disaster strikes

Chapter 621 General Will

Chapter 621 General Will
snort, snort, snort...

Time passed little by little, and snores came and went in the room. Everyone was too tired.



Amidst the noisy snoring, Chen Mo faintly heard the sound of sobbing. He looked through the public lights outside and saw that it was Ma Zu, a sissy fitness instructor, covering his head and crying.

"Mazu, aren't you asleep yet?"

Matsu seemed startled.

"Not yet, not yet, I can't sleep."

Chen Mo turned over.

"what happened to you?"

Matsu was quiet for a while, he seemed too stressed.

"The day after tomorrow is the purification day. The base will inject all our Class A personnel with genetic transformation agents and undergo the test of sunspot radiation on the purification day. Aren't you afraid?"

Seeing that Chen Mo didn't respond to him, Ma Zu's spirit seemed to have completely collapsed.

"I don't want to die, wuwu."

Chen Mo sighed. He could hear Mazu's fear of sunspot radiation and could only comfort him a little.

"What is supposed to come will always come. Since we can't escape it, we can only face it bravely."

Mazu said in fear: "But that way of death is too painful. I have read detailed reports. After our gene chain is destroyed by sunspot radiation, we will completely lose our metabolic function. First, our skin will fall off in large areas and continue to leak. Body fluids are released, and then blood cells die in large numbers. At this time, any germs can easily kill us. We can already be said to be living dead. After that, the muscles will slowly dissolve and turn into a ball of mud. In this process We will stay awake the whole time, but we can't change anything. We can only watch ourselves being slowly decomposed. In the end, we will be defined as pollutants and permanently sealed into lead coffins. Even if the bones have passed 1000 years ago, they will still be there. There is a terrifying black fluorescence in the darkness..."

Even Chen Mo couldn't help but feel nauseated after hearing this.

Imagining that I am always conscious and watching my body slowly decompose due to loss of metabolism, the painful despair of the living dead is really mind-numbing.


Monitor Zhou Zheng sat up suddenly.

Some people who were sleeping soundly couldn't help but feel excited and suddenly sat up from the bed.

"Is Zhou Papi going to be a monster again?"

When Zhou Zheng heard this, his face was so gloomy that he almost shed tears.

This man seemed to finally understand the situation, and his reaction was quite astute. He lay down on the bed again, covered his head and fell asleep.

There was no more snoring in the room. Zhou Zheng snorted coldly and looked at Mazu.

"If you are not tired and still have the energy to think wildly while sleeping, I don't mind letting you run an extra five kilometers tomorrow and then stand aside and watch us finish lunch, or you, a coward, apply for it yourself and be classified as D from now on. Kind of person!”

Matsu trembled and stopped talking.

Chen Mo also turned over and closed his eyes to sleep.

Power within the base is conferred by military rank.

They are only reserve forces now, not even corporals. Above them are non-commissioned officers of different ranks, and above that there are lieutenants.

I have been at the base for five days.

He has not yet been exposed to the base's deeper information.

According to the system of the base, if he can become a genetic warrior on the purification day two days later, he will receive the rank of sergeant.

This is a special thing to do in a doomsday situation.

Normally, a genetic warrior would at least have the rank of second lieutenant.

And if the pineal gland awakens and becomes a psychic, it will at least have the rank of second lieutenant, and the higher the potential rating, the greater the probability of obtaining the rank of lieutenant.

Then there are school-level officers.

It's not that psychics have an innate advantage over genetic warriors, but that the deep energy operation methods of genetic warriors are always firmly controlled by the four interstellar committees, and they seem to need the help of some rare substance in the void.

There are no restrictions for psychics.

This also leads to the fact that psychics of the same level in other countries are often stronger than genetic warriors, and psychics are much rarer than genetic warriors.

The top officer of the Anxi base is a lieutenant general named Will, and there are five major generals.

It can be inferred from this.

There should be many layers below this base. After all, the base cannot be without school-level officers, forming a fault line.

Two days ago, Chen Mo saw it with his own eyes.

A researcher with the rank of captain passed through the three-story military training area from underground to the surface.

This mission is to find and protect mica particle emitters.

This weapon must have an extraordinary status in the base, so it is likely to be deeper in the base. It is just because his military rank is too low and he has not truly integrated into the base that he cannot obtain any information about it.


Two days later.

The 137 people in class A11 got up on time for morning exercises.

On the playground on the third floor, nearly two hundred Class A personnel formed for morning exercises, but the atmosphere seemed a bit depressing.

Chen Mo looked at the roommates around him who had dark circles under their eyes. It seemed that half of them had insomnia and seemed to be in a bad mental state and worried.

After the morning running exercise, everyone came to the cafeteria.

Today's breakfast is extremely rich.

