I have a fortune book

Chapter 180 The whole army confers gods, vows to crusade

Chapter 180 The whole army confers gods, vows to crusade

Zhou Bai has been exposed to martial arts no matter in his deduced past life memory or in the process of building a powerful team in this life.

Xian, Wu Shuangxiu, isn't this a standard equipment for time travelers?

But soon Zhou Bai discovered that martial arts really had no future, his innate talent was at its peak, and his lifespan was the limit of a mortal person's hundred years old.

Until now, the peak of spiritual energy is coming soon, and through Tianjue's internal authority, he learned that Zhang Xianren of Tianting has not yet fallen, so he thought about developing martial arts.

With the spiritual tide, the mortal world will also become a spiritual world. Even if it is not as good as the 33 days in the fairy world, it can be regarded as a medium-to-high energy level dimension in the Great Thousand World.

Just want to achieve in a short period of time, the whole county's plan to deploy martial arts and master more extraordinary troops, it must be to promote martial arts, not the immortal way that pays attention to chance and talent.

In Zhou Bai's conception, the strength of martial arts grows rapidly in the early stage, and a fully acquired and innate demon subduing army can control the most chaotic period after the peak of the spiritual tide.

What's more, the cultivation of Dao species and the expansion of the Daoist group can be carried out at the same time, which is what the General's Mansion has been doing.

Zhou Bai didn't know what level of martial arts was above Xiantian. He actually couldn't understand that Zhang Wufeng could become a fairy, but there was no second person in the entire mortal world who could break through Xiantian.

There are very few legends about Zhang Wufeng in the mortal world. We only know that there is such a person in the history books, Wusha Void, who has made countless warriors succeed for thousands of years.

And in the fairy world, Zhang Wufeng didn't have much reputation, so the mortal world didn't know whether the only Wuxian in ancient times was still alive.

You must know that innateness is only equivalent to the Taoist realm of a monk, and there are six or seven great realms behind to be considered a fairyland.

What kind of talent does Zhang Wufeng need to be able to achieve such a level, he really cannot be bred by martial arts in this world.

Zhou Bai even asked Chi Qing about this, and wanted to ask if Chi Emperor's lineage paid attention to Zhang Wufeng.

Unexpectedly, Chi Qing told him that after Zhang Wufeng had just ascended to the ascension, the Emperor of Heaven ordered him not to be disturbed.

According to some gossip rumors, the price is that Zhang Wufeng must not pass on his inheritance, so as not to shake the stability of the world.

This made Zhang Wufeng's position quite aloof for thousands of years, and he was paid by the heavenly court. He thought about him when he had good things, but never looked for troublesome things.

This time Zhou Bai will spend [-] contribution points to ask Tianting to come forward to let Zhang Wufeng perfect the martial arts cheats. In fact, Chi Qing doesn't think he will succeed.

Because this Martial Immortal only knows how to practice martial arts with all his heart, and he doesn't hear anything outside the window. Even when he survived the five declines of heaven and man, he didn't stop for a day.

But this time, the [-]-point contribution invited him, and it might really be related to the request to perfect the martial arts cheats.

From Zhou Bai's point of view, innate skills are just easier to break through innate skills, and it's unknown whether they can be used to a higher level.

After obtaining the innate skills, Zhou Bai started to organize the army and teach the basic skills of the innate skills to the subduing demon army.

And the breath of turmoil in the world has spread to the remote Bei'an County.

"Hey, the world is not quiet anymore, how can Dingzhou and Bei'an be quiet..."

Just after the New Year's Eve, that is, 30 Cangbei immigrants have just settled down in Cangnan, and Sun Yucheng can no longer sit still.

The county government treasury has enough money and food, and there is fertile land for hundreds of miles outside the city, but it can't stand the fact that the other seven counties don't communicate with the county city at all, let alone the Jiedu government has to raise [-] soldiers.

Of the [-] soldiers, Sun Yucheng originally planned to place them in the county below, but now it is too much for a city to support them.

In January, under the pretext of suppressing bandits, the army of the Jiedu Mansion dispatched in turn to extort money from large manors outside the county and the four counties in the south of the county.

In January, the Fumo Army of the General's Mansion re-expanded the One Guard and Five Battalions, reaching a scale of 500 soldiers, all of whom were qualified children from the three counties in the new barracks.

At the same time, the 3000 county soldiers belonging to Cangbei County were disrupted and reorganized with the garrison troops of the three counties. After a selection of survival of the fittest, a total of [-] people were obtained.

These 3000 people belong to the regular armed forces other than the Fumo Army, that is, the garrison. Among them, 6000 people are stationed in Pingcang County, 2000 people are stationed in Yangyuan County, 2000 people are stationed in Yuanmin County, and 4000 people are stationed in Kukouai and the north of Cangshan Mountain. people.

Because of the addition of veterans like Cangbei County soldiers, the garrison has now officially become Zhou Bai's main force in foreign wars.

Certain tough and expensive battles also require the garrison to fight.

In addition, in the military establishment of the entire General's Mansion, there are 5000 township militias and county militias in total. These militias are the second-line troops responsible for guarding the place.

The garrison is now stationed separately, just eating in the local area, reducing the logistical pressure, and it will be called immediately if there is a big battle.

The reorganization of the army and the stabilization of immigration are the two major things that Zhou Bai did in January.

In February, the spring mountains are green and the spring water is rippling.

When everything was recovering and spring was planting, even Sun Yucheng didn't dare to take the risk of being disrespectful and forced to send troops. Instead, he calmed down and called on the county people to open fields to welcome the spring.

