Homecoming from Hogwarts

Chapter 741 Shocking Change

Chapter 741 Shocking Change (Part )

What was going to be a lovely day for Harry was ruined by a chance encounter with Cedric and Cho Chang.

Hogsmeade is beautiful in the snow. The laughter and laughter of the little wizards did not destroy the tranquility of this ancient magical village, but made the atmosphere here more harmonious. Harry, who grew up in the Muggle world and saw many high-rise buildings and busy traffic, knew very well how unique Hogsmeade was.

But Harry just couldn't be happy.

He knew very well that he should not blame Cedric. It was not a sin to pursue the girl he liked.

But Harry just found Cedric irritating, and even hearing his name made him feel uncomfortable. This was not only because Cedric took away the girl he liked, but maybe it was also because he realized for the first time that he had been defeated by another boy in terms of courage and was completely defeated.

So, when he entered the Honeydukes candy store, in order to relieve his depression, he threw the entire thirty golden galleons in his wallet to the boss Frum. In order to thank Harry for his generosity, the candy store The boss presented them with a big bag of pepper naughty boys.

"Are you crazy, Harry?"

Ron stared at Harry with a look that was a bit complaining and a bit confused.

"What's going on with you? Thirty gold galleons, that's almost your pocket money for one semester, and you don't plan to live on? Even if you sympathize with the children in that orphanage, look at these things you bought. Ice Mouse, Chocolate Frog, Fudge Fly, Bubble Gum"

As he said that, Ron's eyelids drooped, and there was disappointment in his eyes. He didn't know what Hermione and Harry were hiding, but maybe it was what happened during the time when they broke up.


"What happened to him?"

Hermione grabbed Ron's sleeve and looked at him with warning eyes,

"I can tell you, but don't yell, do you understand?"

"How are you feeling, Harry?" Hermione asked softly.

After being silent for several seconds, Harry slowly shook his head and said, then strode towards the post office with his head down.

Ron looked at Hermione again,

"I'm guessing these candies aren't very common in the Muggle world?"

Ron raised his eyebrows high and looked sideways at Hermione.

"Hey, listen-"

"Oh well-" Hermione was observing Harry with concern, "You're right, Ron-"

Ron blinked, his eyes sparkling.

Ron finally realized something was wrong with Harry, and he asked worriedly.

"Nothing, I feel fine--"

But in the face of Ron's question, Hermione also remained silent, because this was Harry's secret. She just guessed it. She shouldn't mess with it without Harry's permission. explain.

Hermione looked at Harry and whispered,

"This sounds complicated to say, but it's actually very simple. That is, the girl next to Cedric in the morning, she is Cho Chang from Ravenclaw, um... she is Cedric's girlfriend--"

"--That's right,"

Think about it, now there is a secret that both Harry and Hermione know, only he does not know, and they are not willing to tell themselves.

Hermione woke up immediately, and she suddenly realized that their silence was a serious harm to Ron.

"Yeah, I can see that--"

Hermione thought so, but her silence was undoubtedly a disservice to Ron.

"Okay--" Ron's face turned pale and he didn't continue to ask, "If it's not convenient to say, then forget it-"

Looking at Ron who was walking faster, Hermione bit her lower lip, then looked at Harry in front of her. After hesitating in her heart, she still chose to tell Ron about this matter.

Ron said in an obvious tone,

"He simply didn't want to let go of her hand, just like Percy did to his girlfriend back then. But so what?"

"Harry likes her too -" Hermione finally said, "since third year."

Under Hermione's nervous gaze, Ron's mouth opened quietly. He looked at Harry in front of him and then at Hermione. His thoughts seemed to be frozen and he could not make a sound.

"You mean-"

But at a certain moment, Ron suddenly screamed, and Hermione, who was well prepared, immediately kicked his ankle hard, causing his scream to turn into a painful whimper.

"I never knew!" Ron stared at Hermione in surprise and annoyance, "You actually kept it a secret from me!"

