this infinite world

Chapter 623 Great


The sound of explosions echoed in the near-lunar orbit.

Zheng Zha's arms were closed like iron gates to resist the invisible shock wave. He only felt a powerful thrust coming like thousands of troops, pushing him thousands of meters away. And when he stabilized his body and lowered his arms like shields, deep wounds were revealed in the light. The wounds seemed to be cut open by sharp blades, and blood flowed along his supposedly indestructible body. And down, there were clear marks on his body.

Manipulate gravity.

There is no doubt that this is a terrifyingly powerful force. As one of the four basic forces of the universe, it controls the nature of matter and the movement of celestial bodies. In the face of this force, the original connections between objects seem to Fragile, easily torn apart like a spider web.

When faced with Libra's ability, Zheng Zha was in an invisible force field all the time. Countless invisible forces, strong or weak, were running rampant on him. Even Libra's rudimentary application could easily make everything The solid material became like fragile paper, and even easily penetrated by Zheng Zha's "Glory of Dragon Feast", injuring his body.

The defense was broken, but it was not even considered a minor injury. To Zheng Zha, this was just an episode in the battle. The next moment, his right foot suddenly stepped in the void. There was no fancy or embellishment in the movement. What he exerted was pure strength and speed. With this step, Zheng Zha's entire body turned into a ball. The galloping lightning rushes straight towards the scales!

There are no gorgeous techniques or complicated moves, but anyone can feel the pure destructive power, like the incarnation of violence. In front of the speed at which Zheng Zha transformed into thunder and lightning, everything seemed so small. Libra didn't even have a chance to dodge and could only face this inevitable blow.

However, why dodge?

Facing Zheng Zha's rapid attack, Libra smiled playfully and raised his palms easily. That seemingly harmless movement seemed to carry some invisible power——

"Look, you can fly!"

The next moment, gravity reversed, and all gravity within a few hundred meters of the surrounding area disappeared!

One-sixth of the gravity turned into a state of weightlessness, and the lightning's extreme speed lost its accuracy. The originally extremely precise offensive also had flaws due to this sudden change.

Even Zheng Zha, who had mastered his body to the limit, had trouble controlling his own strength at this moment. The trajectory of the attack was invisibly distorted. The power of thunder and lightning that should have enveloped Libra and all the dodge space, killing it to pieces, now cracks appeared, leaving gaps that shouldn't exist——

The next moment, palms up!

Under the control of the scales, the gravitational field in the weightless state suddenly flipped, and a terrifying force far greater than before broke out, suddenly transforming into an extremely oppressive gravity!

Every muscle contraction, every joint rotation, and even every heartbeat became extremely slow and heavy; every inch of skin, every muscle, and even every cell was bearing an unimaginable load. Zheng Zha felt as if he had been thrown into a huge pressure cooker. The strength of the force field was at least ten times, or even dozens of times, that before!


As Libra's cheers cut through the quiet space, Zheng Zha's body was like an out-of-control meteor, constantly accelerating under the pull of gravity, and finally fell with an unstoppable force. His body violently hit the dust on the lunar surface, instantly arousing a huge cloud of dust, accompanied by the splash of countless gravel, forming a huge circular crater.

"'s really strong."

The dust mist gradually dissipated, and Zheng Zha wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and slowly stood up from the pit. Although he was injured, the man still couldn't help but praise. The gravity of the moon is dozens of times, and to be honest, it is only more than ten times the gravity of the earth. To be honest, it is not a big problem for Zheng Zha, who has unlocked the fourth-level gene lock at this time. After all, he is dead at this moment. You can move freely even if you carry a huge mountain on your back.

However, Libra's force field is not simply external pressure, it is a deeper influence. This force not only acts on the surface of his body, but is more like countless invisible arms extending into his body. Every muscle, every bone, and even every cell in his body is suffering from this force. The force pulled vertically and horizontally, as if there were thousands of hands pulling him in different directions, trying to tear him into pieces.

The most terrifying thing is that Libra's ability even interfered with the flow of energy in Zheng Zha's body, almost making him unable to maintain the "explosion" state... If not, how could he fall from the sky so easily?

"Do you want to fight again? Libra feels a little bored."

Libra slowly fell from mid-air. The aura around her body did not seem to have weakened at all, and was still at its peak state. Her face still maintained that slightly crazy smile: "After all, you can't even touch it." You can’t touch the scales, let alone cause the slightest harm to the scales.”

"That's just because it's not necessary."

Facing Libra's words, Zheng Zha just shook his head: "Actually, before going to the moon, I thought the enemy I was going to face was not you, but a person with a big head and a third eye on his forehead."

"What are you talking about?" Libra tilted his head, like a big question mark: "I don't understand."

"Actually, I don't know what I'm talking about."

Zheng Zha really didn't know what he was talking about, because he almost blurted out this sentence, even though there was no relevant memory in his mind as a clue.

Even, he didn't know why he said these meaningless words... But when he said these words, a blurry picture suddenly flashed in his mind, these pictures were like fog. The phantom in his mind, although not clear, inexplicably triggered some kind of resonance deep in his heart.

But one thing is right. Zheng Zha understands that he has forgotten a lot of things, and what he is doing now is to get these things back.

"But now it seems that you are much stronger than him, and you are much more helpful to me in shaping my 'perfect body'."

Facing Libra's gaze, Zheng Zha said with a smile: "Soon, I will be able to figure out the trick. When the cells and energy inside my body are enough to resist the pull of gravity, then I should be able to get one step closer to that guy."

Zheng Zha, who said this, smiled and pointed the re-condensed Purple Thunder Sword at the scale in the sky——

"This is really great." (End of chapter)

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