Chapter 185

Roar, at this moment, the earth-yellow dragon snake, which was already stained with blood, let out a roar.

It actually grew another three points, reaching the length of one foot of the dragon python's threshold.

During Sun Yucheng's heyday, he won the two counties in the south of the county, but he failed to directly transform into a python.

Could it be that the potential of this small dragon vein in Bei'an County is more than that. Obviously, the dragon energy of destiny has been transferred, and it can be forcibly retracted and gathered.

Otherwise, how can He De go further when his strength is greatly damaged and he is on the verge of extinction?
Looking at the blood-stained Qi Luck Dragon Python, he was not afraid to provoke the Qi Luck Dragon Carp. It can only be said that this is by no means a reflection of Qi Luck in reality.

Looking at Sun Yucheng's back, there were less than [-] people in the government army, all of them had violent breaths, and their eyes were bright red, which was obviously not in a normal state.

The high morale caused by mourning soldiers or rewards and incentives must not reach this level.

Zhou Bai judged that this is because the dragon-supporting warlock behind the scenes used some kind of secret method to temporarily increase luck and then affect the army.

As for the dragon energy coming from the python, Zhou Bai really didn't have a clue for a while, only a few taboo secrets flashed in his mind.

Of course, the outcome of a decisive battle has long been doomed.

If Sun Yucheng can turn the tide with this, regardless of the real strength gap, it is better to surrender early, and perhaps save his life.

Why bother to make nine turns and eighteen turns, laying the foundation step by step, and even on the battlefield, use various military strategies such as enclosing points to fight for aid, diverting tigers away from mountains, and crossing the sea to deceive the sky.

Therefore, facing Long Mang's oppression, Zhou Bai not only felt no pressure, but smiled.

No matter how Sun Yucheng did it, in a word, the benefits obtained by swallowing the dragon snake and swallowing the dragon python are different, and the fish-dragon transformation can plunder more dragon energy.

In terms of the current savings of the dragon carp, the dragon python has just become its evolutionary stage, and it is now to change the path of the dragon and elephant.

The night was dark and the wind was high, and the Taoist regiments of the two armies cast lighting Taoism into the sky, which was as bright as day.

Everyone wants to have a fair decisive battle, and whoever wins will be the master of Bei'an County.


Sun Yucheng, whose mind was already a little chaotic, looked crazy, and took the initiative to attack Zhou Bai.

Zhou Bai didn't have any fear, he waved his hand, and the army responded.

Under the lighting method, the Demon Subduing Sergeant in pitch-black paper armor was calm and calm, advancing steadily with the drumbeat of his own team.

They had just experienced a "slaughter" in a night battle, and they were at the peak of their times, which was much more reliable than the opponent's use of the secret method of luck to stimulate them.

The night of the beacon fire is like the moon, and the soldiers' energy is like a rainbow!
The dense rain of arrows covered each other, causing a lot of damage, and the muffled groans and howls kept coming and going.

Fu Mo's army relied on the tenacity of their armor and did not avoid the front arrows, but Sun's army disrupted the marching rhythm because of this, and the front row of troops began to scatter.

Fortunately, neither of them was an army that won with archers. They only had time to cover a few waves of arrow rain, and the two armies had already engaged in battle.

Amidst the chaotic battle roars, the front row soldiers of the two armies collided.

Boom, the Jiedu Ya army seemed to be stimulated, all of them had red eyes, and they were not afraid of death.

But after a rough look, they were the ones who were at a disadvantage in the end, and they were the ones who turned their backs on their backs.

Because on the Fumo Army's side, the first three rows are the 300 strongest members of the entire army. They are armed with blunt weapons such as hammers and maces, and everyone is wearing heavy armor that is impenetrable to swords and guns.

Just standing there is like a huge boulder standing still against the wind and waves.

Only a few of the [-] heavy armors were made by the blacksmith itself, and most of them came from the spoils of the Xuanming.

Several tall pioneers, wearing heavy armor, can still vividly see the impact on the local battle situation.

If it weren't for chasing and luring the enemy at the beginning, and not wearing all the heavy armor, in a real face-to-face confrontation, there would definitely be more than 240 four people in Valhalla.

"No, it's impossible, press it up, and those who retreat will be killed without mercy!" Sun Yucheng roared in disbelief.

As a Qianlong, he is keenly aware of the state of his own army. Ever since Bu Yuanzi once again overdrawn the Universiade with the method of blood sacrifice, the direct subordinate Ya army has given him an extraordinary feeling.

Not to mention crushing the Imperial Guards, but Sun Yucheng dared to say that he had a [-]% chance of winning against the serious state soldiers.

The initial results of the battle now made him really unacceptable.

The impact of the first wave of fighting can, to a certain extent, reflect the gap in combat power between the two armies.

In regular battles among military strategists, the commander will put the most elite soldiers at the front. If the strongest elite cannot defeat them, there is a high probability that other soldiers will not be able to win.

"My lord specially left the heavy armored army, Sun Yu's success or failure is not unfair." Zhou Yuan, who had been standing next to Zhou Bai, couldn't help complimenting him when he saw the first wave of battle.

