Doomsday Mage Summons the Undead.

Chapter 168 Why don't men bring Wu hooks and charge the five states of Guanshan.Tired Qi Lin

Chapter 168 Why don't the men bring the Wu hook and collect the fifty states of Guanshan.Tired Qi Lin
The northernmost side of Nanzhili, at the edge of the fog.

A large number of tiny ice particles condense on the strange flowers and plants of various colors growing wildly on the ground.

These ice particles are formed by the condensation of water vapor close to the ground to below zero degrees Celsius.

Since the fog covered the world, the weather has become extremely weird.

It may be that the sun is shining brightly one second, and it will be raining heavily or even hail in the next second.

Under the instructions of the caring ghost boss, the warm bonfire and thick carpet have already been prepared before the Qi Lin people arrive.

There is even a cup of steaming milk tea bubbling by the campfire.

If it weren't for the occasional ghost fires flashing in the extreme distance around, this cold hour would have a somewhat beautiful artistic conception.

Qi Lin sat cross-legged by the bonfire, holding the sleeping child in his arms, and tightly covered the child with the enchanted temperature-regulating cloak.

He quietly stared at the bonfire in a daze, and the raging flames that swayed in the wind reflected in his bloodshot eyes.

A letter was clutched in Qi Lin's right hand that was hanging on the side of his thigh.

Next to it are a hundred pieces of enchanted plate armor neatly stacked, and dozens of pieces of heavy armor.

There is also a black jar.

[Equipment]: Black Feather Iron Guard standard plate armor.

【Quality】: Green.

Note: This armor is derived from the "Black Feather Guard", an elite regiment from a distant city.

They attacked the powerful and aristocratic, and avenged justice for the poor and vulnerable.

Their armor is black and glows with a mysterious light when enchanted.

They carry out their missions ruthlessly and never leave a trace.

To the poor they are protectors;
For the powerful, they are a nightmare.

Note: The basic spiritual attribute increases by three points.

Note: The basic physical attribute increases by four points.

Note: The chest and abdomen of the plate armor have built-in rare magic patterns of great power.

Once activated, the magic pattern of great power embedded in the enchanter will bring the wearer a limited-time power attribute enhancement, and the enhancement depends on the level of the decision.

The quality of the plate armor is a level lower than that of Heifeng, but its enchanted Great Strength Art is very good.

For equipment of the same quality, there is a huge gap between whether it has the ability to enchant or not.

In life-and-death battles, an enchantment ability that is beyond the enemy's expectations can often win the victory by surprise.

As for those heavy armors, they were of white quality, Qi Lin just glanced at them and ignored them.

And that jar is quite interesting.

What the reconnaissance technique got is: a series of question marks.

These three are the gifts that the major general said on his deathbed.

The letter in his hand was also written to him by the major general.

The content of the letter is worthy of scrutiny, but Qi Lin has no energy to think about the content of this letter for the time being.

He was thinking about the information that the Red-Eyed Demon Raven caught just now, and what the major general said before he died.

At this moment, four hours have passed since the three nuclear bombs exploded.

The undead advance team that went deep into the fog captured a red-eyed magic crow that had just come to investigate.

According to the confession of the magic crow, a group of people did not know what method they used to pinpoint Baslow's location.

Moreover, that group used some kind of rare ultra-long-distance teleportation scroll, and launched a siege on Baslow, who was advancing.

Although part of his strength was limited by the promotion, Baslow still possesses the strength of the peak of the gold rank.

Baslow had no choice but to terminate the demonization process, and after taking the time to fight back, the group suffered heavy casualties as expected.

I thought the matter would end here, but the leader with a centipede scar on his face made the remaining people tear up the scroll and run away.

He himself held Baslow and detonated three powerful weapons.

That is, the three nuclear bombs.

The end result was that Baslow, who had cast a powerful life-saving skill, was only injured carelessly, but did not die.

And that human also tore a certain scroll at the moment of the explosion and ran away.

Then, Baslow ran away without knowing where he was wrapped in black air.

Before leaving, the angry Baslow sent a large number of red-eyed magic crows to convey the latest order to the monsters on the edge of the fog. Tomorrow night
No, it's already past twelve o'clock. To be precise, at dusk tonight, the protective energy of the mist will diminish again.