Lou Jinpeng reorganized the yamen army, making the outer town army safe inside and outside; Lin Ren was formally accepted by Sun Yucheng after his birthday, and relying on various meticulous internal political management, the government affairs of Jiedu Mansion were well organized.

Coupled with the appearance and support of Wudingmen Daoist, Sun Yucheng's backlash of luck seems to have been calmed down and cured by various means.

But just when the Jiedu Mansion was integrating its forces and was about to forge ahead, something went wrong inside the Sun family.

Sun Geng, the patriarch of the Sun family, convened a family meeting to discuss the participation of the Sun family members in the military and political management of the Jiedu Mansion when Sun Yucheng didn't know about it.

To put it bluntly, it is to divide power and share a piece of the pie. It turned out that Sun Yucheng had always been worried about the family's inability to support him wholeheartedly.

Those who leaned against him were fine, but the elders and elders who gathered under his father, Sun Geng, were all without office.

Sun Geng was in a hurry, so he held a meeting in private, and after the discussion came out, he called Sun Yucheng over to force him to admit it.

It's just that when Sun Yucheng was in a hurry, he naturally broke up in a quarrel, and for a while, a crack appeared in the Sun family.

Sun Yucheng didn't know, so he thought that his father was too power-hungry, and Tian Ding Qianlong just refused to fully support him.

As everyone knows, Bu Yuanzi has already noticed that something is wrong...

February, spring breeze, spring warmth, spring day, spring growth.

When Sun Yucheng was in trouble again, Zhou Bai made steady progress.

First of all, the City God Sacrifice was held to officially recognize Chao Qu's status as an righteous god in the jurisdiction, which was also widely recognized by the people throughout the territory.

Because not only 30 immigrants have received Chao Qu's favor, Chao Qu has done a lot of things to help the people when he was the City God of Pingcang.

For example, the rain that took a lot of energy, and the extermination of the ghosts in Cangshan, so that the night walk of the ghosts never appeared in Pingcang, etc.

Now who doesn't know the tragic situation in Cangbei County, even if the general's mansion is already very powerful, it will only be beneficial to have multiple true gods in charge.

After a formal sacrifice, Chao Qu stabilized his position as the city god of Qipin County, and Zhou Bai found that he didn't spend too much luck in the system, and most of it came from the support of incense and incense from the people.

The more chaotic the world, the easier it is for the various gods to accomplish things.

Seeing that Chao Qu's effect here was good, Zhou Bai then set up a temple on the land of the former Chengdong Village in Cangbei County at the Land Opening Ceremony in Hongni Township, and asked the people to carry his nearly broken statue into the new temple.

The land of the village has suddenly become the land of the village, and the eighth-rank deity is quite a fortune.

Zhou Bai's move is not only to repay the merits, but also to ensure the follow-up grain production. There must be fertilizer technology and gods' blessing.

Fertility techniques and fertility techniques are the standard equipment of the land gods. Seeing that the spring seedlings in Hongni Township grow better than other townships, Zhou Bai ordered all townships to recommend people who have made great contributions to the people in the locality in history.

As long as the people in each township are willing to build temples, the General's Mansion will not hesitate to issue an official document after investigation.

Many people of insight, including Li Yuan and other Taoist officials, believed that this would inevitably divide the luck of the people.

The belief and luck of the people under the rule have all gone to the gods. Zhou Bai, as the leader of the people, will gather his luck.

Even if it is a unified dynasty, it is impossible for every village, every township to have land, and every county and county to have a city god. This is based on this kind of worry.

However, whoever Zhou Bai is, he has the permanent entry blessing of God-Man Co-Master, and how much luck the gods recognized by him will flow to the system and to him.

February and March are the seasons for spring plowing and opening fields, and even a little foresighted hero will not fight too fiercely.

But as soon as April entered, the entire world, the entire Dingzhou, was in chaos.

Rebels fight against rebels, rebels fight against officials, feudal towns fight feudal towns...

On April [-]rd of the first year of Tongzhi, Governor Lei Haomiao had to do something because he heard some rumors, or maybe he was restrained by the general for too long.

The state government distributed all the magic weapons and spirit stones in the treasury, and asked the Taoist group to do their best to destroy the foreign army in the general ship. At the same time, they did not know what price to pay, which made the Yangshen Zhenjun, who had been working so hard, really moved.

The general ship's radius of hundreds of miles was covered by extraordinary power. There were roars day and night, sky fire and thunder, and even fired a main cannon again.

However, the heroes of Dingzhou didn't care to pay attention to this earth-shattering battle, they all had their own plans to realize.

Who knows if the governor will target them if he frees up his hands.

On April [-]th, Yan Luo, the governor of Ruinan County, declared himself to the court as a Jiedu envoy, and took down the county in one fell swoop.

This is somewhat similar to Sun Yucheng, except that Yan Luo is more relaxed, but he only comes to buy half of the magistrates of the counties below, and the other half either raises troops or defends himself.

On April [-]th, Lu Ding, the governor of Pinghe County, did not choose to take down the barren border towns to stabilize the rear, but sent troops to attack the wealthy southern counties.

On April [-], Sun Yucheng, who finally stabilized his family, ordered Lou Jinpeng to lead an army of [-] troops to attack the four counties in the south of the county.

Within three days, Lou Jinpeng led troops to two counties, and Sun Yucheng's Jiedu power increased greatly, and the whole city obeyed.

On April [-]th, in response to the pleas of the people in Andu County for help, Zhou Bai swore an oath in Pingcang. He led a garrison army of [-] and a demon army of [-] to crusade Sun Yucheng, the false envoy who harmed the people.

At this time, Lou Jinpeng led the army to Andu County, the northern gate, and needed a quick march to get back.

(End of this chapter)

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