It's good that Zhou Bai has the command of the whole army, but Zhou Yuan commands most of the time. Zhou Bai will only occasionally give reasonable orders based on his own vision and insights.

For example, allowing the heavy armor to recharge their batteries is to prevent accidents.

"Sun Yucheng burns his luck and stimulates morale, making these Yamen a little threatening."

"However, they were as fierce as tigers at the beginning, and once they got into a stalemate, these soldiers who were bewitched by luck would wake up." Zhou Bai has never been stingy with training the number one general under his command.

It doesn't matter if you don't understand luck, there is also a Taoist group to participate in the assistance.

As the energy level of the mortal world rises, the deterrence and suppression of humanitarian forces weakens. Future wars must not be just ordinary military duels.

What Zhou Bai said was correct. As time went by, after the two armies collided several times, they showed completely different postures.

The demon crouching army and even the main soldiers of the garrison army behind them are full of resilience. Even if some areas fall into a short-term stalemate, they are not discouraged, and they still maintain a calm and orderly cooperation in the attack.

On the other hand, Sun Yucheng's Jiedu Ya army was suppressed after several attacks, and the overall momentum suddenly stagnated.

It's not that the gap is too big and the losses are heavy, but that many soldiers of the Yamen are sober when they are attacking each other.

Just like Zhou Bai himself was staring at the direction of the heavy armored army formation, it was visible to the naked eye. Facing the approaching heavy armored army's charge, the fanatical bravery of several rows of government soldiers seemed to have been poured with cold water, and they began to know how to dodge in fear.

If you observe carefully, you can see that the strange redness in the eyes of these soldiers has disappeared, returning to their original background color.

"Qi luck affects the initial application of reality, and confuses the soldiers' minds for a short time, but it seems that the foundation is too weak, and it is not a serious method." Zhou Bai made an in-depth comment, and realized the root cause of the changes in the soldiers of the army.

When the armies fought, the military spirit and murderous aura emerged endlessly, suppressing any extraordinary power.

This is because both armies have Taoist regiments, but they can only be allowed to look after the periphery. Even small spells such as lighting are temporary.

At present, using the secret method to stimulate the great fortune of Qianlong, even affect the army, and improve the combat power to a certain level, naturally it cannot last for too long.

Do it all at once, second time tired, third time exhausted.

When the situation is at a stalemate, the military spirit is surging, and the murderous spirit is overwhelming, Sun Yucheng's army will be slowly beaten back to its original shape.

And this can also be seen from the battle between dragon and elephant.

At the very beginning, Sun Yucheng's Dragon Elephant of Luck was advanced from a dragon snake to a dragon python, bloodthirsty and violent, extremely powerful.

At one time, relying on its huge strength and flexibility, it fought back and forth with the five-foot-long giant dragon carp, and sometimes the bloody dragon aura would give the dragon python the upper hand.

In the many rounds after the fight, the dragon carp was generally at a disadvantage, and a lot of luck was torn and lost by the dragon python.

But when the main battlefield below fell into a state of fighting like a grindstone of flesh and blood, the Demon Volunteer Army had more military spirit to support the dragon elephant.

Even the huge dragon carp with rough skin and thick flesh has a certain degree of aggression, and every swing of the fish's tail carries incomparable power.

The earthy yellow dragon python was just an accident. When the python's body was hit, a large amount of bloody luck was immediately squeezed out.

An hour later, although the Jiedu Ya army hadn't completely collapsed, it had retreated hundreds of steps as a whole, and even Sun Yucheng and Shuai Qi were broken in several times by the elite of the Fu Mo army.

"Commander, the situation is not very good. Zhou Bai is still only fighting with our army with comparable strength. There is a mobile elite of 3000 people that has not yet been dispatched."

"Boys are about to lose their energy, let me lead a wave from the flank!"

"We must prepare in advance and set up a second line of defense. The silver gun Gao Hu has not yet appeared."


Several relatives were burning with anxiety, reporting the military situation beside Sun Yucheng, and at the same time put forward trivial suggestions to break the situation.

However, these voices are so noisy for Sun Yucheng now.

His excitement, like most of the soldiers under him, receded like a tide after suffering some setbacks.

Instead, he had a splitting headache, and various phantoms appeared in front of his eyes, including the phantom of the "evil dragon" roaring angrily at him.

The family shrine covered in blood, the father who committed suicide in front of him, the slaughtered grandfather, second uncle, and cousin...

"When I die under your butcher's knife, the important task of revitalizing the family will be entrusted to you."

"Unfilial son, I will wait for you in the underworld!"

"Exercise sorcery and slaughter relatives, what face do you have to meet your ancestors!"

The sound of clashing swords and guns, the sound of fighting, and the sound of scolding unwillingly before death, on this battlefield of gold and iron horses, Sun Yucheng seemed to have a bloody nightmare.

No, it wasn't a dream, it wasn't just that my father died.

"Why is the dragon energy collected with the blood of my family still making you such a waste!" Sun Yucheng cursed at the night sky, as if he really saw his increasingly decadent dragon python.

