Superpowers of Sky City

Chapter 482 Hidden in the Dark, Bright as Mithril

Chapter 482 Hidden in the Dark, Bright as Mithril (End)
"The saint and his followers came to these two adjacent lands. Drusus took power as a glory. They were determined to fight the saint head-on, defeat him and take him for their own use. Marcius said They came up with a cunning idea, and they sent the elite of the family to join the Saint's team early, and exchanged false help for the Saint's trust.

The conflict soon began, and Drusus fought a fierce battle with the Holy One, and they finally succumbed to the greater power and joined the ranks of the Holy One.And Marcius took advantage of the void after the war, and they took action when the saints and followers were exhausted, and invited them as allies to go to the UFO State for a temporary rest. "

The silver light of the ball of light illuminated the frescoes on the temple walls, a long painting that began with a bloody battle and ended with a burst of festivities.At the end of the mural is a grand dinner. The saint in a windbreaker sits in the middle of the long table. The well-known apostles celebrate with joy, and one of them with a honest face pours wine for him.

The scene in the painting is clearly full of joy, but there is a hint of coldness in the strokes.Gongsun Ce is familiar with this painting and the story, which is the well-known "Saint's Dinner" in the holy scriptures.The banquet is only a hypocritical appearance, and the villain's smirk is under the honest face. The next moment the saint will shoot the case and say that one of you has betrayed me.Then came his rare rage, the traitors were crucified, their cities were burned to the ground, and the wailing of the nobles was so long that the carrion crows did not dare to approach them. corpse.

Gongsun Ce couldn't connect the sage in this story with the female ranger he knew, and it was even far from the image in other stories.The saint in the past was a wise man with a slight tendency to violence, but in this dinner he was like a tyrannical king who razed the magnificent city to the ground in a fit of anger, as cruel as a humanoid dragon.

"It's hard for me to imagine that he...she would do such a thing." Gongsun Ce said.

"At that time, the saint was not so powerful. He had just survived a great battle, and he was physically and mentally exhausted; at that time, the apostles of the saint were all poisoned, and he always cared about his companions; As a companion, heartbroken because of the betrayer..." Will patted the silver elephant's trunk, "There are many reasons to explain that dinner, but I think there is only one real reason."

"He's still young." Yan Qi said coldly.

Gongsun Ce fell silent, an invisible sense of oppression made him breathless.He guessed: "So the saint made a holy judgment in rage and deprived the totem of the Marcius family. After a series of reactions, the UFO State ceased to exist and merged with the Fire and Wind State. Together?"

"Yes." Will said.

The Envoys of Creation of the Realm stopped talking, and Gongsun Ce looked back at the elephant. It had a familiar smell of a totem on its body, but it was different from other totems in perception, just like man-made objects and natural life difference.He focused on the saint's message, most of which were about the dinner party. After the traitor was executed, new information emerged between the lines.

【I'm mad, that bastard has followed me for a whole year and a half!I don’t know how many times I consulted his opinions when I wrote the myth. Old Slok even planned to betroth his daughter to him, but in the blink of an eye he showed his true colors, stupid, greedy and short-sighted. His curses and poisons can’t hurt me, but they are enough to kill me. the rest of the companions.What chills me the most is that when he was exposed, he still wanted to beg my forgiveness, as if what he did could be forgiven.

I patiently listened to his confession until the end, only to realize that it was a ploy to delay time, and many ambushes took the opportunity to surround us.My patience is at its limit, I don't have the patience for a bastard who doesn't know what to do.

I have decided to remove Marcius entirely.I slaughtered all the high-level people in one go, and executed them in the cruelest way I could think of.I don't intend to give them any chance to make a comeback. I drive a nail into the totem of the UFO State and uproot it from this land.That thing is easy to kill and likes to eat flesh and blood. I chopped it into pieces with a hand axe, and no one will die because of the totem.

This wicked old family is doomed, and they deserve it.

But I didn't expect what happened after that. 】

The saint's brushwork became gloomy, revealing his deep remorse between the lines.

[There is a problem with UFO State.I thought about how the separation of the totem would affect the local landscape, but I didn't expect the reaction to come so quickly, and the death of the totem exacerbated the process.After his death, the difference between the underground and the surface was violently subverted, and the entire land will be torn apart. This earthquake may affect the entire northern continent.I feel that the mysterious world has become extremely unstable, like a hot air balloon being smashed through a hole, and the power is pouring out.

The Yaobian Dragon is likely to come from here, but I am exhausted physically and mentally, but I am not prepared.

In a hurry, I had to take emergency measures. I dug a passage underground, introduced the lake fire from the Fire and Wind State into the UFO, and used a large amount of mithril to connect the two states into one, so as to forcibly fill the "hole".Until now I thought it was a rough idea, but thankfully I was strong enough (or maybe the occult community did me a favor) and the hole was plugged.

But I didn't succeed.

The remnant power of the UFO State has affected the Yodo Fire, making it an energy that can only survive underground.A series of mutations followed, and the chain reaction of the mutated Dianhuo and Fufeng turned the State of Fire and Wind into one of the most dangerous areas in the Northern Continent.The lava bugs (I hope they are still there) were originally companions of the local residents, but now they are nocturnal and dangerous creatures. Thinking that the cableway is on the ground, I persuade the local residents to take the initiative to hunt and kill the bugs, and hunt those good helpers they used to be.The totem of the Fire and Wind State is tough and tenacious. It is a rare and good creature.But I have to ask it to stick to the ground for a long time, as the core of the Mithril seal.

