Homecoming from Hogwarts

Chapter 760 It’s you

Chapter 760 It’s you

The magic barrier that shrouded the surroundings was removed by the Aurors. Before that, they restored the small house where the Inferi was to its original state.

"But what about this Muggle named Fraser?"

Kingsley watched the boarded-up glass window of the house come together from its scattered state, and then fly upside down and embed into the wall. His worried eyes fell on Amosta who was standing at the door and looking into the house. Blaine, he whispered.

Fraser's body was used as a human bomb by the dark wizard who controlled him. In the thrilling explosion just now, his body was completely lost in the high temperature and fire, and not even a complete piece of cloth was left on his body. Later , how should they explain it to the Muggles who came over?

If she directly told that Muggle that her acquaintance was destroyed in the explosion, she would definitely call the police, right?

The matter was troublesome enough as it was, and Kingsley tried not to involve Muggle law enforcement officers if possible.

"In emergencies, follow authority--"

Amosta said. A piece of naturally peeling masonry in the corner of the wall flew up from the ground, shrouded in light and undergoing a complex human deformation. The body of the young Muggle who had just self-destructed appeared again, lying back on the bed.

Amosta's approach was not unexpected, but it was obviously not in line with the rules.

"--I used the permanent transformation charm to deal with it. I have to give something back to this Muggle family."

Amosta's voice was heavy, and Kingsley's eyes flashed with anger as he lowered his head.

Noticing the surprise in Amosta Brain's slightly raised eyebrows, Kingsley moved the corners of his mouth and said in a hoarse voice.

"Haha, yes, I discovered it--"

"And for those who stay, your outfits also need to change--"

"There's no need for so many people to be here, it would be weird--"

It has to be said that Aurors are indeed the elite of the Ministry of Magic. Amosta thought that the remaining Aurors would dress up in fancy clothes, but he did not expect that they would look like that. thing.

"Sorry, madam, the alley here is too narrow, I can only send you here -"

"Kingsley, including you, just keep four or five people, and the rest-"

When the Aurors who had restored the surroundings returned to the house, Amosta looked at the tightly blocked alley, and he said to them,

Amosta smiled,

It had been a long time since they had seen such a bold person. He almost blatantly killed Muggles, turned them into inferi, and used them as bait to set traps, which almost caused heavy losses to the elite Aurors of the Ministry of Magic. To commit such a heinous crime, the murderer behind the scenes didn't even have to go to Azkaban.

Even if Amosta Brain was not responsible for this case, Albus Dumbledore still paid great attention to it, and they must catch the murderer.

Looking at a group of Aurors wearing black coats and wide-brimmed hats, Amosta thought for a moment.

"The quality of employees in the Ministry of Magic is actually not as bad as what the Daily Prophet and the public say. Maybe you just lack a wise and capable leader--"

"Disguise and concealment are one of the necessary courses for Aurors. Mr. Brain, if you cannot pass the test of these two courses, you will not be able to do the job of Auror--"

Kingsley did not answer, and the Aurors who were on guard all around just twitched their mouths secretly after hearing this, and turned their heads to one side to hide their expressions. Of course, Amosta Braine did not need to be afraid of the Ministry, but if the Minister of Magic Knowing that they were speaking ill of him in private, their end would not be good.

From time to time, a few jackdaws flew over Amosta's head, leaving only their shrill cries, and from the wasteland on both sides of the river, the cries of wandering foxes were heard from time to time. The cries were like human beings who had lost their shelter. The baby, sharp and helpless, adds a bit of eerieness to this forgotten place of residence.

A pale moon in the sky loomed behind the strange clouds. As the night deepened, a layer of mist gradually rose from the meandering river beside the residential area. Disturbed by the cold wind, the mist opened its ferocious mouth. , gradually encroaching on the dilapidated residential areas.

In the Muggle taxi, the taxi driver stretched his head and measured the width of the alley with his eyes for a long time. He leaned back in his chair and turned to look at the young girl in the back seat.

"It doesn't matter. I can walk the rest of the way by myself. I think it's not far away—"

Louise lifted up a few strands of golden hair that were scattered in front of her eyes, showed a forced smile, her eyes flickered, trying her best to hide the uneasiness and panic in her heart. "Well, good luck to you, ma'am--"

It was dark at night, and it was obviously unsafe for a girl to be left alone in this chaotic area. The driver tried to persuade Louise, hoping that she could find a friend to pick her up, or, if there was no emergency, find someone else to pick her up. Time came here again, and after being rejected, the driver took the banknotes handed over by the girl and shrugged helplessly.

Although she had just told the taxi driver that she would not be afraid, as the roar of the taxi engine gradually moved away and the light of the car lights became faintly visible in her sight, an uncontrollable panic rose from the bottom of Louise's heart, making her His body trembled slightly.

The dim yellow street lamp not far away from him completely flashed out with a crackling sound of electricity, and the surrounding environment suddenly became real. The sound coming from the other side of the river, made by some kind of animal, but very similar to the wail of a female ghost, made Louise retreat quickly, her thin back pressed against the cold brick wall.

The cold wind passing in front of her made Louise wrap her coat tightly, her beautiful eyes showing regret and fear.

She had to admit that she was a little impulsive.

Just because of the information provided by a strange man on the other end of the phone, she came to such a "barren mountain" without considering the consequences. It is entirely possible that the man on the phone was a gangster. He deceived her here in order to kidnap her. , or do something else!

"Oh, don't be afraid, Louise--"

The girl hugged herself tightly, clenching her fists in her sleeves.

"You're well-informed, aren't you? This doesn't scare you--"

The extinguished street lights made the dim light behind the dirty glass windows of a house not far from her on the right suddenly become obvious. Her eyes drifted there uncontrollably. After the eyes settled, a wave of A biting chill suddenly rose from the tailbone and climbed up the back to the top of the head, making Louise's scalp numb for a while!

Behind the window was a man's face. The man had disheveled hair and a messy beard. His eyes were full of longing as he looked at her. And after he realized that he was looking at him, not only did he not show any timidity, but instead, he bared his yellow teeth and showed a silly smile.


The frightened, high-pitched cries penetrated the night, startling jackdaws.

Louise could no longer care about fear, or was overwhelmed by fear. She rushed into the alley shrouded in darkness in a panic, and then--

The moment she rushed into the darkness, a pair of young and pale, but very powerful hands suddenly stretched out from the deep alley.

The hands held Louise's arms, resisting her and preventing her from moving forward.

"let me go!"

Louise burst into tears immediately, and she was frightened and struggled wildly, trying to get rid of the restraint of those hands.

"Please calm down. Uh--"

The owner of those hands finally made a voice, and it was easy to hear that there was a bit of surprise in his voice. He did not expect that this Muggle girl would be involved in this matter.

"If i remember correctly--"

Amosta took a step forward, and his slightly stunned face was finally exposed. He stared at the confused Muggle girl in front of him, and finally figured out why he felt so familiar with the voice on the phone.

"Are you, um, Miss Louise Aundair, a reporter for the London Daily News?"

Louise's heart skipped a beat and she immediately stopped struggling.

What's going on? Why does the owner of this voice know her name, and even where she works?

Fear finally outweighed curiosity. Louise gritted her teeth and glanced her pretty face to the side, but she secretly opened her eyes a slit and peeked out of the corner of her eye. --

"Oh, God, it's you!"

Louise Andaire opened her eyes wide and exclaimed in disbelief!

(End of this chapter)

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