Superpowers of Sky City

Chapter 455 The Illusory Song of the Cyber ​​Ghost

Chapter 455 The Illusory Song of the Cyber ​​Ghost (2)

Superbia, White Rock District.

Snowflakes fluttered over the capital, covering the old buildings with blue roofs and white walls in a soft white robe.Leather boots made slippery marks in the snow, and the singing of the celebration team shuttled through the upstairs rooms.Young people brimming with patriotism waved small national flags one after another. A huge photo of Queen Gray stood on the float in the middle of the procession, followed by many paintings and badges related to the royal family.

"Praise the queen, praise the kingdom!" The young people in front of the team cheered eagerly, "The bridge of peace begins today, and best wishes to Her Majesty Gray!"

The knights patrolling on both sides of the road wanted to remind the people to pay attention to safety, but they were not consciously infected by the eager atmosphere, knocking on the hilts of their waists and cheering with the civilians.This day happens to be the traditional "Ice Melting Festival" in the kingdom. At this time, the ice and snow in winter will almost melt, and the warm spring will return to life.People in the ancient kingdom used this to put down their hatred and shake hands for peace. It is really a perfect day for Queen Grey to visit Hezhong.

The last time a leader of the kingdom visited Hezhong dates back to before the start of the Secret War, when Queen Anne was still young. Fifteen years ago, the relationship between the Kingdom and the United States fell to the bottom with the death of Prince Aurelian's husband, and gradually recovered after the disaster of the Kingdom's collapse.

Now that the cross-sea passage project is completed, Queen Grey's visit in person is a harbinger of the further warming of the relationship between the two countries. This cannot help but make the young people in the kingdom unhappy. They have passed through three difficult enough years, and no one wants to fight anymore. Everyone longs for peace.Queen Grey stepped forward at the most difficult time. Not only did she support the rebuilding of the capital after the disaster, but she also took the initiative to let go of hatred and seek development. She is a unique idol in people's hearts.

The joy of the people in the kingdom followed the live broadcast across the coast and came to the state of blue waves in the northern continent.The light blue-haired knight Akuya watched TV with a sense of pride born from the heart.

"Gentlemen, you see how much Her Majesty Gray is loved by everyone!" said the female knight lively, "Today, many people in the street are waving the royal flag to celebrate. I went out this morning to inquire and found there People come from all over the country, and there are even peace lovers from far away from the remote state of Shiyin in the team. We are on an honorable errand."

"The Hezhong people are really enthusiastic." The black-haired knight Branagh was sitting on the small sofa, stuttering a bit, "I, I have to say, I have changed my opinion of them. I thought they would be full of hostility..."

"Knight Branagh, I said earlier that you should participate in social activities more, and if you do this again, you will be as socially phobic as a psychic."

"But I'm the magician..."

Raquel listened silently to the jokes of the juniors, without interrupting.On the balcony outside a glass window, Her Majesty the Queen was drinking tea and chatting with the knight Gabriel, while her loyal secret agent Sikeri stood aside with a teapot, like a mature and prudent waiter.Raquel didn't dare to look over there, he was worried that his worries would be seen by the old man.

Yes, the Phantom Knight was very worried, and this emotion had appeared in his heart since the four star knights set off at the same time.Your Majesty the Queen is the Dharma Envoy of Creation, so where do you need the protection of the four Appearance Dharma Envoys?The knight Gaffrey should have plans, but they couldn't find a chance to negotiate privately... and the anomaly they witnessed made Raquel even more suspicious.When did Her Majesty the Queen have so many fanatical followers in a foreign country?
"I still don't quite understand, Knight Aqua. They haven't lived under His Majesty's rule, how can they understand His Majesty's wisdom?"

"You are too outdated, Mr. Branagh, people nowadays rely on social media to know everything." Akuya shook the phone at him, "Look. Many celebrities and reporters support His Majesty's interview, even the hottest Miss Ariel expressed her admiration for her last month!"

Should we think of a way to remind the Riders of the Dawn?Raquel was moved when he heard the words, but he knew he had no chance.Their every move was under surveillance, and there was nothing he could do.

"Queen Morton's visit to Hezhong has been the focus of discussion recently. What do you think of the impact of this matter?" The host of the lunchtime political program raised a question, and the well-dressed old pedant played Tai Chi calmly: "This It was a meaningful visit. The relationship between the kingdom and Hezhong can be traced back to 2000 years ago. Before the unknown dragon disaster, Albion Island was once a part of the northern continent..."

"Sorry, professor. I remember this is an unverified wild history." The host deliberately said a statement that attracted people's attention.

"I prefer to call it an academic consensus, otherwise we have no way to explain why the ancients of the two countries spoke the same language. Where are we talking? By the way, the historical origin of mutually beneficial coexistence between the two countries..."

The limousine drove over the viaduct, leaving the interview section on the facade of the building behind.Gongsun Ce looked away casually, and Qi Luo sat upright beside him.On the girl's wrist was a beautiful gray bracelet, which looked like a little snake biting its tail.