"Since this destiny is not what I want, then I will change my destiny against the sky! Lieutenant General, gather your personal guards and blow the trumpet to counterattack!"

The desolate and majestic horn sounded quickly, which was an order for a bloody battle to the end, and when Sun Yucheng led the army forward, it also inspired the last remaining bloody courage of the Ya army.

Because of Qianlong's battle, the voice of changing fate against the sky also reached Zhou Bai's ears.

Seeing that Bei'an Jiedu envoy's Yaqi was advancing instead of retreating, he smiled coldly: "In this case, I will send you on the road with dignity. The dragon fights in the wild, and its blood is black and yellow, which is also worthy of your identity as Qianlong Jiedu."

Jiao Ma followed Zhou Bai to pull up the reins, and a cry like a cow's moo shook the whole field, and then it stomped heavily on the ground, setting off a wave of air.

The dark black flag of the Demon Volunteer Army is very inconspicuous in the night, but the Demon Volunteer Army can feel its presence.

The military flag moves forward, and it cannot fall behind the military flag, otherwise, why would you become a member of the Subduing Demon Army.

Now there is an open "secret" in the General's Mansion, that is, after Zhou Bai takes down the county, the system will be reorganized, and the Fumo Army will become a truly independent military branch, and everyone will be the most elite member.

In fact, from the recent teaching of unified martial arts skills, coupled with the promotion of treatment, one can vaguely see that the Fumo Army is special.

3000 people surrounded Zhou Bai and moved the flag forward. At the same time, Gao Hu, who was waiting on a slope outside, also received the signal at the moment when Jing Jing neighed, and led the cavalry, which still maintained a complete organizational system, to charge.

You are just Yu Yong, but I am a new force emerging one after another, Quan Yong naturally wants to crush Yu Yong.

After regrouping, they collided again, completely proving the difference in strength. The defense line of the Ya army was like rice paper, and it was easily smashed by the Fumo army.

Especially when the sound of horseshoes shook the ground, and the blood in the eyes of the Yamen completely receded, deserters appeared, and they were organized.

Sun Yucheng was furious, but there was nothing he could do, because the Demon Subduing Army, which had launched a general offensive, had pierced through his formation from all directions.

He had even heard that there was a bloody and bloody dragon python in the dark, screaming at the end of its destiny.

Before he had time to think more, the cavalry general with a silver gun had already killed him nearby.

"Those who stand in my way will be killed!"

"Gao Hu? Are you Zhou Bai's assistant general?" Sun Yucheng murmured.

Suddenly, his mind was as calm as water, and he didn't even pay attention to the Yajun soldiers who retreated and died.

Wherever they passed, people and horses were flying, and dots of starlight in the night sky converged on Gao Hu's silver gun.

There was a sound of piercing through the air, the gun shot out like a dragon, and the cold light pointed at the brave flag bearer. At the same time as a corpse fell, the towering Jiedu handsome flag fell down with a loud crash.

"Flag capturer, Ma Jun Gao Hu!"

When the commander-in-chief flag falls, it often means that the commander-in-chief has more accidents, and the fighting spirit of the Jiedu Ya army's final resistance also dissipates.

The whole army collapsed, just like what they saw when they first arrived, the mountains and plains were full of defeated soldiers.

Sun Yucheng had only two or three hundred loyal guards with fear faces left. If Gao Hu continued to charge, he might be able to win.

However, he just stepped on Sun Zishuai's flag with his horseshoe, and then let the cavalry who followed him disperse the remnants of the surrounding soldiers who wanted to get closer, without any extra actions.

A moment later, Zhou Bai came riding on the tiptoe. He approached Sun Yucheng's small army step by step, which made the guards very nervous and ready to fight for their lives at any time.

"Hahahaha, sure enough, you want to do it yourself?" Sun Yucheng smiled instead of anger, and let the guards around him get out of the way, and rode forward with a sharp sword in his hand.

As a dragon-supporting warlock, Qianlong naturally knows how to plunder more dragon energy in the early stage of development, that is, Qianlong personally kills the opponent.

"Long Jianlong, there is only one left to live, what do you think?" Zhou Bai pulled out his seldom-used saber and rode forward.

The two sides have a tacit understanding, but Sun Yucheng still has hope at this time, maybe you, Zhou Bai, are too arrogant.

However, regardless of Qianlong's identity, how can a mortal confront a monk of the Three Realms?
It was just a staggered charge, and Sun Yucheng was cut off from the horse, and the bloodstain on his neck was clearly visible.

"The foundation is too weak, how can the hidden dragon grand luck inspired by it count?"

"Going on an evil path, what are you talking about changing your fate against the sky?" Zhou Bai got off his horse and walked up to Sun Yucheng who had his last breath left.

At this time, his face was full of pain and regret. Along the way, there were too many steps behind him.


"Winners and losers, if the rest of the Sun family in Bei'an are willing to cooperate, they can continue the incense."

"Go, help me change the path of the dragon carp, and finally turn into a python..."

(End of this chapter)

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