One egg, two corn tortillas, one bean sprout, one kelp shred, a small portion of dried fruit, and a bowl of rice porridge.

“There’s sugar in the rice porridge!”

After Chen Mo took a bite, he gestured with surprise.

Because of the strenuous training and intense physical exertion, even if Chen Mo kept stealing words, his body had lost weight visibly.In the apocalypse, sugar is a precious resource that can restore physical strength in a short time.

Chen Mo ate with gusto, but the others had no appetite, and Ma Zu even cried.

"You bitch, shut up!"

Zhao Tai in the class dislikes this sissy hunk.

Although he was a head shorter than Matsu, he always believed that he could kick this weakling to death.

"I envy your appetite."

Bob, who usually didn't talk to Chen Mo very much, sighed and said at this moment.

Chen Mo shook his head and signaled: "It's useless to worry. I won't join Class D personnel. That would be worse than being outside. It would be better to be eaten by those monsters."

I don’t know if it was an intentional arrangement from above.

Today's breakfast lasted for half an hour, during which time each person was even given half an apple, which made Ma Zu even more sad.

After breakfast.

Everyone lined up and went to the third-floor training area to gather again.

It's just that this time is different from before.

On the high platform, Lieutenant General Will appeared.

Beside him, there were a series of school officers and lieutenants, many of whom were wearing white coats and masks and seemed to be researchers or doctors.

"The survival of mankind is at stake, and the Guangfu Federation is in danger. Citizens, I can tell you responsibly that this is the end of the world. We must not sit back and wait for death. We must do something!"

General Will's voice was full of fierceness.

Although his temples were gray, his tone was full of fighting spirit, like an energetic gladiator, constantly fighting, fighting, fighting.

More than two thousand people watched him.

"Today is Purge Day. According to the speculations of federal scientists, today's sunspot radiation intensity will reach the highest level in the past ten years, so I am here to appeal to everyone to give it a try!"

Lieutenant General Will was also looking around at everyone.

"Of course, if any of you are unwilling to devote yourself to the life and death of mankind, I will not force you to do so. You can apply to withdraw immediately, but your cowardly choice today will be nailed to the pillar of shame of human civilization forever!"

There was commotion in the crowd.

Just a moment.

There were actually many people who walked out of each class with fear on their faces and made it clear that they wanted to quit, including Ma Zu and Bob from class A137.

"You two cowards!"

Squad leader Zhou Zheng, who was sitting on the horse, looked at the two men with anger.

"The Federation is in danger, do you really want to be deserters?"

Bob didn't hesitate. After Mazu paused for a moment, he seemed to be defeated by fear again. After glancing at Zhou Zheng, he strode towards the registration office.


Neither of them came back. Zhou Zheng clenched his fists and had blue veins on his forehead.


Among the more than [-] Category A personnel, about [-] people chose to withdraw and made it clear that they were willing to be classified as Category D personnel and enjoy the lowest living treatment in the base.

Seeing these people scrambling to fill in their names on the Class D personnel registration form, General Will felt that they were extremely ugly.

A sharp look flashed in his eyes.

After about 10 minutes.

The secretary of the school officer placed the registration form in front of General Will. Without even looking at it, he said to the Class A personnel who had not chosen to withdraw: "Is there anyone else who wants to withdraw? I don't want to waste the federal money." Genetic transformation potion!”

After seeing that no one came out again, he nodded.

"All those who choose to withdraw will gather there."

General Will pointed to a dimly lit and relatively empty area and said coldly: "You are not worthy of enjoying the base's electricity."

However, no matter how despised General Weir was, they had decided to completely give up their dignity, lined up in a dimly lit place in the distance, and quietly waited for their surrender.

"Chief of the Guard!"


A school-level officer quickly ran out and stood in front of General Will. Dozens of fully armed soldiers lined up, waiting for his command.

"Cen them up."

General Will pointed at the people who wanted to quit as if sweeping away trash.

As these heavily armed soldiers surrounded them, these Class A personnel who wanted to exit the transformation on the Purification Day seemed a little nervous.

General Will looked at the others.

"The end of the world is coming, human civilization is in danger, but these cowards only think about their own life and death. I sentence them to have committed crimes against humanity and are public enemies of all mankind. They will all be shot and executed immediately!"

No reaction time at all.

Intense gunshots rang out instantly, and after a brief struggle, more than [-] people fell into a pool of blood.

"I X!"

Chen Mo listened to the exclamations coming one after another. Even squad leader Zhou Zheng seemed to be frightened. After a brief and rapid gunshot, the more than [-] people gathered together fell to the ground instantly.

Immediately afterwards, more than ten people came out and shot at the corpses on the ground one by one to confirm that they were all dead.

Chen Mo looked at the iron-blooded general.

To some extent, he adapted to the doomsday melody earlier, faster, and better than himself.

(End of this chapter)

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