disaster strikes

Chapter 420 Black Sandstorm

Chapter 420 Black Sandstorm

When Chen Mo woke up again, it was already a day and a night later.

The members of the three teams have all woken up one after another, eating a small amount of food, but are still in a weak state.

It seems that at least another three to five days of rest will be required to fully recover.

Crossing the Bone Gobi is not only a physical torture for everyone, but also a spiritual devastation.

After Chen Mo woke up, he also felt groggy.

"you're awake?"

Lei Wu sat next to Chen Mo, showing pain on the front, lowering his head and rubbing his temples.

"Boss, let's eat something."

After Tian Tian saw Chen Mo wake up, she walked quickly and handed over a piece of toast. Chen Mo's stomach gurgled, and he was already so hungry that his chest was pressed against his back.

At this time, other people also found that Chen Mo had woken up, and surrounded him one after another.

"Boss, I've told everyone everything I know, but I haven't seen Nirvana, and I'm not affected by it, so I can't explain it clearly."

Sweet words, let everyone look at Chen Mo, hoping to get an answer from him.

The vast majority of people have completely forgotten everything about Nirvana, and a small number of people have memories of their last journey.

Lei Wu still couldn't believe it after learning about the past from Tian Tian's mouth.

He tried desperately to recall what had happened, but he couldn't.

But judging from the degree of physical fatigue, what Tiantian said should be true. It is indeed possible that he has not slept for seven days, which caused him to be so tired now.

Good thing...

Everything has passed, and I survived.

"Death... what is it?"

Lei Wu's question made Chen Mo shake his head.

If it was an ordinary person, he would definitely not continue to ask further questions, but Lei Wu was not an ordinary person. He had heard many secret things from his grandfather.

So he continued to ask: "Is it unknown, or unknown?"


After getting the answer, Lei Wu nodded silently, while the others frowned.

But Chen Mo had already said that, and it was really hard for everyone to ask further questions.

Nightingale pursed her lips. She decided not to pursue the absurd things in the Gobi of Bones, but to devote herself to solving the difficulties in front of her. She looked at Chen Mo and said, "Traveler, this is the only food we have left."

In the absence of food, in the disaster world, unless he was promoted to a great guardian, even a natural disaster monarch would be a dead end.

After all, in the disaster world, there is not enough natural energy to maintain vitality.

Without enough external energy intake, organisms will continue to consume their own functions, and higher organisms can only last longer.

Nightingale continued: "If everything Tiantian said about the Bone Gobi is true, we are now lucky enough to pass through the Bone Gobi and come to the hinterland of Heifeng Mountain. With the cooperation of the natural disaster squadron, with the strength of our three teams, if we want to rely on looting the supplies of the Black Wind Mountain team to survive, it is almost a dead end."

no doubt.

Most of the natural disasters who tried to cross the Gobi of Bones must have been wiped out.

"I still have some food in stock here, let's distribute it first.

Chen Mo took off the gentleman's top hat, and poured out all the food reserves inside.

He counted the food reserves inside and divided them into twelve portions.

But the expressions on the faces of the people did not show much joy. The storage space of the gentleman's top hat was limited, so Chen Mo did not store much food.

After Chen Mo frowned slightly, he forcibly cheered up and boosted everyone's morale.

"If we save a little, the food is enough to last for three days, and we can use it to restore our strength. At that time, as long as we find the breeders here, or the predator team acting alone, we can get supplies. If we are guilty, we can also rely on it to satisfy our hunger!"

Chen Mo took out the bullet ant nest.

Tip: Bullet Ant Nest
Quality: White.

Conditions of use: For every 3 energy points consumed, one bullet ant can be summoned, or energy stones can be consumed to summon three bullet ants, up to 3 per day.

Item properties: Bullet ants belong to the family Formicidae, the genus Carpenter Ant, and the phylum Arthropoda, with a body length of about 10 cm and strong and powerful teeth. The firing distance is two meters, and the poisoned person will produce different degrees of severe pain and dizziness effects according to the physical defense. Creatures with a physical constitution below 8 will faint on the spot.

Item introduction: The queen ants in the nest need to accumulate more energy to breed more life.

"We will definitely get through this difficult time!"


Tiantian was full of confidence in Chen Mo, and immediately responded with a fist.

"I still have some food here, share it."

Lei Wu opened the storage space of the jade pendant. This piece of equipment, like the gentleman's top hat, has the attribute of space.

But it is different from Chen Mo.

Inside Lei Wu's jade pendant, there are only some high-end snacks, such as butterscotch and energy bars.

Everyone in the surprise team quietly took the candies.

They had already distributed the only black bread they had left, and now the tour team and the thunder and punishment team have also shown their sincerity to tide over the difficulties together.

Although the difficulties in front of them made the surprise team feel hesitant, the four of them were full of warmth in this small group.

