Superpowers of Sky City

Chapter 361 Your Story

Chapter 361 Your Story

They put on hats to hide their identities and walked up the iron stairs outside the small building.

This building is next to the road, and vehicles often pass by here, causing loud noises.They climbed to the roof, but didn't get a good view.All I could see were old-fashioned buildings crowded together, suffocating with dust.To the south of the building is the railway track. A train happened to pass by, and the railway rattled.

Elandia walked to a corner of the roof and pointed forward.Gongsun Ce followed her guidance to look, and at this angle, there was a gap between the old buildings, and he could vaguely see the frozen river in the distance, and the white buildings in the inner city at the other end of the river.

"When I was young, I often stood here and looked into the distance, thinking that I would go to the inner city to live a better life in the future." Elandia said, "Occasionally I can see patrolling knights on the roof, and see their white Armor. I think maybe one day I can become a knight, so my life will be as bright as theirs."

Gongsun Ce scratched his head and said in a low voice, "I thought your starting point was... you know... honor and justice."

"Actually not." Elandia smiled.

She brushed off the dust and sat down on the edge of the roof, with her legs hanging down, shaking slightly in the wind.Gongsun Ce hesitated for a moment, and stood behind her without moving, but Elandia looked back at him.

So he also sat beside the knight, watching the scene of the Eastern District together with her.

"My mother was a housewife. She didn't read many books, but she was a warm-hearted person. She was an ordinary cook, but she was good at needlework. When I was a child, she sewed winter hats and gloves for me. , to help me make small animal dolls. Before going to bed, she told me the fairy tales of the kingdom and the legends of the heroic knights.

My father is a celestial envoy who is good at forging mind weapons.He should be able to live well in other countries, but this is the capital of the Morton Kingdom, and the most important thing is excellent craftsmen.He found that it was difficult for him to make a fortune by relying on impermanence. Official organizations rarely recruited civilians. Nobles would not want the weapons he made, and most ordinary people would not need them. "

Gongsun Ce thought of Douglas in the theater troupe, he was also a psychic envoy of emptiness, and his life was not that rich.It's really ironic to think about it. In the capital where impermanence lawmakers gather, scarce craftsmen have become worthless occupations.

"He needed to support his wife and daughter, and my father finally found a way. He cooperated with the gangsters in the East End and helped them make daggers and knives. Our lives are protected. With the bodyguards sent by the gang, my mother and I don’t have to worry about being harassed by homeless people, or thieves sneaking in in the middle of the night... I can grow up safely.”

Elandia's tone remained calm, as if she was talking about something that had nothing to do with her.Gongsun Ce couldn't help imagining her childhood life, imagining a silver-haired little girl living in an old building, wearing a hat knitted by her mother, watching vicious men coming and going at home.She has few friends her own age because children from other families are afraid to approach her, and her life is better than others in the building, but that's all.

"We have also encountered some troubles because of this. There are also divisions in the gang. Some people will secretly build weapons for themselves without telling the leader. Occasionally, people from other gangs will come to contact them. If they can't find their father, they will find me and my mother." Where is your father?" "Send me a message for him." And so on.

My father had expected it a long time ago. He taught me to observe, teach me to think, and taught me how to distinguish their identities and figure out their purpose.He taught me different lies, some suggestive statements, helped the family through these difficult times..."

There was a wind blowing, and the silver hair was blown by the wind, brushing against Gongsun Ce's face.Elandia stretched out her hand to hold back her hair until the wind stopped.Her eyes were full of memories of the past, but there was no smile.

Gongsun Ce wiped his nose, trying to ease the atmosphere: "So you used to be a very good master of lies."

Elandia shook her head: "In fact, my lie is very clumsy, and it can be broken with one poke."

Gongsun Ce was stunned: "Huh? I thought you would..."

Halfway through the speech, he saw the corner of the woman's mouth slightly raised, and immediately thought about it. "Ah... your ability to lie out of the mouth really surprises me."

"Like you?" Elandia asked back.

"Yeah, like me." Gongsun Ce scratched his head, "You have to be familiar with lies to see through them, right detective?"

"That's right, Mr. Gongsun." Elandia looked away, "I'm gradually getting tired of these days as they pass by. I learned to deceive, and also learned to identify lies, and my gradually enhanced observation ability made me realize that everyone All have different faces.

My parents lied to me, too, because there were businesses I shouldn't know about; false entertainments were maintained among neighbors because many had dishonorable jobs; and the knights who walked the streets every day were not what they appeared Honestly, I know many of them have gang connections; the news in the papers is full of rhetoric and far from life as I know it. "

"The world is like this." Gongsun Ce said, "It's the same everywhere, not just in the Eastern District."

