm -"

"Loyal and loyal?"

Harry and Ron were hiding behind a lamppost, chatting boredly. After Wood left, who would become the captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team next year. When Remus said this, Harry's eyebrows jumped. He looked over immediately.

"Yes, it's the spell Dumbledore used to protect James and Lily -"

Sirius rubbed his frozen hands, the light shone on his face that suddenly became gloomy, and he nodded.

"A very ancient and powerful spell that hides a secret in the soul of the keeper. As long as the keeper does not reveal the secret, it is absolutely safe. If it hadn't been for that pathetic guy Peter, Voldemort would have had his nose pressed against the window of your parents' house. Come on, he can’t see anything!”

"if it is like this--"

Hermione closed the book she got from Sirius last night with a snap. I have to say that this is a very interesting book. It is not a boring book that records a lot of magic spells. It is actually a book. The travel notes were left by one of Sirius's ancestors after they returned from exploring the world. It records how the Black family ancestor, who was highly skilled in magic, used his profound knowledge to resolve the crisis when he encountered various dangers on the journey.

"Since we can't find the house, shouldn't we leave?"

Hermione said eagerly that she had always had a mental barrier to visiting Professor Blaine's residence in the Muggle world without his permission. "It's not like there's nothing we can do--"

Sirius said hesitantly,

"If the people in the house get out of the magic protection range, it seems we are lucky!"

Harry and the other three were listening intently to Sirius' words when they saw that he suddenly became energetic and took long strides towards the middle-aged woman who suddenly appeared in their field of vision across the street.

This is a middle-aged woman in her forties with a slightly thin body. She is wearing waterproof rubber shoes, loose brown pants and a dark green thick sweater. She does not put a coat on the sweater, but wears a greasy apron. At this moment, she was dragging a large bag of garbage to the trash can not far away, but the weight of the bag of garbage was obviously not light, making the thin woman panting from exhaustion.

"Need any help, ma'am?"

Sirius flew over the fence on the side of the road, smiling kindly.


Mrs. Reagan looked at the man with deep eyebrows who suddenly came up to her in surprise. She was stunned for several seconds before she realized what this unfamiliar face was referring to.

"If you can, that would be very grateful!"

Mrs. Reagan said gratefully.

Sirius looked back at the few people who were following him, and winked at Harry and Ron. Then, the two boys sadly walked to both sides of Mrs. Reagan and carried the garbage bag, which weighed forty or fifty pounds.

"How can I help you, sir?"

Mrs. Regan straightened up and wiped the oil on her hands on her apron. Her tone was a little reserved. She looked at Sirius, Remus and Hermione, as well as Harry and Ron who grabbed her garbage bag and quickly put it back into the trash can. , obviously realizing that this group of well-dressed people gathered around her was definitely not just to help her carry garbage.

"Oh, that's right-"

Sirius and Remus looked at each other. Even though they had been frozen for a long time, they didn't show any concern. Remus smiled gently.

"I don't know if you know Amosta Blaine. Well, we heard he lives nearby-"

"Oh, are you here to find Amosta?" Mrs. Reagan's wary brow suddenly widened, "But who are you?"

"Well, colleague--"

Remus spoke concisely to avoid revealing his secret.

"Oh, you are Amosta's colleagues!"

Mrs. Reagan's tone became lighter, but when she saw the two boys running over quickly, she frowned again, and raised her chin at Hermione, Harry, and Ron.

"Then these three children--"

"We are interns, ma'am-"

said the quick-thinking Hermione, her cheeks red,

"I am Hermione Granger, these two are Harry Potter and Ron Weasley, and we are following Mr. Sirius Black and Mr. Remus Lupin on their internship mission in the internship school. "

"So that's it!" Mrs. Reagan said happily, "We have never seen Amosta's colleagues. Come on in, guys, it's really cold outside!"

Before Sirius could stop her, Mrs. Reagan quickly rushed into the partition wall and disappeared from the sight of several people.


(End of this chapter)

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