The seats in the car are elegant in style and pearly white in color.Jin Kalash, an old man in orange robe, sat across from them. He lightly turned the knob on the side of the armrest, and the hidden compartment opened immediately, and a wine cabinet popped out from the fixed armrest.

"Anything to drink?" The old man smiled.

"I don't care. What do you want, Qiluo?" Gongsun Ce tilted his head.Qi Luo didn't expect to ask her for advice at this time, and subconsciously said: "I just want juice..." She regretted it as soon as she said it. This was negotiating with the parents of a big noble in a luxury car.At this time, you can either go to the countryside and have a glass of champagne or drink some spirits such as vodka to show your dignity. What are you talking about juice!

But there is indeed juice in the wine cabinet, a large juicy juicy orange juice lying in a luxurious crystal container.Jin took out two glasses and added some ice cubes to pour drinks for the guests himself, and poured half a glass for himself.

"Ms. Booli of the Daddarion family has always liked this, so I always keep juice in the car." Jin handed the cup to the two young men, "Some impatient guests prefer flying machines, but I want to drive around the city The scene inside is more in line with the two tastes."

Gongsun Ce took a sip of the fruit juice and deliberately put on a contemptuous look: "The Sound Curtain City looks no different from a normal metropolis."

"I'm afraid you will have to wait a few more minutes to see the difference." Jin was not angry at all. "We can talk about the real business before that... Let me just talk straight to the point. What do you want from the Kalash family?"

The old man has a lot of experience, he knows that it is useless to use the tricks of politicians and entrepreneurs to go around with impermanent lawmen, and Gongsun Ce likes to negotiate with such smart people.He put down his glass and said bluntly: "I hope you can make a statement before the fight happens."

"Then you may return without success." Jin raised his finger and pointed out the window. They happened to pass by a residential area. The holographic image in the air was replaying the confrontation between the two politicians yesterday. Gaius refuted his rival to the ground. .

"The program 'Global Hotspots' belongs to United TV Network, the largest TV station in Wusters. Like New Century Broadcasting Network, it is managed by Northland Real Sound Media Company, which is one of the family businesses of the Kalash family. "The old man crossed his palms on the seat, "Have you read the Kingdom's Blazing Sun? The Empire's Rainbow Media?"

Gongsun Ce raised his eyebrows: "I have heard about it. Patriots often say that behind them are 'foreign capital with malicious intentions'."

"The Kalash family is that foreign capital." Jin smiled cunningly, "Everyone must have seen a lot of holographic projection technology along the way, those huge advertisements floating in mid-air, disturbing publicity and hints—then Also owned by the Kalash family, we earn a few coins every time the holographic projection shines."

Qi Luo couldn't help but interjected: "What is the role of the anti-monopoly law..."

"The anti-monopoly law was established by monopoly giants, Qi Luo." Gongsun Ce shrugged.

The old man echoed with a low smile, and he withdrew his finger: "Through all the propaganda and hints I have seen along the way, I think you two will not fail to see that the Kalash family I lead has already chosen a position. Timsh's side."

Jin Kalash used a very meaningful statement, Gongsun Ce didn't hear it, and nodded like a stunned young man: "Even so, you came to meet us in person, it seems that you want to do something other than stand negotiation."

"I'm a businessman, and different positions don't hinder the progress of the transaction. Even if the secret war period is so tense, we are still busy selling equipment to the 'enemy country'." Jin said frankly, "From a personal standpoint, I have There are many things I want to talk to you about, but before that, you can roll down the window and 'look' at the sounds of this city."

While speaking, the car drove into a long tunnel, and Gongsun Ce rolled down the window according to his words, and a faint singing sound like wind came, and Qi Luo's eyes lit up beside him.

Countless gorgeous fireworks exploded in the clear sky at the moment of driving out of the tunnel, and rainbow-like crystal debris fell from the sky and fell among the cheering crowd.Gongsun Ce thought for a moment that he was driving into some kind of parade, because the whole street was blocked by excited residents.People poked their heads out of the houses, raised their arms in the street, stood on the roof of the bungalows and cheered excitedly.Their enthusiasm is so contagious, but it does not reach the hearts of visitors.Because at the moment of driving out of the tunnel, the singing that intoxicates the city has already sounded, floating into the carriage like a breeze, and flowing into people's hearts.

"Let's run to the brilliance that is more beautiful than the rainbow

The journey to the horizon begins here
That's a strong enough reason to forget."

A brand new vision arose with the singing, and for a moment the city center was shrouded in bleak night, only the dim light existed at the line where the sky and the sea meet.The singing girl ran towards the horizon, and the gorgeous light shone through the dark night for a moment, turning into cliffs, oceans, sunrises and other beautiful scenery in the reappearing clear sky, causing people to cheer excitedly.

"Ariel! Ariel!"