"And I don't like such a hypocritical world."

Elandia quietly looked into the distance, as if she was looking at her life back then.

"Everyone is lying to each other, society runs on lies. I hate this environment, I don't like the feeling of lying to others, I hate the false life, I want to live more simply, but I can't find a way to change.

Until one day my father called me over and had a serious conversation with me.He said, Elandia, you are a smart child, and Dad doesn't want to lie to you.You know our life isn't great right now, if you want a better life, you're on your own.

I asked, father, are you going to sell me to the red light district? "

Gongsun Ce couldn't help laughing out loud, he was out of breath.Elandia also laughed: "Father slapped me hard and gave me a lot of books and a sword. He said I want you to study, to read, to train, to work hard to become a knight, This way you can live a righteous and prosperous life.

I asked, so I can stop lying?

He was silent for a long time, saying it was difficult.This may be the most difficult thing in the world. Maybe when you have the unique power, you can live the life you want.And then, you'll realize that it's not necessarily as good as you think. "

"I guess I'm going to have to try."

Elandia looked down at her pocket watch.The second hand passed by one by one, like the years she spent in the past.

"I want to make money, want a better life, and want a real life, so I walked out of this small building and participated in the recruitment of the Holy Sword Knights.

And you know, environment and education change a person.I originally only regarded chivalry and precepts as "rules to be followed", but gradually I realized that there is a reason why they can be passed down to this day. They represent a way of life, a simple and upright life.Unknowingly, I was infected by the people around me, and I became a real knight... a star knight who pursues the truth. "

Thinking about it this way, most of your past colleagues should still be upright.However, most of the good people don't often speak out, and the voices of a small number of despicable people are louder than anyone else.That's why Situ Yi has so many materials, so many one-sided truths...

Gongsun Ce didn't want to mention these bad things anymore, he tried to change the subject: "Then your parents should be living well now. Live in the inner city?"

"Now I have a lot of money, but they don't want to live in the capital." Elandia said, "My parents later moved to a city in the south of the empire. I am very relieved. The empire officials know their existence and will Protect them well."

Gongsun Ce thought that her father must be tired of it too.Not only tired of the East End, but also tired of life in the kingdom.Just like Elandia wanted to lie about her father's work when she was a child, they who stayed in the capital might also say something against their will because of their daughter's work.It would be better to go to a foreign country, to a place that everyone knows is safe.

"How should I put it, your parents are very nice. Of course you can't say that your dad is more 'righteous'...but they are nice to you."

"I appreciate them."

Gongsun Ce stopped talking, and thought about her experience, pieced together all the things she told and the content of the illusion, and simulated the path she had traveled in his mind.From a craftsman's daughter to a student of the Holy Sword Knights, from a strange newcomer in Culin City to a Dawn Knight in the capital.

"You know, Elandia." He weighed his words, "Of course you have become stronger, but I think you have also become... easier? I don't know how to explain it. I don't think you could do it well when you were young. Find out about the king's capital."

"I think so too." Elandia said, "The practice of impermanence will change a person, making impermanence simple and persistent. At that time, I had just created a world, and I didn't think too much about it. If you can spot these problems, I can do it for you.”

"how did you do that?"

Elandia asked back: "How do I usually solve cases, Mr. Gongsun?"

Gongsun Ce scratched his head: "Deduction. We collect information, build speculations, look for evidence to confirm, and finally discover the truth... use the existing information to speculate on past events."

"It was the same that time."

Gongsun Ce didn't understand what she was saying for a moment.His mind was stuck for a long time, and then he stood up.

"Hey, wait." Gongsun Ce grabbed his hair vigorously, "So... so your impermanence method is a large black box of reasoning? You input information into it and the 'truth' can all appear as soon as the world turns around... just Can it be 'manufactured' by your world?! As simple as you usually make chairs and books?!"

Elandia nodded: "Yes. I am the Envoy of Creation, and I have the authority to view everyone's files. The information is enough and the job is done."

"So..." Gongsun Ce said incoherently, "You can also create things that existed in the past...reproduce past events, and even events that are happening now...You, can you create creatures? Human beings?"

Elandia's candor is as usual: "I can."

Gongsun Ce felt dizzy.He had felt similar feelings many times before, but this time he felt particularly distant.This has gone beyond the scope of the so-called supernatural ability. The power of Elandia can make the white coats in the capital of the sky go crazy. It is simply an omnipotent wishing machine, a supercomputer capable of finding the ultimate answer to the universe.With her own existence, she can support a system completely different from today's society, a "new world" in the true sense.