At that time, the magic tide will launch an attack immediately!

And this red-eyed demon crow was sent by Baslow to look for the major general.

Because Baslow needs plasma to restart the interrupted demonization process again.

There is a lot of useful information in intelligence.

For example, that group of people, Qi Lin thought, should be Qin Youde, the military god of war in his previous life.

In the previous life, in order to defeat the demon tide, except for a female sniper, all of them died in the fog, including Qin Youde himself who led the team.

For example, the red-eyed magic crow that is afraid of death can fully confess the information, but it did not die like the previous magic crow.

Based on this, Qi Lin guessed that Baslow was probably seriously injured and was recovering from his injuries at the moment, so he had no time to pay attention to the situation of the magic crow.

Another important point is that the drawing of blood seems to be an act led by the major general as he said before he died.

However, the persecution delusion told him that there was someone else behind the major general.

After all, a Zong Heng can take the blame for the Major General, so can't the Major General take the blame for others?
Thinking of this, Qi Lin frowned, and opened the letter again.

"You can see this, it means that I died at your hands."

"I have already been punished by death for drawing blood. I hope this can appease your anger and grudge. The people in Beicheng are innocent. Please don't blame those people."

"In addition, I want to tell you that I don't regret doing these things. I am willing to pay for my mistakes, but I don't regret any of my decisions. I never doubt my vision. The reason why things backfire is because I am not capable enough."

"Presumably you are also troubled by demon whispers, you may need this jar."

"But it's just drinking poison to quench your thirst. Don't rely on this jar. The only thing you can always trust is your own real power."

"In addition, the whispering of the devil involves a lot, not just a manifestation of animal nature, you must pay attention to the whispering of the devil."

"Thank you for helping me out, the future is big, don't stop at this little Nanzhili, if you can get rid of that deer head demon."

"That deer-headed demon is cunning and suspicious. It possesses a very strong absolute defensive ability, a clone with the peak strength of silver, and an offensive ability of teleportation. Don't underestimate the enemy when you encounter it."

"The group of goblin merchants never put forward conditions, which shows that they are very ambitious. You have to be careful not to promise them anything lightly. You have to pay back what you borrow."

"Secondly, there is no need to be too vigilant and worried about that group of people. When the group of outsiders are not actively attacked and offended, they will not attack you, and they will not be malicious towards you. Moreover, they will be exchanged at equal value. limit."

"You have to make good use of this restriction of outsiders, it will help you."

"When you are young, you should point your sword to the peak, not look up at the top of the mountain from the foot of the mountain."

"You can see this, it means you are better than me, so do it well."

"Don't look back, the thousands of lights behind you are not your destination!"

"The abyss ahead is the only way you must pass."

"Why don't you bring the Wu hook and charge Guanshan Fifty States?"

"The future depends on you."

That's all for the letter.

Although the letter is short, there are many contents worthy of scrutiny.

Judging from the major general's dying words and the contents of the letter, he seemed very worried that he would vent his anger on the more than [-] ordinary people in Beicheng.

Thinking of the 10 people, Qi Lin thought of the ghost's report: the people in the northern city, under the command of the remaining regular officers, began to pack their luggage and evacuate southeast in an orderly manner.

Only their evacuation was on foot.

Why is it said to evacuate on foot?

Because it is as big as a main battle tank, an armored personnel carrier, and an engineering vehicle full of construction materials.

All kinds of civilian vehicles that were small enough to be driven were all requisitioned by some officials, and then quickly broke through the fog on the north side.
They run really fast, and most of them are senior candidates and some high-ranking officials.

They don't care about the life and death of more than [-] people in the city, moving cars, all kinds of materials that can be packed, armaments, etc.
All loaded and taken away!
Due to their superior force, the remaining officers and soldiers were powerless to stop them and could only watch them walk away.

And those ordinary people can't do anything except swear at the exhaust smoke of the vehicles while collecting the remaining supplies.

But what is interesting is that compared to those elites who broke out, the people walking inside the city are the safest.

The reason is simple, everything is changing.