During the Doom mission, there is a special rule.

That is, all the optical brain systems in the gathering place are in a state of data dormancy, and can only be consumed through doomsday points.

Although with the doomsday points on everyone, there is no need to worry about food after returning to the gathering place, but the key point is that everyone at this moment is in the hinterland of Heifeng Mountain, and it is impossible to return to the gathering place of Suffering River for consumption in a short time.


Chen Mo said: "No matter what, you can't wait to die here."

Now the group faces three choices.

One is to continue to go deep into the Black Wind Mountain, the other is to return to the direction of the distressed river, and the other is to stay here temporarily, waiting for the right time.

Chen Mo, who had many experiences in displaying his talent as a traveler, finally chose to wait in a low-key manner.

the reason is simple.

The doomsday mission has been going on for nearly two months now.

A large number of natural disasters from both sides gathered in the border area. If they go at this time, they will undoubtedly cross the vast area controlled by the natural disasters of Heifeng Mountain, and they will inevitably die.

Moreover, the reason why the Mithril Squadron chose to detour and cross the Gobi of Bones was precisely because they noticed the change in Heifeng Mountain, and it seemed that they had already started to form a brigade in advance.

With the strength of the three teams of Chen Mo and others, if they encounter the Heifengshan team, they will definitely die.

It is not a wise choice to continue to go deep into Heifeng Mountain.

The extinction of the Gobi of Bones must have swallowed up a large number of natural disasters, and there must be very few natural disasters who can come to the hinterland of Heifeng Mountain like Chen Mo and others.

in this way.

It would undoubtedly be an extremely stupid act for the three teams to go in hastily.

In comparison, it is a wise choice to wait for the opportunity in the nearby area. In case of a last resort, returning from the original route of the Bone Gobi is also a retreat.


House seemingly endless rain!

Everyone walked in the desolate sand and dust. As the storm became stronger and the visibility became lower and lower, everyone's footsteps became slower and slower.

Until the visibility was less than one meter, Tiantian and Rabbit, who were weak in strength and physique, could hardly stand still, and everyone stopped helplessly.

Yet the storm appears to be continuing to intensify.

The sky and the earth, as far as the eye can see, everything is black and gray.

Everyone seemed to be in chaos, even if they were natural disasters, they couldn't help feeling small and powerless.

Take Lei Wu, who has the greatest influence on nature among all the people, as an example.

When he exploded with all his strength, the combination of meteorological thunder spirit + thunderstorm domain + thunder dragon's roar, under the power of nature, would be blown away in an instant, without any power at all.

As for some body skills, the actions will be completely distorted and deformed.

Even Chen Mo's Evil Sword cannot do whatever he wants in the strong wind.

"Black sandstorm?"

Chen Mo couldn't help thinking of the intelligence information about the black sandstorm.

If it is really as terrifying as the rumors say, the current storm is likely to be just the beginning.

"Stop and camp!"

After Chen Mo worked hard to get everyone together, the Apocalypse opened the pocket factory and summoned the RV. After Chen Mo, Apocalypse, Daqingshan, and Mao Xiong fixed it, they hid in it.

With 12 people crowded together, the space inside the caravan instantly became crowded.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh.

The four gasped and took a sip of water.

Sure enough, as Chen Mo guessed, the storm outside is getting more and more violent. Even the cold snow, kunai, cat's eye, and nightingale may be blown away at any time in this ghostly weather.

Fortunately, the RV has been fixed on the nearby rocks. Although it is swaying left and right in the storm, there is no need to worry about safety for the time being.


Lei Wu hammered the floor, he was obviously irritable.

Chen Mo also frowned, but he tried not to let others see his worries.

Difficulties followed one after another, which made him deeply realize his own weakness and the heavy responsibility on his shoulders.

The president and captain are completely different. The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility.

But as a leader, you must never admit defeat at any time, otherwise the team will collapse.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Chen Mo burst out laughing suddenly, breaking the oppressive atmosphere in the caravan.

Everyone looked at him.

"It seems that this is the Heifeng Mountain area, the so-called black sandstorm. According to intelligence, the black sandstorm can be as short as half a month and as long as half a year. It is raging in this vast sand and dust field. During this period, even a third-level natural disaster destroyer It is one of the biggest culprits restricting the development of the Heifeng Mountain area, and every year countless starving ghosts and predators die in the black sandstorm, and it really deserves its reputation."

What Chen Mo said made everyone even more puzzled.

But Chen Mo was even happier.

"After this storm, the natural disasters on both sides of the front line will inevitably compete fiercely because of material problems, and during the storm, we don't need to worry about safety issues, so taking a step back, isn't this what the disaster world gave us? a chance?"

Say it.

Chen Mo took out the bullet ant nest again and carefully placed it on the ground.

"Although life is a bit bitter, as long as you live, everything is worth it."

(End of this chapter)

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