For a moment he was so thankful that Elandia hadn't become a god, and that such power would be feared to be wielded without limit, for mortals were far from ready for the age she could lead.

He gasped for a while, and sat down next to the knight again. "My God." Gongsun Ce muttered, "'s great that you didn't become like that. I'm afraid."

He heard the knight whisper, "I'm afraid too."

Gongsun Ce turned his head blankly and met her gray pupils.There was undisguised fear in her eyes, and that fear came from herself.

"I almost gave up my identity and went to a distant place. Elandia Helaisen is about to cease to exist, and you saved her back."

She opened her arms and wrapped them around the boy's shoulders, bringing a tender hug.

Gongsun Ce leaned on her arms blankly, he was completely stupid for a moment, he had many delusions when he was bored, but he never thought that one day he would be so close to her.His chest was as gentle as a mountain, and his face was pressed against her neck, and he could smell her body.

"" Gongsun Ce stammered, thinking his face must be blushing, "I...not...just..."

Elandia let go of him and patted the boy on the shoulder lightly.

"That day you said that you would not talk about your past with casual acquaintances, and I am the same. It is also difficult for me to quantify the distance between people, but I think you are a friend worthy of my open heart."

So, she told him the story of her past.

So, she gave the boy a hug.

Because she still remembered the conversation that night, remembering that Gongsun Ce asked her to give her friend a hug.

Gongsun Ce straightened his glasses in a panic, his mind flustered for a moment.Complicated thoughts churned in his chest, making him unable to speak out so many words.He whispered, "Just...friends?"

Elandia blinked, and suddenly talked about an irrelevant topic.

"Mr. Gongsun, are you willing to become an honorary member of the Knights?"

"Huh? Of course, I'd love to, but...why?"

He really didn't understand the opponent's logic this time.Elandia pressed her knuckles against her forehead, and thought for a while before saying, "In this way, I can officially make you my knight entourage. But I'm not sure if your words at that time were a metaphor..."

——I’ll just be your follower!
It was a kind of public execution to repeat the words of Hot Blood Higher Face. Gongsun Ce grabbed his hair vigorously and shouted: "No! Of course! Don't go back on the promise! I tell you, don't regret the appointment. You have no regrets. of!"

Elandia straightened his collar for him and said sincerely, "I'm very happy."

She was smiling, happy like a child making friends for the first time.

Gongsun Ce muttered: "A follower is a little bit higher than a friend... right?"

"I think so." Elandia stood up and held out her hand to him.He stood up holding the knight's hand, and heard her say, "May I change your address?"


"You recently changed your address to 'Elandia'."

Only then did Gongsun Ce realize that he was used to calling him by his first name without knowing it.He was just about to say that you can think of any name you want, but a thought suddenly popped into his mind.Like a prank, a little thought of a teenage boy.

"How about calling me 'Ce'?" Gongsun Ce said boldly, "Do you think it's easier to call me like this, and it looks better?"

He quietly added in his heart, like that kind of intimate young couple.

Ailandia's eyes seemed to be able to see the bottom of his heart, which made Gongsun Ce flinch involuntarily.He thought his little thoughts had been seen through, but the Dawn Knight only smiled and said, "Let's go, Ce."

Gongsun Ce let out a sigh of relief, and quickly followed.They walked down the stairs step by step, and the sound of their conversation was carried away by the wind.

"I still think you should give you a substantial return, not just a hug. A 'commission'? Or a 'request'?"

"Please don't do this to my heart."


"No reason! Don't say 'requests' to teenage boys, okay?"


"Don't sigh so meaningfully! Hey, you, the former master of lies, have already seen through it and are teasing me!"

"What do you think, Ce?"

"I didn't think about anything! Well, then... by the way, give me your pocket watch, which I've been coveting for a long time!"


The silver chain made a light sound, and the pocket watch was taken out by the knight and placed in the hands of her entourage.

"Really?! Later, I suddenly regret it. Can you choose again? I can think of a better reward—"


"Is there no next chance!"

Dawn Knight walked to the car, opened the driver's door, and made a gesture of invitation: "It depends on your performance, Mr. Follower. I remember that you have a driver's license."

"Just kidding, I even have a driver's license for a large airliner." Gongsun Ce pushed down his glasses, "Please, Miss Knight."

The car left the East District steadily, and drove the two of them to their current residence.

(End of this chapter)

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