disaster strikes

Chapter 692 Zhao Tailong

Chapter 692 Zhao Tailong

the other side.

The night is dark and windy, with dense forests overlapping shadows.

Everyone in the Five Golden Flowers team is being chased and attacked by one person.

As a last resort, the five people activated their team skills, and the curtain of flowers descended.

Flower Curtain Arrives: When the five members of the team gather together, a steady stream of flower petals will fall from the sky to form a flower curtain defense, which can withstand 100 points of basic damage to the protected team members and cause poison damage to those who are close, lasting for 10 minutes. Cooling time is one month.

This defensive skill can be said to be quite powerful, equivalent to +100 defense for all team members.

If we talk about the shortcomings, they are quite obvious.

After activating the skill, team members will be unable to move. The so-called curtain of flowers is equivalent to a temporary shelter, which can only last for 10 minutes, but the cooling time is a full month.

Chen Mo's guess was correct.

The person currently attacking the Five Golden Flowers team is none other than Zhao Tailong, who is holding a gun in one hand.

But at this moment, Zhao Tailong not only had multiple injuries on his body, but also seemed to be poisoned by a strange poison.

At this moment, a huge blood hole appeared on his left shoulder blade, and his left arm hung down weakly. He had to focus on controlling his body muscles to minimize the blood flow from this wound.

Since there were too many wounds on his body, at least seven or eight, it was impossible to completely control them.

As for the toxins on his body, there seemed to be two different toxins spreading at the same time.

One toxin appears black-grey.

Black and gray toxins appear on his Yintang from time to time, making him feel weak, chilly, and his tongue feels bitter from time to time. His forehead seems to be covered with a layer of black mist. His body is in a weak state, and his body attributes are changing every minute, similar to The dozens of weakened attributes are constantly distributed chaotically among the various attributes of his body.

The other is pink toxin.

The pink toxin will cause his energy to be disordered from time to time, making his body feel hot, as if his body has fallen into the abyss of emotions and desires, causing his Qi and blood to flow backwards. Skills based on energy and Qi and blood will be greatly affected, and his perception will be greatly affected.

In the distance, the woods were swaying this way and that, and large areas of vegetation were scorched black.

On that piece of severely corroded grass, the corpse of a centipede spirit with a pitch-black carapace suddenly appeared. The nearby vegetation was corroded by the liquid flowing out of its body, and a foul-smelling fog rose.

Near the Five Golden Flowers team were the bodies of five princes.

As the captain of the Five Golden Flowers team, Bianhua glanced at the corpses of the five princes nearby, and her expression was quite ugly.

Failure in this mission is equivalent to 2000 points!

In order to vent his anger for a moment, the other party even ignored his own interests. He had no intention of seizing control of these princes and completed the side mission by himself. He shot them one by one and killed them on the spot.

The only good news is that they have a lot of points, which is enough to pay the penalty for failing the mission.

After snorting coldly, she looked at Zhao Tailong.

"Your Excellency is now poisoned by two kinds of strange poisons. Not to mention the sins of our five senses, this hundred-year-old centipede spirit's human evil poison must not be uncomfortable even for you. What's more, we have never taken action from the beginning to the end, so why do you need it? Are you fighting against each other and determined to kill us?"

The image of Higanhua at this moment is completely different from what it was before.

At this moment, with the blessing of the special magic circle formed by the four sisters, her body was floating in the air strangely. Her body was shrouded in colorful auras. Coupled with the defensive characteristics of the flower curtain, even in the face of Zhao Tailong's constant attacks , also unafraid, and launched counterattacks from time to time.

But only she knew the anxiety in her heart. As time passed by, the team's skills were coming to an end.

And if she only relied on the four-image-in-one magic circle, even with the support of the four sisters, she would still be far from the opponent of the person in front of her.

When Zhao Tailong heard this, he snorted coldly.

"While I was dealing with this centipede spirit, the five of you were sneaking around on the sidelines. You clearly planned to take advantage of the situation after both of us were defeated. Since you have made such a choice, you must be aware of it."

Zhao Tailong shouted loudly, jumped up, and launched the Dapeng Wings Strike.

"I want to leave now, it's too late!"

I have to say is.

This natural disaster intensifier is not only superb in personal strength, but also has a graceful and elegant fighting posture. If I have to describe it specifically, he is handsome enough, and the description of him is like a dragon with a gun.

The silver gun in his hand emitted a dazzling light.

As the silver spear cut through the flower curtain from top to bottom, its remaining energy was like a sharp blade, slashing at the white rose, violet, tulip, and black rose who were the base of the four-image formation.

As a Level [-] natural disaster enhancer, Zhao Tailong could naturally tell at a glance that although the captain's strength was strong at the moment, he had only temporarily gained it at the expense of his teammates.

So he just needs to attack the weak points.

Seeing this, Bianhua activated her summoning technique, and an ancient wood snail appeared. At the same time, she activated her flower fingers to block Zhao Tailong's attack.

At the same time, she silently recited a spell in her mouth, triggering the attack of sin toxins in Zhao Tailong's five senses.

Finally, she gave a sweet shout, stretched out her right hand, and slapped Zhao Tailong in the air, and a giant hand composed of countless tumbling petals suddenly poured out.

