this infinite world

Chapter 435 Desperate Future

All stories start with Delphi Riddle.

This Voldemort's daughter, also the real "cursed child", successfully seduced two people by pretending to be a relative of Amos Digory, an old man who lost his son and was mentally unstable. A hot-blooded young man took the bait, wanting them to save Cedric Diggory, and eventually turned them into playthings in his hands.

Delphi used deception to allow Albus and Scorpius to use the time turner to return to the past, changing the original history by interfering with Cedric Diggory's experience in the Triwizard Tournament.

"We changed history three times in total."

Scorpius' voice was dry, like a piece of dead old tree bark. He took out his wand and waved it, causing a cabinet in the principal's office to open automatically, and a stone basin filled with liquid flew out.

It was a pensieve, a magical tool used to extract memories from the mind and watch them immersively.

"The first time, Albus and I disarmed Cedric in the first game of the Triwizard Tournament, causing him to lose his wand, and we failed in the first game... and the result was , a couple who were supposed to get married didn’t get married.”

Scorpius knocked on the edge of the stone basin, and a series of scenes automatically appeared in the pensieve. It was the scene of the Triwizard Tournament. Two teenagers of fifteen or sixteen years old excitedly thought that they could save the lives of those who should have died. life... and the result was that when they returned to their original history, they found that Ron Weasley's wife had become Parvati Patil.

——He is not married to Hermione Granger.

"So, you immediately made a second attempt."

Chu Xuan stared at the picture in the pensieve, and the same actions as him were all the portraits on the wall of the principal's office.The past principals of Hogwarts were listening to their conversation attentively, and some of the portraits that could not see the situation in the pensieve moved into other people's photo frames, watching the stories that the time travelers had personally experienced.

"Yes, we thought it was because the changes were not enough, so we used the second time turner... and the result is a desperate future."

One of Scorpius's hands gripped the edge of the table so tightly that his joints turned white. As he spoke, another, more terrifying future emerged on the surface of the pensieve again.

The Day of Voldemort, the mind flayers in Hogwarts, Dolores Umbridge as the headmaster, Muggle-born wizards being tortured in the dungeons as slaves and inferiors, and pure-blood wizards Walking around the school arrogantly... Wizards took pleasure in killing Muggles, and they even formed a "Mudblood" death camp.

After hearing these bloody words, more than one Hogwarts principal looked away as if he couldn't bear to witness it, and gasps of air could be heard from time to time in the office.

"My God."

Even Phineas Black, a staunch supporter of the pure-blood family and the most unpopular headmaster in the history of Hogwarts, whispered: "It's too much... It's really too much."

“…This is what I see and what I’ve experienced firsthand in the future.”

Scorpius said bitterly. As he spoke, Draco Malfoy's face emerged from the screen, arrogant, cold, and unfamiliar.

“The good is better, the bad is worse.”

In Scorpius's words, a series of pictures emerged.Scorpius, who realized his mistake, wanted to restore the world to normal alone. Even though he was the final winner and vested interest, the "Scorpion King" of Hogwarts, he still embarked on the road of no return without hesitation. Road... Then, he found Severus Snape.

"…This is the story you told Snape that day."

Yang Yun looked at the pensieve, Scorpius and Snape, as well as the last two members of the Order of the Phoenix, Hermione and Ron, who had been hiding for nearly 20 years, using the time turner to return to the Triwizard Tournament again. Revise history again; watch Ron and Hermione have their souls sucked away by dementors, watch Snape also sacrificed in the hands of dementors... watch Scorpius finally complete what was originally impossible. mission to put history back on the right track.

“A history caused by a mistake, a wrong future by changing the past.”

Chu Xuan stared at the picture in the pensieve, his tone unwavering: "But since you are still here now, it means that you have failed in the end." "Yes, I thought everything was back to normal... But I was wrong, by the time I discovered that woman’s true identity, it was already too late.”

A wry smile appeared on Scorpius's lips, and he tapped the edge of the pensieve a third time.

More images emerged, and everyone saw Delphi Riddle, known as the Oracle, knocking out Albus Potter and Scorpius Malfoy, and then speaking the prophecy.

"When the intruders are killed, when time is turned, when the invisible children murder their fathers, the Dark Lord will return."

Then, Delphi activated the time turner and returned to the time when Voldemort stepped into Godric's Hollow and prepared to kill the Potter family. The three of them returned to October 1981, 10, and the time turner was damaged... When Albus and Scorpius discovered that the worst had not yet happened, they made a decision.

"We should go to Dumbledore." Albus said in the Pensieve: "We have made enough mistakes... We should find reliable people for help and let capable people take care of everything. Just like you went to Severus Snape for help in that future."

"But, is there really still enough time?"

Scorpius had a different view on this: "We don't know where Delphi is now, we don't know when Voldemort will come, we don't even know if Dumbledore is in Hogwarts... there are too many uncertainties. Yes, Albus."

"But the two of us alone will never be the match of Voldemort and Delphi."

After the passion, reason seemed to have taken over the young man's mind again. Albus persuaded his friend: "The other party is the Dark Lord and his daughter, and what are we? Two ordinary fifth-year Hogwarts students? "


"Relax, bro, and don't forget my name."

Albus Severus Potter smiled and patted Scorpius on the shoulder. Although everyone outside the Pensieve could see that he was just pretending to be calm, his words were indeed powerfully persuasive: "He is Dumbledore, Albus Dumbledore. My father gave me this name. I believe it is fate... 'Severus' saved us once, and now it's our turn.' Albus'."

His words convinced Scorpius.

There is no doubt that in their opinion at the time, this was a wise decision and the most correct decision under the current circumstances... But everyone who knew the result in advance understood what was waiting for them.

Looking at the picture of the real Albus convincing himself, Scorpius held the damaged time turner with trembling hands: "We failed... When we came to Hogwarts and were about to find Principal Dumbledore , but my best brother turned into fly ash bit by bit before my eyes, completely dissipating in the air... We fell short."

One tear fell into the pensieve, then two, then three.

"I'm always one step late."

There was a flash of fire, and Dumbledore reappeared in the principal's office. He just glanced at the situation in the pensieve and understood what was happening.The greatest white wizard of the twentieth century walked up to the table and patted Scorpius gently on the shoulder: "I... I'm sorry."

"I heard that some people's patron saint will change after a major emotional blow. If this is the case, I can understand why your patron saint is also a doe."

Recalling the conversation with Snape, Yang Yun understood the secret hidden in it. His eyes moved to the silent Chu Xuan: "So, the basic situation is like this... Chu Xuan, what do you think?"

"I do have a lot of guesses."

Chu Xuan stood up: "However, we still have to wait until we have completely eliminated Voldemort." (End of Chapter)

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