Homecoming from Hogwarts

Chapter 735 That’s against the law

"How to get out of a bad environment——"

Amosta's butt was off the edge of the table and he was pacing back and forth in front of the students.

"So who can tell me, what are the ways we can get from one place to another in an instant?"

The students in the physical education class were probably the most motivated. Almost 80% of the students immediately raised their hands, and Amosta picked Draco at the front.

"Tell me, Mr. Malfoy—"

"Apparition, portkeys, if fireplaces are included, these are the only common ones, Professor Blaine-" Draco stood up and said.

"Very good, five points for Slytherin--"

Amosta pressed his hand and motioned Draco to sit down, and then looked at the students below,

"Is there anyone who doesn't quite understand the concepts of the methods Mr. Malfoy just mentioned?"

The youngest student who appears here is Astoria Greengrass. However, Astoria comes from a pure-blood family and has rich knowledge of magic. The other students, the youngest is in the third grade. You don't know these basic concepts.

Harry nodded to indicate he understood. The person who took him to Apparate for the first time was Professor Blaine in front of him, and the fireplace was something he experienced at Ron's house, and the portkey was from last summer vacation, when he went there with the Weasleys and Hermione. I experienced it while watching the Quidditch World Cup.

"Then let us briefly discuss the above three ways to get out quickly, then--"

Amosta smiled and asked again,

"If you were asked to choose, which method would you rule out first?"

This time, fewer students raised their hands, but Hermione was still the fastest.

"Miss Granger, tell me what you think -"

Hermione stood up, took a breath, and talked,

"I would rule out a fireplace, Professor Brain, because if you want to use a fireplace you first have to have one, and a fireplace won't work if it's not connected to the floo network, assuming we're in a dangerous environment. , I don’t think we’ll have time to submit an application to the Ministry of Magic!”

Many students nodded approvingly, but Amosta did not express approval and just smiled and said,

"Secondly, Miss Granger, of the remaining two, which one would you exclude?"

"Portkey, Professor Blaine"

Hermione said immediately,

"According to the laws promulgated by the Department of Magical Transport, the use of portkeys also requires authorization from the Ministry of Magic, which means there is also not enough time to apply for authorization."

"Sit down, Miss Granger -" Amosta said with a smile.

"He forgot to give Gryffindor points--"

George Weasley carefully touched Hermione's back, but Hermione just turned around quickly and glared at George.

"I don't want you to spread the following words everywhere, understand? If it gets out and the Ministry of Magic comes to me, I won't admit it--"

Amosta's unexpected words made the little wizards look briefly shocked, but after that, their eyes shone with excitement.

"First of all, I would like to ask, what is the core of our discussion now?" Amosta asked.


The question caused a commotion, and in the confusion, the voice of Hufflepuff Fin-Reeli stood out and drew a chorus of echoes.

"very good--"

Amosta approved the answer, and then he smiled and looked at Hermione, who frowned and seemed to be aware of it.

"So, who is more important, escape or the law?"

The noisy classroom suddenly became quiet, and many students frowned like Hermione. This question seemed easy to answer, but upon reflection, it was not that simple.

"Okay, we are not discussing right and wrong here. Let me put the question in a simple way -" Amosta started to pace again.

"Suppose you are chasing an evil dark wizard. However, when you actually encounter him, you find that you are no match for him. In this case, will you choose to violate the law and ensure your own life? Worry-free?"

The answers were inconsistent. Most people would choose to save their lives in this situation. However, there were also some people who whispered something like, 'I don't want to go to Azkaban even if I die.'

Amosta ignored the discussions of the little wizards and continued,

"Let me share my thoughts on these three ways of escaping. Everyone, the first is Apparition -"

Amosta stared at the students, his expression slightly serious.

"This is an extremely convenient way to escape. It will not be supervised by the Ministry of Magic. It is generally impossible to track. Only some wizards with extremely profound magical attainments can capture your trajectory through some clues, but this kind of wizard Phoenix feathers and water chestnuts, don’t think about it.

When you are in sixth grade, the Ministry of Magic will send people to Hogwarts to teach you the secrets of this skill. By then, I hope you will all be able to master this skill--"

The tone paused,

"Let's talk about the disadvantages of Apparating again.

First, when apparating for long-distance migration, it consumes a huge amount of magic power and energy, which cannot be ignored. Second, and the most critical point, Apparition is very easy to be disturbed. It only takes a simple anti-Apparition spell to cause the spatial information in a large area to be blocked and the destination to become unmarkable. Even if it is me Or Principal Dumbledore, we can't force the disembodiment in this situation, unless we don't intend to kill ourselves--"

The windows shivered in the freezing cold wind and made a clanking sound, but no one's attention was disturbed by the students in the room. They listened intently.

"--Portkey, there is a magic in its production. It marks space differently from Apparition. Therefore, the anti-Apparition spell does not work on it. It is flexible and convenient to use. Of course, just like Granger As the lady said, making door keys privately is against the law——"

Draco chuckled softly, his eyes flashing thoughtfully.

"As for the fireplace, Miss Granger is right. The prerequisite for using it is that you must have one nearby."

Amosta's eyes flickered, and before anyone could react, he had already pulled out his wand and thrown out a cursed light that hit the desk. Covered in the twisted space, the desk instantly transformed into It became a wall with a simple fireplace. After a bang, a flame ignited in the fireplace.

Looking at the sudden appearance of the fireplace, Hermione was a little dumbfounded.

"--Fortunately, finding a fireplace is not a complicated matter. The trouble is connecting to the Floo network, but if you have left a fireplace in a safe place and marked it well, it is No problem, of course, provided that you are not in a place like Hogwarts, where you are constantly monitored by the Department of Magical Transportation -"

Neville squirmed his butt uncomfortably. He really hoped that someone would realize that what Professor Brain said might not only send them to Azkaban, but he himself might not survive it, but Neville Glancing around, I found that everyone was listening to Professor Blaine's lecture attentively, even Hermione. Of course, her brows were really frowning.

"Professor Blaine!"

After Amosta finished speaking, Draco immediately raised his hands,

"we do not know"

Draco said with great interest and in a light tone,

"We don't know how to make a portkey, or, mark a fireplace for stowaway, will you tell us?"

"What are you thinking about, Mr. Malfoy—"

Amosta rolled his eyes and said angrily,

"How can I teach students this? This is against the law!"

(End of this chapter)

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