In just a short moment, Bianhua was able to do all four things at once, which shows her extraordinary fighting ability and the trust of the four sisters in her.

After the silver gun penetrated the curtain, Yu Jin collided with the flower-twisting finger, exploding countless petals, and the toxins spread out in a way that was difficult for outsiders to detect, thus promoting the power of the other shore flower to activate the poison of sin in the five senses. .

A poisonous energy erupted from his body.

Zhao Tailong naturally knows how difficult it is to deal with these natural disaster predators in front of him.

He was about to defend himself and then counterattack step by step, but the human evil poison in his body and the sins of the five senses activated at the same time, making him unable to help but let out a muffled groan.Coupled with the disability of his left arm, many skills that required the use of both hands became difficult to use at full strength. Only then was he exposed and was knocked away by Higanbana's palm.


A small tree was crushed, and Zhao Tailong fell to the ground with a painful expression on his face.

But Zhao Tailong, as a level two natural disaster enhancer, would not be easily defeated by such an attack. The temporary increase of the five golden flowers could not change the essential gap between the two sides. He immediately stood up with the silver gun in his hand as a support.

At this time.

Biganka suddenly noticed a distant rumble.

She was stunned for a moment, then looked surprised, and noticed that Zhao Tailong, who was troubled by the sins of the five senses, became staggering after getting up, and his eyes, ears, nose, and mouth became distorted under the influence of the poison, as if he was about to Like an exploding vent ball, she hurriedly intervened.

"Zhao Tailong! As a promising enhancer, why do you need to be as familiar with us juniors? These princes were killed by you out of anger, so we should regard it as an apology..."

Zhao Tailong, who had just stood up, was hit by the beast modified car rushing behind him at high speed and flew away.

When the Five Golden Flowers team saw this, they immediately showed surprise!

But soon they noticed another centipede spirit chasing behind the tour group, and their expressions suddenly changed.

As for the centipede spirit that was chasing the tour group, after discovering the corpse of another centipede spirit not far away, it suddenly stopped in a hurry.

The Beast Modified Car showed no intention of stopping and continued to speed away.

"You are evil and evil, you killed Huineng!"

This centipede spirit's wise words immediately made the eyes of everyone in the Five Golden Flowers team widen, and also stunned the tour group team in the beast modified car.

But then I thought that it was the descendant of Qianzu Cihang, and I felt relieved.

These guys are actually Buddhist cultivators, no wonder they are so strong physically.

The two strange poisons in Zhao Tailong's body are constantly disturbing him.

After he regained his senses and stood up from the ground again, he noticed this century-old centipede spirit and couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

Then he turned back and looked at the corpse of another centipede that he had killed earlier.

"Another one?"

After frowning slightly, he swayed and used his silver gun to hold himself on the ground to keep from falling. He finally survived the attack of the two toxins.

After completing the mission and returning to the disaster world, the purpose was not to escape from the capital, but to send the prince outside the city without fighting. He was unable to return because of the poison in his body, and in addition, he sensed the attack of the Five Golden Flowers team. Peeping in secret, murderous intentions arose.

But he didn't expect that he would encounter a second centipede spirit here.

After noticing the human evil poison on Zhao Tailong and confirming Huineng's body, the centipede spirit that was originally chasing the tour group immediately changed its direction and aimed its attack at Zhao Tailong.

"Come on!"

Seeing this, Bianhua made an immediate decision and signaled the team members to leave.

There was a rumble.

The sound of fierce fighting behind them made the five people tremble in fear, but they also breathed a sigh of relief.

At least there is no need to worry about Zhao Tailong's pursuit.

However, before they ran far, they saw the tour group standing on the parked Beast Modified Vehicle under a big tree.

At this moment, Chen Mo was standing on the branch of a big tree, looking at the battlefield in the distance.

After noticing the arrival of the Five Golden Flowers team, Chen Mo jumped down from the tree crown and looked at the Flower of the Other Shore with a smile.

"I didn't expect to meet you here."

It can be seen that Chen Mo is in a good mood.

Bianhua sighed and responded: "I didn't expect that we would meet again in this way. It's all thanks to you this time. Otherwise, our team would have been in trouble when facing this enhancer."

At this point, she shook her head with a scared expression.

Chen Mo waved his hand, and he seemed to be in a good mood.

"I should be the one to thank you. If you hadn't held back this enhancer and made the centipede spirit change its target, our team would have been hunted by it for who knows how long."

The process of the two of them chatting was also the countdown to leaving the combat state.

Once safety is confirmed, you can choose to end the mission and return. The difference is that the Five Golden Flowers team will return with the mission failed, while the tour team will not have this problem.

As for the props on the five princes, they were all taken away by the Evil Eye with their deaths and will no longer appear as additional rewards.

After a few minutes.

The tour group and the Five Golden Flowers team received prompts to leave the combat state.

Bianhua seemed to be afraid of causing misunderstandings among the tour group, and immediately said: "I blame me for being too greedy for this mission. It is a waste of time. Not only did I not obtain the gold-level consumable items, but it also caused the mission to fail, which made you laugh. .”

After sighing, Bianhua continued: "But fortunately, I saved my life, which is considered a blessing in misfortune. Our team will not stay here and say goodbye."

Then the figures of the five people twisted and disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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