this infinite world

Chapter 73 Bloodline of Heart of Life, Grade B!

Chapter 73 Bloodline of Heart of Life, Grade B!
"Yang Yun, what kind of blood do you plan to exchange for yourself? Internal strength or the heart of life?"

After the celebration was over, Zheng Zha remembered that Yang Yun hadn't made the exchange yet.And Yang Yun said without hesitation: "Of course it is the blood of the heart of life."

"Why is it the bloodline of the heart of life... I also want to see how strong you will become after exchanging B-level internal power."

Zheng Zha was immediately disappointed, although he also understood that in terms of Yang Yun's position in the team, exchanging the heart of life was a matter of course. Zheng Zha himself has C-level internal strength!If Yang Yun exchanged it, wouldn't he be able to know how much better the B-level internal force is than the C-level internal force?
"Want to know how strong the B-level internal strength is? Then change it yourself."

Looking at Zheng Zha's expression, Yang Yun knew what this man was thinking: "I exchanged the B-level blood of the heart of life not just for the team, because life energy is directly related to my own vitality. Exercising can't increase the total amount...but internal strength is different, and spending time on training can really increase the total amount of internal strength."

"Zheng Zha, if you really want to see B-level internal strength, then work hard to cultivate yourself. Maybe after practicing for a while, your C-level internal force will naturally have a B-level level."

Yang Yun's words were not groundless. In fact, he was secretly reminding Zheng Zha that the exchange at the main god's place is important, but don't neglect your own training.After all, in the lower part of Legend of Gods and Ghosts, the side plot of killing the Scorpion King will really deprive the enhanced attributes and enhanced skills of the members of the reincarnation team, making them fight purely on their own qualities!

The exchange at the main god's office is important, but if you rely entirely on it and ignore your own training, then it will be the way to death!
"How long will it take... Okay, who made me poor now."

Zheng Zha originally wanted to say something, but when he thought of his empty wallet, he finally sighed helplessly.

And Yang Yun didn't hesitate, and directly contacted the main god and made the exchange.

"Lord God, strengthen the B-level heart of life bloodline for me!"

With the deduction of a B-level branch plot and [-] reward points, a green beam of light descended from the main god, covering Yang Yun in it.At first glance, it seems to be somewhat similar to the beam of light for body repair, but Yang Yun in the center of the beam of light is keenly aware of the difference. This green beam of light is actually composed of countless small green light spots, which are constantly penetrating into his body from the pores of his body. internal.

Compared with the comfort when strengthening the bloodline of the heart of life for the first time, this time the strengthening is completely different, the green light spots are like countless bugs.They first gathered at Yang Yun's heart, and then through the beating of the heart, these green light spots were transported to various parts of the body, crawling through every inch of Yang Yun's flesh and bones.The numb and itchy feeling grew wantonly like weeds, making him grit his teeth to keep from screaming.

First it was numb and itchy, and then there was severe pain. After about ten minutes, the pain gradually subsided, followed by a warm and refreshing feeling.It's like eating a piece of iced watermelon in the dog days, and it's like eating a delicious meal after being hungry for three days.As the green light spots were continuously absorbed by Yang Yun, the life energy in his body became active, flowing in every corner of his body, nourishing his meridians and bones...

After all the green light spots were absorbed by Yang Yun, a layer of green appeared faintly outside his body, which made people feel a sense of refreshment.

When the green beam of light disappeared and his body fell back to the ground, Yang Yun tried to exercise his muscles and bones, and found that his physical condition was quite different from before.

Surging life energy comes out of the heart, runs like waves, scours the meridians in the body, and finally returns to the heart.

——From Yang Yun's point of view, this state of life energy overflowing his body looks more like an improvement of the essence of life.

Or rather, evolution.

The most obvious evolution is the heart. The limit beating frequency of an ordinary person's heart is about two to three hundred times per minute, but now Yang Yun can feel that he can withstand twice or even three times the beating frequency. Oxygen and energy are transported throughout the body.

Of course, the heart is only the most obvious part. Yang Yun's originally thin body has become stronger now, and he is no longer in the state where four of the six attributes are below the average before entering the main god space.

Although Yang Yun at this moment is not as strong as Zheng Zha, he has nothing to do with the word "Xu".

Not only the heart, every nerve, every muscle, every blood vessel, and even every cell in Yang Yun's body were evolved at the same time.It's like iterating the computer's operating system from Windows98 to XP system. Although it is still the same foundation, it is completely different when it runs.

This feels different from the state when the gene lock was turned on. The first-order gene lock is more like a temporary BUFF.Although his own fighting consciousness has been improved, his physical strength has not actually improved, and Yang Yun has no way to maintain this state for a long time... But the strengthening of the bloodline of the heart of life is different, which is directly reflected in Yang Yun Physical strengthening.

Great power belongs to itself, and it will always be the dream of the extraordinary.

As for the life energy in his body, if Yang Yun was just a user before, he is now a controller.For every trace of life energy, there is a feeling like a finger, whether it is the "quality" or "quantity" of life energy, there has been a leap-like improvement... And Yang Yun always feels that after strengthening the blood of the B-level heart of life , he can do more.

Yang Yun took out the dagger and tried to cut his hand, this time only a not deep scar was left.With a thought in Yang Yun's mind, the life energy circulated rapidly, and the scar disappeared without a trace, and the speed was more than a little faster than before the exchange.

"How does it feel?" Zheng Zha asked seeing that Yang Yun had finished strengthening and had almost felt his own power.

"Excellent." Yang Yun responded with a smile: "Now Zheng Zha, you can rest assured that you will die. Even if you are seriously injured, I will heal you."

"What kind of words are you talking about? What is death..."

Although he said so, Zheng Zha didn't dare to talk too much because the Lord God Space is so dangerous. After all, Zhao Yingkong's last behavior was not much different from committing suicide, so he could only change the topic again: "Yang Yun, you still have a C-level branch plot, what do you plan to exchange for?"

(End of this chapter)

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