The singer is located in a distant city center, and her venue is a floating stage above tall buildings.Projection screens all over the city brought her every move into people's eyes, men and women alike stared in fascination at the purple hair and bright eyes.She was wearing denim shorts and a casual top, and her exquisite figure was full of youthful beauty. She held a baton-like microphone in her hand, and let every breath hit the hearts of the audience.

The car got stuck in a traffic jam just after exiting the tunnel. Many drivers stepped on the brakes and looked at the singer in the distance, forgetting what they were doing.Kim Kalash knocked on the handle, and the car flew up smoothly and flew towards the tall buildings in the city center amidst the singing.There was a look of complacency on the old man's face.

"Dear guests, welcome to Sound Curtain City. This is a screen of sound and art, where singers perform their voices in reality."

"Excellent." Gongsun Ce praised sincerely, "No wonder artists from all over the world want to come here."

"This is not something that everyone can do. It takes great skill to control the real voice." Jin drank the juice in his glass, "Please, Mr. Gongsun, we will be there soon."

The car flew into a cylindrical building in the center of Yinmu City, the headquarters of "Northern Continent Real Sound Media Company".Gongsun Ce noticed that the idol Ariel's performance had ended when they approached the building, and it seemed that they just caught up with the singer's last song.

They parked in the hangar-like spacious private garage, and the waiter outside the car opened the door for them graciously.Gongsun Ce stepped out of the carriage, and met a pair of soft and charming pupils that impressed him head-on.The female singer who was still singing stepped aside, and said like singing: "The slayer of Liuli and Xuguang, the wielder of the magic sword of the end, the hero who knocked down the red-mouthed evil..."

"Please don't say so many titles, I will be shy."

"Then welcome to the Kalash family, Mr. Gongsun Ce and Miss Qiluo."

Ariel Kalash stepped aside to make way for the honored guest.She was still wearing the beautiful outfit she wore during the performance, and the faint beads of sweat on her neck and her slightly shortness of breath proved that she had rushed here from the concert.She waited for the people to get down and stepped forward to hold Jin's arm. The old man had a proud expression: "Please allow me to introduce to you two, my daughter Ariel Kalash, the most dazzling star in the music scene."

"Don't be like this, Dad, you're flattering me too much."

Gongsun Ce shook hands with her: "Your singing voice is very moving, Miss Ariel." Qi Luo couldn't hide her excitement: "Hi Miss Ariel, I am your fan!"

Ariel frowned: "I'm so happy, I didn't expect to meet my colleagues in the entertainment industry."

Seeing the joy and excitement of his girls, Gongsun Ce took the initiative to say, "If you don't mind, why don't you let the ladies chat alone?"

"Why not! Let the girls chat about art and life, and let the men focus on the dirty negotiations on the field of interests." Jin readily agreed, let go of his daughter's hand, and watched the two girls leave.He led Gongsun Ce into another passage, speaking calmly on the way.

"Come back to business, Mr. Gongsun. After investigating your actions during this trip, I noticed that you have been paying attention to the totems of each state."

"I'm here to investigate the abnormal weather. If I don't check the totem, I will be negligent." Gongsun Ce answered perfectly.

"Of course, of course. But I am an ally of Gaius, and I have also learned some secret hints from him. I think what you are really concerned about is the things left by the saints?"

Gongsun Ce scratched his hair and said distressedly, "Your imagination is really rich..."

"People like to think wildly when they are old. If you are willing to tolerate the absurd words of the old man, you might as well talk about this deal along the way. The totem situation of the Real Sound State is special, and we have left more information than other states." The old man His demeanor is like a cunning weasel, luring the chickens into the bait step by step.

"How much?"

"From words..." Jin rubbed his fingers, "to images."

Gongsun Ce pushed his glasses: "Then what do you want?"

"Of course intelligence must be exchanged for intelligence. We don't make deals that lose money."

Jin Kalash looked serious, his answer was far beyond Gongsun Ce's expectation.

"Let me be honest, I want information about Ranger Sevis."

At the same time, the old town of Audio Curtain City.

The other three crew members did not go to negotiate with Gongsun Ce, and are now gathering information in the Sound Curtain City.But before the official action, the eldest lady insisted on eating something to make up for the lack of breakfast, so the group stopped at the chain fast food restaurant temporarily.

Qin Qianbai bought a bucket of fried chicken, hash browns and cheesecake, and when he was packing, he heard a listless greeting behind him.

"Hi. It's a coincidence again. Did you really follow me?"

Qin Qianbai turned his head to look, and met the eyes of the blond ranger with his mouth curled up.She said confidently: "Look, look, this is my famous reasoning. Miss Servis is so depressed, it seems that she didn't even eat breakfast."

Sevis slapped her forehead: "I just bought a Coke, how did your head grow to equate unhappiness with not eating?"

"Then why is the optimistic Miss Ranger unhappy?"

"It's the environment, it's a problem with the environment." Sevis said sadly, "This city sucks."

(End of this chapter)

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