this infinite world

Chapter 596 Sweeping the End

Chapter 596 Sweeping the End

Stars fall.

When Zheng Zha released his fingers and let the gray sphere fall freely, it began to expand at a speed visible to the naked eye. The surrounding air seemed to be squeezed by an invisible force, producing waves of distorted fluctuations. Although the light emitted by the sphere itself was not dazzling, the hazy light spread around at an alarming speed, swallowing up the sound of wind whistling on the Antarctic ice sheet and tearing apart the silent air, as if even the space was overwhelmed by this violence. distorted by energy.

Then, the gray sphere seemed to ignore gravity and air resistance, and directly penetrated Yuri's dense defense network in an incredible gesture.

Those originally powerful Getter cannons fired with extremely fierce firepower, and even the muzzles flashed with fierce afterimages, but they seemed to be just decorations in front of this sphere; and those lasers hanging high above Yuri Fortress The UFO, as well as those high-tech machines that Zheng Zha was not aware of, seemed to be broken, and there was no time to make even a symbolic resistance.

The existence of all Yuri's defense lines seems to be just to highlight the unstoppability of this sphere.

No one can react, no one can intercept it. The gray sphere was like a meteor traveling between the stars, directly hitting the heart of Yuri's base, the indestructible steel fortress. Although the Iron Curtain device was activated immediately, the next moment it was enveloped in the dazzling light that bloomed from the center of the sphere!

It was a destructive brilliance, a brilliance that ended everything, a brilliance that left no room for anything. Those defenses that were considered impenetrable became so fragile in the face of this force.

The black Iron Curtain shield, a barrier strong enough to withstand nuclear bomb attacks, was like a thin piece of paper facing this gray light, easily torn, melting and dissipating silently. Gray overwhelms black, like the scythe of death, ruthlessly harvesting everything.

Without a trace of warmth or emotion, it covers everything indifferently, erasing all traces of existence regardless of living things or non-living things. In front of this gray that infects everything, everything seems to have been washed away from color and stripped of sound. Only the power of destruction, like the only master in the strong wind, is raging crazily, turning everything into nothingness.



The violent roar resounded through the earth like the wrath of God, rising high in the void, shaking the soul of every life in the Antarctic continent.

With the violent explosion caused by the reaction of two completely opposite energies, Yuri's fortress became the center of destruction. The huge mushroom cloud rose into the sky. This spectacular sight can be seen even in distant space. Two completely opposite energies reacted violently in the center of Yuri Fortress, triggering a devastating explosion. The shock wave surged violently, like an angry giant devouring everything around it indiscriminately. The shock wave aroused from there swept ruthlessly in all directions.

Dust, ice cubes and debris flew in the air, forming an apocalyptic picture. The eternal iceberg melted in the heat wave of the explosion, turning into countless tiny water droplets, rising into steam, and then turning into the tiniest water molecules.

Smoke and shock waves intertwined in the air, and the entire sky was shrouded in the impact of this catastrophe.

The ground was torn apart by violent vibrations, as if an invisible giant hand was tearing at the texture of the earth.

Countless cracks opened in the ice sheet within thousands of kilometers, large tracts of land collapsed, and huge icebergs calved in an instant, forming an apocalyptic scene... The power of this disaster was so great that people doubt whether it was It is the result of the entire earth's crust being penetrated.


Refining, converting, and then colliding two opposite energies to obtain destructive energy... This is what Zheng Zha has been doing all along, but like today, he compresses the two energies into a sphere outside the body, and then forms This was his first time trying such an attack.

After Zheng Zha has been practicing for so long, even if the quality of the two energies in his body cannot catch up with the true energy and magic power, they are not far behind... And this means that the attack Zheng Zha is now using, It truly reproduces the style of the Magic Cannon, the great weapon of the Central Continent team in the original world line. And the "Falling Star" created by "Li Yan-Ying Huo" who imitated his own clone on a whim after being optimized again through the genetic mutation just now, also means that Zheng Zha has touched the back of that man.

Under this devastating attack, nothing should have been left.

"...Well, it's not over yet?"

Looking at the results of his battle, Zheng Zha took a long breath. Feeling the much weaker but still huge spiritual power in the air, he tilted his head and looked at the ground beneath his feet again.

Zheng Zha's eyes penetrated the layers of obstacles and gained insight into the specific situation behind the mushroom cloud. The closer he got to the center of the explosion, the more chaotic the scene there was. Wherever he could see, he could only see a blur of madness. Stirred by the huge force of the explosion, the originally hard surface was torn into countless irregular fragments, just like the sea surface tossed by huge waves in a storm. Waves of dust and debris rolled in the air, forming blurry lines. Silhouette.

——But in this devastating attack, the dark shadow of Yuri Fortress, which was mostly destroyed but still standing, appeared so clearly.

"Sure enough, is the interior of the fortress protected by hyperspace technology..."

Looking at the ruins of the wall at his feet, Zheng Zha held the communicator that Chu Xuan distributed in advance and whispered softly: "Well, I know, but I didn't expect this thing to be quite durable. It looks like Yuri They really did not hesitate to pile up resources and build this base camp into the ultimate fortress.”

In the original game of Red Alert 2, there was a game method of using Chrono Legion soldiers to freeze the time and space of buildings to protect corresponding important buildings. The effect is similar to that of the Iron Curtain device. When Zheng Zha smashed the "falling star" down just now, he did feel that something was not right with the flow of time and space in this area.

Zheng Zha was very aware of the power of his blow. This blow almost knocked out more than 70% of the energy in his body. It was even powerful enough to turn a third of the Antarctic continent into scorched earth, completely changing the distribution of the land's tectonic plates. . But it was clearly a fatal blow, but it only wiped out the secondary bases and buildings on the periphery of the fortress. However, after being destroyed by 80%, Yuri Fortress, the core, still stubbornly retained part of it. The main structure was not destroyed.

"Speaking of which, I really have to thank Zhao Yingkong for your previous intelligence work this time. Speaking of which, you were not affected by my 'falling star' move... Hey, why did you die?"

Listening to the noise coming from the communicator, Zheng Zha scratched his head. In this doomsday scene, he slowly descended from the sky.

"Okay, anyway, I didn't hear the Lord God's voice prompting me to score..."

"But the cleaning up work should be pretty easy."

(End of this chapter)

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