There are many reasons why Qi Lin wanted to go deep into the fog, one of which was because Baslow discovered that all the monsters sent in were found and killed by the skeleton man on the spot.

Coupled with the support of the major general, Baslow changed his plan, gave up sending demon seeds into the city, and chose to speed up his own demonization process. attack.

In this way, the remaining monsters in the city who could not be replenished with 'new blood' were almost dead under the fine housekeeping tradition of the undead's 'mosquitoes are meat no matter how small they are'.

And after Xiaodi stopped going to Beicheng, the two undead in the southeast had been immediately recalled by Qi Lin into the mist.

Those two extremely powerful undead teams still uphold the diligent and thrifty housekeeping style that Qi Lin taught them.

When returning to the north side, the sporadic demon species on the road were killed again
Under the interference of various changes, the city at this moment is very safe.

According to the ghost report, there are several silver-ranked demons in the fog on the north side.

Those few monsters seem to have wisdom not weaker than humans.

In fact, those who refused to respond to Baslow's summoning suffered from being unable to enter the fog, and they had been wandering and waiting, waiting for the fog to dissipate, and they could have a full meal to speed up their demonization.

Then, they were extremely lucky to meet the group of vanguard troops who broke out without wanting to be the vanguard of Baslow, and then had a lucky meal.
The reason why Qi Lin is waiting here is because the main battle undead are advancing carpet-like in the mist to eliminate all the monsters that can threaten the main body.

This kind of advancement, only when it reaches the end of Qi Lin's soul link range, Qi Lin's body will keep up.

Use this as the command center of the undead, and use your own soul link to offset the interference of the fog.

At the same time, the ghosts were scattered by Qi Lin in a big way, looking for Baluo who had gone somewhere.

Qi Lin put away the letter, always feeling that something happened to him.

When he was about to think about it carefully, he noticed that in the soul link public channel, the ghost commanders of each team were discussing the follow-up to the nuclear explosion just now.

The biggest advantage of the soul link is that it allows the undead within the range of Qi Lin's real-time mental power to communicate without distance.

This kind of benefit is extremely huge, whether it is the undead of the squad size or the undead of the army, they can rely on Qi Lin's real-time spiritual power to carry out extremely strong coordinated operations.

But the only possible drawback is: Qi Lin's soul has the voice of the undead all the time.

Especially the nature of the undead is brutal and bloodthirsty. Even though the existing commanders of the undead are the first batch of ghosts that Qi Lin personally knocked on the blackboard, they are still dissatisfied with humans.

For example, in this incident, the undead felt Qi Lin's calm anger, and they all begged to kill all the people in the city, as their emperor's peace of mind.

This kind of petition is actually a collection of negative emotions.

Sometimes Qi Lin also thought about it, whether the final fate of the Necromancer, transformed into a Lich, has something to do with this?

After all, human flesh and blood are weak, and the Lich's body is obviously more suitable for the various commands of the huge Scourge Legion in the future.

However, nature cannot be changed overnight.

In fact, Qi Lin can unilaterally block these sounds, but just don't listen to their communication with each other. After blocking, there will be only humming at most.

But most of the time, Qi Lin, who is at the helm, is well aware of the "difficulty of starting a business", and makes a wrong step.

In order to improve the overall quality of the Scourge, Qi Lin, who has never been idle, can be said to have broken his heart.

Because of this, the ghost boss made a very considerate move a long time ago: call on all the ghosts who act as commanders, and cooperate when it is not necessary.

Minimize the influence of Qi Lin as much as possible, and use the ghost's own Yin Qi communication method as much as possible for routine events. After all, the speed of this Yin Qi communication method is not slow, but the distance is a bit limited, and ghosts need to relay the communication.

From this point of view, Qi Lin still appreciates the caring ghost boss.

Work hard without complaint, but never ask for credit.

There are many things that Qi Lin has never ordered, but the ghost boss silently handles them in an orderly manner for Qi Lin.

However, Qi Lin doesn't mind that kind of negative gathering. After all, compared to strengthening the cooperative combat ability of the undead, he thinks it's okay to bear the murderous whispers of some undead.

Qi Lin closed his eyes, his will sank into the soul link.

