this infinite world

Chapter 462: Humanity Saves the World

Chapter 462: Humanity Saves the World
At [-]:[-] in the morning, PPDC Marshal Stark-Panticost woke up from his sleep.

The current top commander of PPDC had a nightmare. He dreamed of endless monsters pouring out of the rift in the Pacific Ocean and marching to the shore in groups. The current defenses were vulnerable to the monsters and lost. The people who had possessed the mecha had no power to resist at all, and the world's demise was only a matter of seconds... And it wasn't until three seconds later that Panticost realized that it was just a nightmare.

——But then, the marshal realized the fact with frustration that it might not be a nightmare, but a future that was about to happen with a high probability.

"damn it."

The marshal cursed softly. He turned on the light, took off his pajamas that were wet with cold sweat, walked to the sink and washed his face. Then he looked in the mirror and found, as expected, that blood was flowing from his nostrils again. Two dark red blood stains.

The amount of bleeding was huge. This was no ordinary nosebleed. The drips almost formed a straight line, and there was no sign of stopping.But Marshal Panticost didn't have any unusual reaction to this. He just carefully took out a box of unnamed medicine from the uniform pocket hanging by the bedside, took out one tablet and swallowed it.As he did this, the nosebleed gradually stopped like a faucet that had been turned off.

--time is limited.

Marshal Panticost knew that his body was gradually weakening. He was once an excellent mecha hunter, and he was the best among them.However, in a battle more than ten years ago, he persisted in fighting for three hours even though his protective suit leaked. Although he finally eliminated the monster that made a big fuss in Tokyo, his body was also damaged. Due to excessive radiation, he had to retire from the front line and switch to command work - of course, even if he changed positions, he was still the most outstanding one.

"I can't fall yet."

Looking at the face and body in the mirror that were still strong but no longer young, Marshal Panticost said to himself: "Maybe one day I will be completely unable to hold on because of this damn radiation, but not now... even if there is One day the monsters really completely destroy human civilization, then I will either die inside the mecha or on the command platform that belongs to me. Instead of dying in that damn hospital like a coward."

This is the marshal's psychological suggestion to himself, and it is also dispelling the confusion about the future and giving himself confidence.After the United Nations suspended financial support and instead spent most of the funds on building the separation wall, everyone at PPDC had a difficult time.Many staff and scientists left the base. Some of them were pessimistic about the future, and some were disheartened by the United Nations' decision... Some even chose to end their lives out of despair.

Of course, more people stayed, united around Marshal Panticost, and held on to their positions, believing that there was still hope for the future of mankind, and they were the only hope.

…But life at PPDC is really too hard.

Money is not everything, but having no money is absolutely impossible.When the cannon goes off, there are thousands of taels of gold. Without enough funds, it means that the giant mecha cannot be properly maintained.Not to mention the upgrading of weapons and the development of sixth-generation mechas, even the timely repair of mechas that were damaged in battles with monsters is a luxury.

In the last battle, the giant plasma cannon on the left arm of the Chinese mecha "Storm Red" was destroyed. Even though a whole week has passed, this deadly weapon mounted on the mecha is still not there. Get a complete restoration.This also means that if another monster attacks during this period, Storm Red will have no choice but to give up its position as a long-range support mecha and use the three-arm alloy flywheel to engage in melee combat with the monster.

Although Storm Red has a special melee method "Thunder Cloud Formation" designed to deal with monsters, everyone knows that melee means greater danger, and PPDC can no longer afford the loss of more mechas.

Involuntarily, Marshal Panticost remembered the period when PPDC was at its peak. At that time, he had a total of thirty mechas, which together formed an impenetrable defense circle, firmly blocking all incoming monsters for ten miles. On the coastline outside, it protects the safety of people all over the world...

But everything started to go wrong when the "Dangerous Wanderer" lost a battle.The evolution of monsters began to accelerate, and the situation was sliding towards the abyss at a terrifying speed. Just this year, there have been nearly ten wrecks of mechas in the "Mecha Cemetery".Thinking of this, he sighed and lowered his head.

Although Marshal Panticost has acted like an iron-blooded commander in front of his subordinates for many years, even his closest adopted daughter, Mako Mori, cannot understand how much pressure this man is under.That would be fine if it were normal, but according to Dr. Hermann Gottlieb's data analysis, the next time the monster arrives is likely to be just a few days later.

When people are desperate, they can't help but seek help from gods. Although Marshal Panticost is not religious, for some reason tonight, his emotions are more active than usual, and he can't help but say to himself: " If I could have more funds, better weapons, stronger mechas, and better mecha hunters..."

"A reasonable request, Marshal."

Panticost was just talking to himself, not expecting any response. During these more than ten years of fighting, he had long known that there was no god in this world.But what he didn't expect was that a young man's voice actually answered him.

There are unknown persons.

The moment he heard this voice, Marshal Panticost had this idea in his mind. He knew very well that his room had the highest level of security measures, and there was no sign that a series of security systems had been triggered. In this area There was no way there was a second person in the space... His movements were even faster than his thoughts. He saw the marshal turn over and rolled to the bedside. He then took out a pistol from the bedside and pointed it directly at the sound. The place from which it is issued.

At this time, Marshal Panticost discovered that the person who answered his question was a young man who looked to be in his twenties. This man seemed to turn a blind eye to the gun pointed at him, and just looked at him with a smile on his face.

"who are you?"

Marshal Panticost shouted: "Answer my question! Otherwise I will shoot!"

Although he said this, the marshal knew very well that if he could hide from the base's security system and suddenly appear in his room, this man must not be an ordinary person, and his true identity...

"I am a human being, a human being who has come to save this world."

But what Panticost didn't expect was that the man in front of him actually gave an answer that he didn't expect at all.

Facing this outstanding commander, Yang Yun just flashed his body and got close to Marshal Panticost. He pressed his shoulder with one hand, and then a burst of true energy mixed with life energy Then he lost: "Don't worry..."

"This is my second time doing this job."

(End of this chapter)

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