Homecoming from Hogwarts

Chapter 772 It’s not fair


Kingsley pushed Louise gently, and before leaving, he thoughtfully closed the door for the two people in the room.

Silence always lingered in the room, and the atmosphere was a little awkward. The soft light shone on Louise's slightly pink cheeks. She bit her lip gently, already beginning to regret that she had run over to chat with someone when her brain got hot.

"How can I help you, Louise?"

Amosta's voice was still gentle, and he seemed not to realize that it was a very charming thing for two single men and women to be in the same room late at night.

Perhaps because Amosta's soft tone was as usual, Louise's pounding heartbeat gradually regained its rhythm. She took a few deep breaths, pursed her lips, and her voice was slightly hoarse.

"Sorry. Amosta, I just - well, I couldn't sleep, and then - I saw the light was still on in your room, and I wanted to find someone to chat -"

It was normal to be unable to sleep. If Louise could sleep peacefully, Amos would be surprised.

"Oh, if you don't mind, maybe we could have a drink--"

Amosta stood up from the sofa and said with a smile,

"A little alcohol can help relax your nerves--"

It felt even weirder to have two people drinking in the room in the middle of the night.

Louise's heartbeat quickened again, but she noticed Amosta's calm expression, breathed a sigh of relief, and nodded slowly.

Amosta walked to the wine rack in the room, looked around between the upper and lower shelves, and quickly selected a bottle of semi-dry sherry.

Elegantly folding up his sleeves, Amosta skillfully opened the bottle of sherry with a corkscrew. Turning around, he saw Louise standing ten feet behind him, looking at the place where he had just sat. That sofa, with hesitation in his eyes.

Subconsciously, Amosta almost pulled out his wand and conjured a chair for Louise, but fortunately he suppressed his instinct in time.

Although from the moment he decided to bring Louise to Italy, Amosta knew very well that sooner or later this Muggle girl would see real magic, and he was not afraid of this. Sooner or later, he would take her away. What he remembered was that after all, the "Wizards' Statute of Secrecy" was deeply rooted in people's hearts, and Amosta was instinctively slowing down the time when magic was exposed.

"Just sit there--"

The wine rolled into the crystal clear glass. When Amosta handed the glass to Louise, he pointed at the sofa he had just made, and he reached the edge of the bed.

As the wine with the subtle aroma of hazelnut and extremely light tobacco entered her throat, Louise exhaled heavily, as if to drive all the sadness and troubles out of her mind. She did not say anything immediately, but Silently, he sipped the wine one sip after another, his eyes falling on the brass clock on the wall, with a look of confusion in his eyes.

Amosta knew very well how Louise was feeling at this moment. Her brother lost his life due to the persecution of terrorists, and her parents did not know about it yet.

Although the relationship between her brother and her family and her had become bad for a short period of time, in the eyes of her family, Frazier was probably just temporarily carried away, so she became deviant. They probably thought Sooner or later Fraser will recognize the reality and return to a normal life, but--

Now everything is in vain. Fraser will never have a chance to change his mind. No, he has already changed his mind. He is unwilling to contact them just to protect them.

Even so, he was still killed by those people.

"you say--"

After a long silence, the confusion in Louise's eyes still did not dissipate. She stared at the beating brass seconds, her voice erratic,

"Does magic really exist in this world?"

Amosta, who was shaking and dispersing the sediment in the wine, paused for a short time. He resumed his movements again without giving any answer. He knew very well that what Louise needed now was someone to talk to, and she You don't need to answer anything yourself.

"Fraser has had excellent grades since he was a child. He is very smart. Few people can deceive him——"

Louise looked confused,

"If there is no magic in this world, then those who killed him must be the most powerful group of liars in the world. Only the most exquisite deception can make Fraser so obsessed with studying magic."

"What if magic exists in this world?"

Amosta lowered his eyes, looking at the swaying light and shadow formed by the light on the velvet carpet through the clear wine, and he asked softly.

Louise looked at Amosta in slight shock. She originally thought that Amosta would not easily intervene in her nonsense. After all, Amosta was a government agent and she had the shrewd eye of a reporter. It can be seen that this is a man who is very good at hiding his thoughts, "If it really exists--"

Louise smiled palely,

"Then this world is really unfair."

"Fairness has always been a relative thing, and magic is not a gift from God. Human beings can also do many incredible things through technology, at least -"

Amosta shrugged.

"Magic can't help you get to the moon, but technology has done it --"

Louise pursed her lips, and she glanced at Amosta in surprise. This man seemed to be too cautious in answering the questions she murmured in her dream, as if he really had magic?

After shaking her head slightly, Louise pushed this ridiculous thought out of her mind. As a reporter, she knew that with the development of the media, if magic existed in this world, how could it not be exposed?

Maybe Amosta is a man who likes to be serious?

Louise thought, she lowered her head, took a sip of wine, and out of the corner of her eye, she caught a glimpse of the parchment on the coffee table next to her.

"what is this?"

"We considered that the terrorists who committed the crime might have fled out of the UK, and not necessarily through normal channels. Therefore, I arranged for Kingsley and his subordinates to obtain the package for a period of time after it was sent. , list of people who left the UK by smuggling--"

"You guys are so responsive!"

Louise was slightly surprised, thinking that they were worthy of being agents. Normal police officers were not as efficient as them. Subconsciously, her hand touched the list, but when she touched it, she felt as if she had been burned. Shrank back,

"sorry, I--"

"I can't think of anyone more qualified to read this list than you, Louise--"

Amosta smiled and made an inviting gesture with the hand holding the wine glass.


Louise rubbed the paper with her fingertips, and was surprised again. Not many people can use this kind of antique material nowadays.

The list was very long, and Louise was dazzled by the name and country written on it in black ink. She looked at it aimlessly. Neither Amosta nor Louise expected her to be on this list. What clues were found on the absconding list?

As her eyes moved down, Louise frowned slightly at the name of a person who appeared in her sight. She felt a little familiar, but she couldn't remember where she had heard it before. Under the slight drunkenness, she quickly walked around. Look down past the name.

"How's it going? Did you find anything?"

Seeing Louise silently folding the list and putting it back on the coffee table, Amosta asked casually.


Louise shrugged again,

"Tom Riddle's name appears three times on the list, but I don't think it's a classmate with that name in my elementary, high school, and college classes—"

"Ah——" Amosta chuckled, "It's indeed unlikely——"

A few jokes released the dull atmosphere in the room, and the gloom in Louise's heart dissipated a little. Before Amosta could refill her bottomed wine glass, she walked away with somewhat erratic steps. Go over and pour yourself some wine. Drinking to drown your sorrows is indeed a very good way to deceive yourself and numb yourself - Louise thought, looking at Amosta who was sitting there with an upright posture, Louise chose jaw,

"Can you tell me about yourself, the young and promising Mr. Amosta Brain?"

The light taste of the wine was deceptive. Unconsciously, Louise, whose brain was numbed, raised the corners of her mouth and chuckled uncontrollably, revealing her charm.

(End of this chapter)

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