this infinite world

Chapter 667 The direction of the perfect body

Chapter 667 The direction of the perfect body

"You ask me how to create my perfect body?"

After some noisy chaos, Zheng Zha chose to stand stubbornly in the center of the laboratory, let alone the experimental bench. He was not even willing to sit on that ordinary-looking chair. And when he finally revealed the true purpose of his visit, the atmosphere in the air seemed to suddenly become serious.

When he heard this question, which was of great significance to both the Zhongzhou team and Zheng Zha himself, Chu Xuan finally withdrew all his attention from the complex experimental device... then turned his head straight and looked directly at Zheng Zha.

"In the last world, you actually completed the process of shaping a perfect body."

Chu Xuan's face no longer had the previous indifference, and his eyes were rekindled with a focused will, as if all distracting thoughts had been thrown away, leaving only deep thinking about Zheng Zha's problem. Obviously, this topic aroused great interest in him: "And now that you ask this question again, it proves that you already have some preliminary ideas in your mind... Let's talk about it first."

"How should I put it? Although there are many directions to choose from, as my strength improves, I feel that those so-called 'perfect bodies' are not actually that perfect."

Zheng Zha scratched his head, organized his words slightly and said: "At the beginning, I wanted to start from the blood gene and shape it accordingly. After all, the blood mutation was the first enhancement I redeemed, but..."

As he spoke, Zheng Zha stretched out a finger. In that fleeting moment, a strange change occurred on his fingertips, and the entire finger seemed to be dyed with an unusual blood-colored luster. This color is not a pure bright red, nor is it the dark red hue that appears when he uses the Red Flame skill. It is more like some kind of alluring blood-colored glaze, exuding an indescribable and enchanting beauty.

"Using vampire genes as the basis to create a perfect body, that's pretty much it."

Zheng Zha shook his finger, and a bloody light suddenly flashed in the air, and at the same time, there was also a small area of ​​blood mist. In the blood-colored light, this finger is like a beautiful work of art, its brilliance is restrained but yet sharp: "If I follow this path, then my perfect body should have the three qualities of gas, liquid and solid. It can be freely transformed into three forms, there is a bonus when using red flames, and it only needs to have physical contact with the enemy to induce and manipulate the blood in the opponent's body."

"And my body should have the characteristics of "The Cursed Blood Dragon Binding Secret Treasure Path", which can absorb power from the blood. Even if only one drop of blood is immortal, I can be reborn without limit... It's just that the more blood I lose, , the weaker the strength becomes, you just need to slowly replenish it and practice it back."

"What about the shortcomings?" Chu Xuan didn't show too much surprise at Zheng Zha's changing fingers. He just raised his own question, as if such power was just an expected part of his plan.

"The disadvantage is that this form is completely destroyed by my clone."

Zheng Zha sighed and said: "I can transform into three forms. He is directly the body of energy; I can be reborn with a drop of blood, but to lose strength, he only needs a breath of black flame to remain, and the strength will be lost." It has dropped too much... Although it sounds very powerful, in every aspect it feels like it is a lower replacement for the violent flame energy body."

"You can't say that. If the path you take is related to 'soul' or 'blood', then this kind of perfect body is actually quite suitable for you." Chu Xuan shook his head in an indifferent manner, his voice was calm and Full of unquestionable authority, he slowly explained: "As for the ability you are showing now, I have seen a related exchange option in the main god space, and it is called 'Dead River'. This is an extremely powerful A skill that can plunder the vitality and soul of others and turn it into the user's own power."

"More specifically, when the user suffers fatal damage, this skill can offset the damage by consuming the soul, thereby maintaining the continuation of life... This also means that the person who possesses this skill, his life will no longer be A single one, but a stack of thousands of lives.”

"In the exchange of the Lord God, it is not uncommon to use the skills or blood of the soul. The blood of Nevin Moore in Dota can also swallow the souls of others for his own use, and can even release the souls in the body and turn them into names. The powerful skill of 'Elegy of the Soul'... As for blood, whether it is blood clan or other aspects, there are too many exchanges in this aspect, so I won't go into details."

"Even if you say so, Chu Xuan, both soul and blood are inseparable from negative energy."

Zheng Zha said helplessly: "When burned by his violent flames, no matter how much soul or blood there is, it will be burned clean, and it may even cause a chain reaction... As someone who has experienced the light of his soul, I have no doubt that this kind of possibility."

"That's a matter of compatibility. He has gone much further than you in the development of blood genes and red inflammation."

After hearing Zheng Zha's thoughts, Chu Xuan nodded and responded in the affirmative. There was a hint of deep thought in his tone, as if he was weighing the weight of every word: "The perfect body based on the vampire gene does not match your usual fighting style. Although you have absorbed Dracula's control, The Blood Queen has indeed gained some talents in vampire magic, but this is still insignificant compared to the melee skills you have honed over a long period of time."

"Instead of forcing yourself to adapt to a field you are unfamiliar with, it is better to focus more on developing your strengths. Your melee ability is your core and the key to your survival and victory in countless battles so far. In this It will undoubtedly be wiser to deepen and improve the basics than to distract yourself from learning skills that are not suitable for you.”

"...Although I think so myself, why do I feel so unhappy when you say that?" Zheng Zha said with squinting eyes.

"Your illusion."

Chu Xuan's tone was objective and calm, and he denied Zheng Zha's words, but then a trace of interest flashed in his eyes and he continued: "However, the characteristics of the perfect body you imagined, and the resulting The ability is indeed interesting, and it has enriched my database. In this main god space full of infinite possibilities, maybe someone has actually embarked on the path you described..."

"Go on, I'd love to hear your next thoughts and plans."

(End of this chapter)

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