The undead couldn't detect Qi Lin's arrival, so in the soul link at this moment, there were still many opinions.

"While the boss is arranging the route of the master, let's talk about the nuclear bomb?"

"Wait a minute, wait until I kill this silver demon seed."

"Talk, I've been thinking about this all night!"

"Oh, it's shipped, two gold coins, and a piece of purple material, the master should praise me later!"


"Envy +1!"

"Don't gossip, don't occupy the master's spiritual link, lighten the burden on the master, I'll take the lead on the nuclear bomb!"

"That's a nuclear bomb. If you don't have super props or life-saving skills, you won't be able to withstand the strength of the gold rank!"

"And don't forget, it's a large-scale weapon. Even if we defend it desperately, there is still danger if we don't have a large-scale defensive energy field at this stage!"

"Master's body has not reached the point where the physical body can resist nuclear bombs!"

"As for whether the military will not throw large-scale weapons because there are too many human beings here?"

"We can't put the master's safety in other people's hands!"

"Then what do you say?" asked a ghost.

"Let the mage group and the death archers dispatch! If they dare to throw large-scale weapons, we will also use large-scale magic attacks to retaliate against them!"

"Where's the sixth? Let his Death Archer go to the southeast. If there are any nuclear bombs left, they will be there!"

"Be the first to attack! They don't have the protection of the range-defensive energy field. Under the saturated attack of the death archers, at least 80% of their more than 70.00 people will be killed or injured!"

"it is good!"

"This is good!"


"90.00% is not very safe, if it doesn't come out, it's nothing. If it's a surprise, let the mage group pass, so that the damage rate of 90.00% can be achieved."


"I'll go." Lao Liu, who just entered the mist and was advancing, had just slaughtered a silver-ranked monster, and it took the time to reply: "I'll apologize for the big deal afterwards, in short, I don't allow any existence to threaten the master! "

"Okay! I will die with you!"

Qi Lin who was eavesdropping on the side: .
"Is the head of the mage here?" A ghost asked.

"Your Majesty will not agree with your plan." The head of the mage directly expressed his opinion and attitude: "Without the order of Your Majesty, no mage will participate in your actions."

In the words, the head of the mage did not refute the idea of ​​​​attacking, but only said so because Qi Lin had not ordered it.

"And don't forget that the businessman once said that killing too many people is not good for the master. I advise you to accumulate evil virtues for the master."

"Hey? What are you guys talking about? You know all about Yinde? You guys are also reading recently?" This was the old nine's voice that just entered in disorder.

"Master has been telling me to watch something about meditation recently, and it hurts my head."

Qi Lin: .
Qi Lin, who couldn't laugh or cry, opened his eyes, looked up and glanced at the sky above the opened books in the distance, where Lao Jiu was.

Sometimes in addition to brutal killings in the soul link, these undead who are still learning and growing often make Qi Lin feel dumbfounded.

Qi Lin, who had been suffering from a headache all night due to excessive energy exhaustion, continued to sink into the soul link. He wanted to know the minds of some undead, so as to better understand people and make good use of them in the future.

After listening for a while, Qi Lin found that the attitudes of the ghosts mainly focused on two points.

One, plead with Qi Lin again, and slaughter the humans in Nanzhili.

Second, do not accept that nuclear bombs can threaten Qi Lin, go directly to slaughter them, and use self-judgment afterwards to make up for the crime of using troops without permission.

Qi Lin felt a little tired for a moment, saying that these undead were wrong, they were also thinking of Qi Lin.

Say them right, what they think.
It is worth mentioning that most of those who participated in radical speeches were ghosts.

The Darth Vaders remained silent throughout.

The attitude of the mage group is also very clear, they only obey Qi Lin's orders and will not do anything beyond the orders.

As for the skeletons, neither warriors nor archers participated in the conversation.

We can't let these undead chatter any longer, or the ghosts that will be reborn later will be distorted immediately.

Just when Qi Lin was about to say a few words, Old Ten suddenly spoke!
Moreover, the old ten's remarks surprised Qi Lin who was tired.

At such a moment, Qi Lin felt that the old ten had relieved some of his tiredness in being in charge of the family.

(End of this chapter)

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