Zhao Yingkong's action of sneaking into Yuri's base camp in Antarctica did not encounter many obstacles.

As the think tank of the Zhongzhou team, Chu Xuan's scientific research ability has always been an important support for the team. This young man has a deep understanding and ability to control complex technology and data, and this time is no exception. Using some of the equipment found in the destroyed Yuri base that the Zhongzhou team had previously destroyed, he used a series of operations that no one else could understand, and successfully created an instrument that could suppress fluctuations in mental power. .

The effect of the instrument is remarkable. Zhao Yingkong only needs to carry this instrument with her, and she can restrain her extraordinary mental power, which is no different from that of an ordinary Yuri recruit. Even Zhan Lan's mental power scan, Even with a cursory inspection, nothing unusual can be noticed.

Just like a drop of water is easily noticed in the desert but almost unnoticeable in the vast ocean, from the perspective of a mental power controller, it is a task to carefully scan and distinguish the mental power of ordinary people. Extremely onerous and unnecessary tasks.

Most of the time, mental controllers tend to use more efficient and targeted methods to identify special individuals who have extraordinary mental powers and may pose a threat to them. This kind of screening method can greatly save time and energy, and at the same time, it is more likely to find the objects of specific targets.

To conduct a comprehensive mental power scan, especially a detailed mental power level analysis of every ordinary person, such an operation is undoubtedly extremely resource-consuming. This is not only a huge burden on the mind controller, but also extremely inefficient in actual operation. Therefore, unless there are special needs or goals, mental controllers usually adopt a more macro-scanning approach to deal with the situation, rather than going deep into the details of each individual's mental power.

Ensuring investment, efficiency and consumption is a compulsory course for every mental power controller, and it can even be said to be a compulsory course for every person who has reached the third level of reincarnation with a genetic lock.

With the technological support provided by Chu Xuan, Zhao Yingkong passed through the sonic tunnel and reached the vicinity of Antarctica in just an instant. Even though time has passed, the trauma of the war is still deeply imprinted on this land. The once boundless ice fields were now shattered by the raging flames of war, and were covered with cracks and faults. The ice was scattered like a sea of ​​rocks, reflecting the cold light of the brutal battle.

In this devastated cold wasteland, the remains of steel and fragments of war weapons are scattered. They were once participants in the war, but now they have become silent witnesses. These wreckage include the broken armor of tanks, the twisted wings of aircraft, and the remains of forts. They are frozen on the ice, covered with snow, and integrated with the vast ice field.

Zhao Yingkong didn't wait long before he had the opportunity to sneak in. She was like a breeze, her steps steady and light, keeping the same rhythm with the soldiers around her, and blended silently into a Yuri army that was out patrolling, as if she was one of them.

——Zhao Yingkong successfully passed through the outer cordon without attracting anyone's attention, without arousing any suspicion.

The A-level Watcher bloodline can perfectly hide her aura and energy fluctuations. Coupled with her set of Watcher armor, even her own heat and monitoring can be perfectly hidden. And the several internal defense warnings were completely unable to stop her. The assassin girl of the Central Continent team was like a ghost, a shadow that could not be captured. Every breath was so natural, completely integrated with the surrounding environment, even the air. None of her secrets were revealed.

As a result, Zhao Yingkong successfully entered Yuri's base camp, a steel fortress.

In this fortress, Zhao Yingkong saw a lot, a lot.

She saw that this steel fortress was like a giant beast that was never satisfied. It seemed that it was under construction and building new buildings all the time, and it was rapidly devouring the resources that were continuously sent to it. Huge machinery danced in the air like tentacles, accurately installing pieces of heavy steel plates in place. The splashing sparks accompanied by the reverberation of metal impact formed a symphony of the construction of this fortress.

She saw a zombie-like crowd being led through a series of complex pipes and into the building with five cylindrical test tube structures. This building has a cold exterior, made of smooth metal materials, and the surface is covered with intricate pipelines and circuits, giving it a futuristic, cold and hard texture.

This cold structure is called a biochemical reactor, and it is no ordinary building. Those humans who enter will have their biomass energy extracted and converted into powerful electricity and energy, becoming a link in the fortress's energy supply chain, providing inexhaustible power for the entire fortress.

She saw that some war weapons that did not appear in the game were being manufactured. Compared with the magneto-electric tanks, neural assault vehicles and gate tanks in the game "Yuri's Revenge", these new weapons obviously had The design colors and technologies of the Allied and Soviet armies crystallized...and this mixed technology design has been going on for a long time.

The heavy-duty vehicle with tank tracks seems to combine the appearance of a self-destructing truck and a neural assault vehicle. There is a towering columnar design at the rear. Just by looking at the faintly shining top, you can know that this thing must be able to release psychic shock waves. ; It is even thicker and even an improved version of the magnetoelectric tank equipped with Tesla coils. The bottom does not directly contact the conveyor belt on the production line, but is slightly suspended in mid-air.

The heads also have a mirror-like design, but are smaller and more exquisite than the Prism Tank. The paint seems to have the function of blocking outside psychic detection, and their looming purple exterior seems to indicate this kind of tank. It has the effect of stealth; it is a large four-wheeled vehicle similar to the Getter tank. The design seems to be a combination of an anti-aircraft crawler vehicle and an off-road Jeep prototype. However, looking at its multiple rocket launcher located directly in front, it is not difficult to imagine this. The firepower of the east and west must far exceed the former.