I messed everything up.I pulled out one evil force, but ruined the lives of two states with my own hands. 】

Gongsun Ce read the saint's message softly, and the eyes of the silver elephant showed nostalgia and sadness.The words in this message are at different distances, and it was obviously written intermittently for a long time before it was completed.He could easily imagine the appearance of the saint when she left a message. She tiptoed and took a pen to write and draw on the elephant. Halfway through the writing, she put down the pen because of introspection and guilt, and nestled in the corner of the temple.The elephant walked over to comfort her for a while, and then she wiped the corners of her eyes and got up to continue writing the story.

[This is a crime I committed with my own hands, because of my recklessness, because I was dazzled by anger, and because I was too arrogant, thinking that I had the power to do whatever I wanted.

I could have solved the problem in a better way, all of this should have been avoided, but I have been victorious all the way, my strength and knowledge have given me the illusion of omnipotence, I think I am smarter than all previous people , I have learned from their experience and lessons, and I will not make the mistakes of Zero Island, Kingdom or Empire.But I was wrong.

I am just a person, not qualified to change the world.

The seal of the State of Fire and Wind is the predecessor of the Civilization Front, and it was because of this lesson that I was determined to set up a front.I returned here a long time later and completely consolidated the landscape with this artificial totem.I guided the Dianhuo network to flow to all parts of the mainland, becoming one of the guarantees for the front.I can't make all of this public, because it is likely to shake the stability of the civilized front. I preached to everyone that this is a weird change in the occult world, which made my sins worse.

But I can't ignore all this.

I made a long spear from the totem remains of the UFO State. That gun is called the Gun of Conviction. It was first used to judge my crimes.

I hope this gun and this story can make you, the church, and future generations remember my sins and lessons. 】

The saint's message ended here, and Gongsun Ce took a step back and stood behind the two of them.With the light of the ball of light, he saw a quaint stone altar behind the elephant, with grooves for holding spears.

"Thank you, Mr. Gongsun."

Will put away the Conviction Gun, and he didn't seem to intend to activate the mechanism. He looked at the ancient temple that had been built for thousands of years, and his words were full of emotion: "When I picked up the Conviction Gun for the first time, my teacher told me about this secret that was sealed away. The story told me to take it as a warning. After all, the records of the church have gone through a thousand years, I don’t know if this story has been modified by later generations... But now, we finally know the thoughts of the saints.”

"Is it the same as the version you know?"

"basically the same."

Yan Qi turned around first, and walked up the stairs without making a sound.Gongsun Ce followed sullenly for a while, and couldn't help saying: "I understand..."

"You don't understand!" Yan Qi snorted.

"Mr. Gongsun, you are already very powerful," Will answered, "You have defeated a powerful Envoy of Creation of the World not long ago, which has given you a deep understanding of your own strength. Of course we are worried that you will be defeated because of Hatred and blind, but your power itself is more worthy of our worries. You are still young, although your experience is more magnificent than most people in the world, but you are not even 20 years old. When you can easily overthrow a continent , When destroying a country, it is a very natural idea to think of yourself higher than others. This is not about arrogance, but necessity."

Gongsun Ce scratched his head, thinking of all the courtesies he had received along the way, and remembering those "creation jokes" that he mentioned intentionally or unintentionally during the chat, he thought he saw it clearly, and he always knew it in his heart, but... a thousand years ago Could the saint be stupider than him?
He recalled his anxious performance this morning, and he was a little ashamed when he spoke: "I have some tendencies like this, not many, but there are."

"So when I found out that you had a good time as a guest at your friend's house, I was very happy for you," Will said seriously, "You passed the test. You retain the interpersonal relationship you once had, and you don't despise friends and friends just because they are strong or not. Life. You still have an ordinary side, so that Mr. Yan can teach you with confidence."

Gongsun Ce really didn't expect it to be a test: "Isn't our test a little too approachable?"

"Otherwise? Let you go down the mountain of swords and fire to start teaching?" Yan Qi said disdainfully, "Formalism has a useless purpose!"

"I admit that you are right this time." Gongsun Ce admitted, "So now we..."

From Yan Qi's tone, it seemed that he was about to start practicing again, but Gongsun Ce didn't know how he could improve while being restrained.He waited for the master to say those unique and surely useful suggestions, but at this moment, there was a violent shaking under the feet of everyone, and the sudden earthquake interrupted all the conversations and thoughts.


Gongsun Ce was the first to speed up and fly out of the deep mountain, and the entire night sky was burned, like a piece of black cloth that was burned to ashes by the fire.The largest pillar of fire that he had ever seen in his life rose from the depths of the rift in Molten Valley City. The [-]-meter-diameter flame quickly turned into a destructive fire tornado after touching the sky, and its strength was enough to submerge the entire city.

The telekinetic sense of touch penetrated into the wind for the first time, and a red steel worm as tall as a person floated in the center of the flames. It slowly lowered its pair of pincers and opened its yellow eyes.The silver chains that bind it are breaking one by one, and the man in red stands behind the totem, his peaceful profile in the past is now extremely cold.

It's Jago Drusus!The totem he controls not only maintains the fragile connection between the two states, but is also one of the cornerstones of the battle line. Now, as the head of the family, he has issued an order, and the totem has gone berserk because of this!

(End of this chapter)

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