"Oh -" Hermione said unhappily, "Harry didn't tell me, I guessed it myself -" There were so many points worth complaining about that Ron didn't know where to start for a short time. Speaking of which, he opened his mouth for a long time, thinking as he walked,

"But Ginny." Ron closed his mouth mid-sentence.

It's no secret that his little sister adores Harry, and Harry has always been indifferent to Ginny, but he does not like Ginny, never. This, as a good friend who gets along day and night, Ron is very sure of this. .

At this time, Harry had already stepped onto the wooden steps in front of the post office shop. He stood under the shed and threw the package containing the three of their old clothes and the candy he had just bought from Honeydukes on the ground with a clang. He turned his head and saw Hermione and Ron were walking slowly this way, muttering to each other.

"What are you talking about?" Harry asked suspiciously.

"Oh, it's nothing -" Hermione said nervously.

"We were just discussing where to go later?" Ron said with a sullen face as he didn't dare to touch the 'lovelorn' Harry at the moment.

Hermione paid for the postage because Harry had spent all the money he had and Ron had spent more than half of his pocket money picking out sweets.

When she came out of the post office, Hermione had another large package and letters stranded in the post office during the Christmas holidays. She asked Ron to pick up the package for her while she looked through the envelopes.

"They're all letters from fans--"

After a moment, Hermione shrugged and stuffed the stack of envelopes she had received into her pocket.

In Hogwarts, not many people had crazy admiration for Hermione, and considering the teaching atmosphere, Dumbledore and Amosta did not allow outside reporters to conduct private interviews with the school's warriors. interview, however, Hermione and Cedric already do have quite a few admirers outside of school.

Since the live broadcast of the game, the four warriors have received many letters from magical residents from various European countries every month. Most of them praised their performance in the first game, and many of them were Insulting them.

Whether it was praise or reprimand, after a few months, Hermione had become accustomed to it. The most difficult days of becoming a warrior were long gone. Now she didn't particularly care about a group of strangers judging her.

The Three Broomsticks Pub is a must-visit shop every time you come to Hogsmeade. Ms. Romestad served them several cups of steaming butterbeer. Hermione took out several envelopes from her pocket, one by one. She looked through it, and from the look on her face, it was obvious that these letters were not ridiculing him.

Ron was holding a beer and looking at the expressionless Harry nervously.

To be honest, he had never encountered this kind of situation before and had no experience in dealing with it. He didn't even dare to comfort Harry without permission.

Jingle Bell--

Several professors in the school opened the door, and at the reminder of the doorbell, the three of them discovered that Professor Blaine was also among the staff.

Facing Professor Brain's friendly gaze, the three people all shrank their heads subconsciously. Although they thought they had done a good thing, they didn't know what Professor Brain would think about it.

"Let's go, I want to go to the library and write the paper assigned by Professor Blaine--"

After drinking the beer in one gulp, the warmth in his stomach made Harry feel less uncomfortable, but he was still uninterested and no longer wanted to stay in this place full of cheerful atmosphere.

Hermione and Ron looked at each other and remained eerily silent.

"All right--"

After a brief silence, Hermione nodded, "Let me open the package first if the contents are on Filch's contraband list--"

No matter what was in the package, Harry was not interested, but Ron enthusiastically helped Hermione tear open the wrapping paper of the package.

Inside the package was a gift box filled with snacks. Opening the lid of the gift box, there were many handmade exquisite pastries stacked inside, which looked very tempting.

Ron sniffed the aroma that came to him,

"It smells really nice, and someone sent you a flower!"

In the center of the gift box, there is a very pink rose placed in a space embedded in the ground. These roses have obviously been enchanted. The pink petals are filled with silky luster and are very beautiful and delicate.

"Don't move, Weasley!"

Ron subconsciously reached out to the rose, but was slapped hard by Hermione.

Facing Ron's plaintive eyes, Hermione turned up her nose proudly. Then, Hermione, whose cheeks were also slightly pink, pursed her lips, with a pleasant smile on her lips, and slowly stretched out her hand to touch the Rose.

(End of this chapter)

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