——Yuri’s technology has been iterated in countless ways. The Allies’ light prism technology, Phantom tank camouflage technology, the Soviet Army’s Tesla coil technology, radiation technology and Yuri’s mind control technology. Gene technology is used by ordinary people. Completely unexpected ways were combined to create a more powerful and terrifying war weapon.

She saw new tanks one after another, new weapons one after another being born, some familiar, some unknown... Under the precise operation of huge mechanical arms, these war weapons were assembled, welded, Finished off with layers of heavy military color. The movements of the robotic arm are almost flawless, and each movement has been precisely calculated and designed to ensure the high efficiency and performance of each war machine.

However, besides the mechanical arms, there are also slaves who are forced to work. Among them were old people, young people, men and women, wearing all kinds of clothes. Their eyes were empty and their faces were numb, like bodies that had lost their souls. They seemed to have no idea where they were and were just working repetitively.

She saw that the slaves in the factory were like parts on the production line. Once they stopped functioning, they would be ruthlessly abandoned. Those who fell from exhaustion had their bodies dragged away indifferently, and their places were quickly replaced by new slaves. This cycle keeps repeating itself, and the fate of those fallen humans is even more heartbreaking. Some people, whether they were dead or still breathing weakly, were thrown into the troop recycling plant or biochemical reactor without distinction and treated as supplies. Either they are used to create new war machines, or they are used as a supply of biochemical energy to squeeze out the last bit of their value.

Another group of unfortunate people were dragged into the laboratory by the emotionless Yuri recruits. They may be transformed into orcs, or other creatures that are scarier, purer, and more ferocious.

Some of them are wearing advanced biological armor, just like the Terminator in the movie, which combines biotechnology with modern technology; some have more developed muscles than the orcs, and their entire bodies have completely turned into twisted purple. Green muscle monsters, the bulging muscles on their bodies occasionally exploded one or two disgusting purple bubbles; some even seemed to have undergone biochemical mechanical modifications and simply lost their human appearance, just like the terrifying robots of the Soviet army. Looking at it The green core in the center shows that it obviously carries a large amount of viruses.

Even after seeing these things, Zhao Yingkong did not stop until she saw Yuri recruits coming out of the "Replication Center" and "Barracks" in the same place.

These Yuri recruits wear strange-looking special helmets equipped with communication equipment and other sensors. They have the iconic emblem of the Yuri faction on their chests. Their equipment is full of futuristic style, similar to that of American soldiers or conscripts. Very different. But unlike normal people who look different, these Yuri recruits are exactly the same, as if they were copied and pasted from the same mold.

——Gene technology, replicating people.

Zhao Yingkong had never realized as he did at this moment that Yuri's camp was completely different from that of the Allies and the Soviet Army, not in terms of philosophy or other aspects, but in "essence".

Perhaps in the game, American soldiers from the Allied forces can walk out of their barracks for $[-] each, while Soviet conscripts can be produced continuously for only $[-], but no one will actually play the game Be confused with reality.

There is a clear distinction between games and reality. In the game "Red Alert [-]", these troops can be created with only money, but in reality they are flesh-and-blood people. They will be born normally, grow up, receive training, then take up weapons and go to the battlefield to fight the enemy... They have their own relatives, their own comrades, and their own emotions. They will gradually become stronger and grow, and when When they died on the battlefield, some people would mourn and shed tears.

——However, in the Yuri camp, everything that is natural and natural is no longer taken for granted.

This camp that was born from within the Soviet Army is naturally fundamentally different from other camps. They have unique technologies and concepts, and have become a unique camp named after its leader. Their technology, especially the advancement of biochemical and genetic engineering, makes their methods and methods of warfare completely different from other camps.

Their basic building, the biochemical reactor, is not only the center of energy supply, but also a symbol of their military expansion. This building uses biomass energy to convert into electricity, providing the energy needed to operate the entire military base. But behind this technology lies the extreme exploitation and cruel use of human beings.

The sources of soldiers for Yuri's army are equally cruel. Unlike other camps that expand their armies through formal recruitment and training, they create soldiers through biochemical modification and genetic duplication. These soldiers were reshaped from a biological level, completely losing their sense of self and becoming ruthless killing machines on the battlefield.

Yuri's new recruits wear helmets and use their mental power to concentrate and release, turning into flames. Orcs, a kind of monster made through genetic mutation engineering, are quite similar to the tyrants in Resident Evil; Viruses Snipers are sniper assassins who use viruses to snipe. The killed enemy will even explode and turn into deadly poisonous clouds that spread; Yuri clones are clones made by Yuri using his own genes. They also have the ability to control their own minds... and today's Yuri army is far more deadly and terrifying than in the original game.

——All Yuri troops are under the direct control of their superiors, and they are not even worthy of true free will.

On the battlefield, they are just consumables, soldiers, artificial humans cultivated using genetic engineering technology, and rapidly growing test-tube babies. They have no past, no future, no relatives, and in most cases, they do not even have their own will... And their mission is to destroy all the enemies that stand in front of them.

——Were I, as well as the brothers and sisters of the "Empty" Project, also created under such circumstances? As weapons and tools for the elders to rule the real world...

Looking at the black hole-like area, Zhao Yingkong suddenly had an idea in his mind.

If it were her before, she might still be a little confused and think about the meaning of her existence; but now, after experiencing many things, she has already found her own answer and has dispelled the worries in her heart. confused.

So, she continued to move deeper.

Made up a certain determination and never looked back. (End of chapter)

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