this infinite world

Chapter 602 Yuri’s Revenge

Chapter 602 Yuri’s Revenge

The black pulse was like a violent storm in the night sky, constantly shaking the defensive network of trees.

They erode the impenetrable tree trunks and lush foliage at a ruthless rate. Every impact seemed to carry destructive power, like surging waves that withered and withered the trees one after another. Those once vibrant trees seemed to have lost all vitality in an instant under the impact of the pulse, turning into silent dust and dissipating in the air with the wind.

However, it was precisely because of Yang Yun's powerful life energy that every time the old trees withered, new trees grew rapidly at almost the same time. They quickly made up for the destroyed gaps and built new lines of defense. This constant growth and destruction forms a strange cycle, just like the tenacious display of vitality in nature.

The speed of destruction cannot keep up with the speed of creation.

In this battle between life and death, Yang Yun did not panic at all. His eyes were firm and deep, as calm as ancient trees, and green arrogance continued to flow around him. Every breath and every heartbeat he took resonated with those giant trees, as if he was integrated with the forest... But because of this, Yang Yun, who had unlocked the fourth-level gene lock at this time, could clearly understand Feel the nature of this attack.

This is by no means a simple Iron Curtain device. Instead, it condenses the special Iron Curtain energy, excites surrounding particles through the impact of high-speed particles, releases a stream of high-energy particles, and then shoots them out using a method similar to a pulse cannon to trigger a series of chain reactions. ...The high-speed particle pulse wave formed by this reaction is like an invisible hand of death. It has extremely strong penetrating and destructive power, decomposing and transforming all materials it touches, producing a large-area annihilation effect.

In Yang Yun's mind, as he realized the nature of this super weapon, he had a deeper understanding of the microscopic operation of the gene lock, and the aura around his body became more stable and orderly. With the subtle adjustments of genes, the trees generated by the life energy gradually became solid, firmly blocking the pulse wave that annihilated everything, and not even a single inch could move forward.

- Very powerful... but not powerful enough.

——It has reached the level of the fourth level, but at the very least, it is not high enough to break through my defense.

Yang Yun is not worried about Zheng Zha, who is on the periphery and not covered by the defense net. In his opinion, Zheng Zha's physical fitness is already quite high, and he also has powerful skills such as "The Glory of Dragon Feast", which makes his The defensive capabilities have reached an astonishing height. Even the pulse attack generated by this improved iron curtain device is nothing more than a flesh wound to Zheng Zha. It can only make him look a little embarrassed at most, but it will never pose a fatal threat to him... And Under the modified genes of the fourth-level gene lock, the nuclear explosion attack converted from time and space cannot have much impact on him.

——But, why were our whereabouts captured so quickly by an unknown enemy?

Yang Yun's heart began to stir. The suppressed emotions, the incompatibilities stuck in his throat, and the extremely strong sense of disobedience made him feel more and more uneasy. His intuition told him that he had overlooked something important, like a missing key part of a puzzle, making the whole picture incomplete... And this matter was most directly related to the disappearance of Chu Xuan and Qi Tengyi. association.

Under the green aura, Yang Yun turned around and looked at his teammates who also didn't know what was going on. At this moment, they were obviously confused by this sudden attack, but they still immediately broke away from the state of just entering the mission world and were ready to fight.

Yang Yun's gaze was like a sharp blade passing over the battlefield, and he could discern the status of his teammates at a glance. He could feel their tension and fear, but these emotions were real and there were no traces of intrusion by outside minds. The fear shown by the six newcomers in the face of the threat of death was an instinctive reaction without any pretense. None of them were lurkers who were quietly laid in traps by Adam or other hostile forces like in the previous world. .     —That’s not the reason.

——Compared to this, it's more like Yuri used mental scanning to find our whereabouts across the entire earth... But is this possible? Even if Yuri really has fourth-level strength, a super weapon of this magnitude will definitely require a lot of preparation time. How did he get past Zhan Lan's mental shield and accurately lock our position?

Withdrawing his gaze, although there were still a lot of questions in his mind, Yang Yun still took the safest and unmistakable approach: "Zhan Lan, withdraw your mental power scan and do your best to build a shielding line of defense to resist external mental attacks. , maintain mental shielding, and others activate the demon-level soul armor to resist Yuri's possible mind control."

"As for the newcomers, drink the life essence I gave you before, and now immediately-"

The words blurted out without thinking, but at this moment, a trace of doubt suddenly arose in Yang Yun's mind. He clearly remembered that since entering this world, apart from hearing the newcomers' brief self-introductions, he had no more contact with them. After an in-depth communication, he did not distribute any items to them... However, he just naturally commanded the six newcomers and ordered them to take the life essence prepared in advance. This behavior seemed to be determined long ago. plan!

Wait, something's wrong——

However, everything was too late. An extremely cold yet extremely powerful mental shock was like a sharp arrow in the darkness, quietly tearing apart Zhan Lan's mental shield. The mental controller of the Central Continent team groaned in pain, and blood spurted out from his eyes, ears, mouth and nose... Although the defense network composed of trees was still stable, a strange light carrying twisted fluctuations seemed to be ignored. The physical level of defense swept away all the members of the Zhongzhou Team in an extraordinary way!


The heads of the five newcomers exploded like watermelons, and the main god's point deduction reminder rang five times in an instant.

"Okay, Team Zhongzhou...a meeting gift."

Under Yang Yun's shocked gaze, the last newcomer, a woman named Liang Qingling, opened her lips slightly: "This is my revenge."

Her voice still sounded like it belonged to her; but from her eyes, there was no trace of her own will.

The next moment, her body fell limp to the ground, losing all life.

The sixth point deduction prompt also sounded at the same time.

 I won’t write the summary at the end of the volume for now, I’ll write it together in the next volume.



(End of this chapter)

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