Doomsday Mage Summons the Undead.

Chapter 252 The Principled Robber

Chapter 252 The Principled Robber
The fiery red blood flowers are bloody under the light of the setting sun.

Like a sharp knife piercing the ground.

Strictly speaking, this is the first time Qi Lin has encountered such a straightforward robbery since he started in Shushan.

It's just that if there is no such tree, I will plant this road and drive it. If I want to pass by, I will save money to buy roads.

There was only Qi Lin's silence.

All kinds of gorgeous flowers bloom in the fields on both sides of the path, full of fragrance, and the sea of ​​flowers is like a dream, like a fairyland on earth.

But the sudden sound of robbery broke this beautiful scene.

A ragged farmer jumped out from the side of the road holding a wooden farm fork, blocking Qi Lin and the others not far away.

Qi Lin thought that the other party should be a farmer.

Because the robbers probably wouldn't use a wooden fork as a weapon, right?
Moreover, this farmer's face had a beard that had not been shaved for several days, and there was a deep wrinkle on his dusty face, which was mixed with fatigue and helplessness.

His clothes are ragged and shabby, and there are some mud stains on his trousers, revealing his poor living conditions.

Qi Lin opened his eyes, and really couldn't see any label of a villain about the robber from this robber.

On the contrary, his whole body reveals a sense of helplessness for livelihood.

The old ten has already come to float beside the farmer, and the old ten in the invisible state can call out the accompanying armed forces to cut off the farmer's head at any time.

But the old ten seemed to see that there was no anger in Qi Lin's slightly raised brows, but only doubts and curiosity, so the old ten didn't do it immediately, but asked respectfully in the soul link: "Master, Cheng Xiao seems Do you want to know this robber?"

"Oh?" Qi Lin glanced away slightly, and Cheng Xiao, who had been following behind, had already stepped forward.

Cheng Xiao first quickly bowed to Qi Lin and made an apology, then quickly turned around and looked at the farmer and shouted anxiously: "Dali! What's the matter with you? When did you become a criminal?"

Then without waiting for the farmer named Dali to answer, Cheng Xiao turned around and begged Qi Lin again: "My lord, his name is Wang Dali, and he is a farmer in the village you are going to. He is not usually here."

While Cheng Xiao was racking his brains to defend the farmer, the farmer named Wang Dali shouted loudly: "Cheng Xiao, don't come here!"

"I know you are a mercenary, don't come here!"

Wang Dali tightly held the Nongcha in his hand, his voice trembling: "Give me all your belongings, otherwise I will be a person who is not afraid of death!"

Qi Lin: .
Qi Lin, who was watching this funny scene, was a little silent, then waved his hands and said softly: "Since I'm your acquaintance, you can solve it yourself."

Then Qi Lin looked at Wang Dali, he could feel the despair and desire to survive from Wang Dali.

But what is interesting is that the investigation information shows that this Wang Dali is in good health, and the only negative state is that he is a little nervous.

After getting Qi Lin's approval, Cheng Xiao bowed again to express his gratitude, and then quickly ran to Wang Dali.

"Don't come here!!!"

Before Cheng Xiao ran to Wang Dali, he heard Wang Dali howling like killing a pig.

Immediately afterwards, Qi Lin saw an indescribable scene.

Wang Dali threw the weapon in his hand, the wooden farm fork, to the ground, and his legs went weak and he knelt down.

Bang bang bang!
After kowtowing three times in a row, Wang Dali straightened his upper body and cried to Cheng Xiao who was ten steps away: "Robbery!"

"Don't grab too much, just twenty coppers!"

"Fifteen, go to the south of the town to buy some talisman water to save my wife's life!"

"Five coppers to buy half a bag of wheat bran to make a bowl of noodles for my wife!"

After Wang Dali finished speaking, he kowtowed to Cheng Xiao three more times.

Then he kowtowed three times each to Qi Lin and Alice in the distance.

While Qi Lin dodged to the side of the road to avoid it, Wang Dali also cried, "Robbery!!!"

Qi Lin: .
Cheng Xiao approached Wang Dali slowly, and asked as softly as possible: "What's wrong with your wife Dali?"

"Fu Shui is a lie, you still have to go to town if you want to get a cure"

Cheng Xiao's voice showed kindness and concern for Wang Dali, but before he finished speaking, Wang Dali cried out with a crying voice as if stimulated: "Robbery!!!"

"I want twenty coppers!!!"

Cheng Xiao sighed, then took out a silver coin from his pocket and handed it to Wang Dali: "Fu Shui is a lie, you still have to go to town"

"I don't want any more!" When Wang Dali saw the silver coins handed over by Cheng Xiao, hope rose in his withered eyes.

But to the surprise of Qi Lin who had been watching from a distance, Wang Dali did not get up to take the silver coins, but shook his head vigorously and pleaded: "Twenty copper coins!"

Cheng Xiao's hand that handed out the silver coins froze in front of Da Wang Li, who was at his fingertips. After a moment of silence, Cheng Xiao looked at Wang Dali's pleading eyes, and sighed heavily, and took out the remaining seventeen copper coins from his bosom. .

The silver coins are the guide fee given by Qi Lingang.

These seventeen copper coins are all of Cheng Xiao's own belongings.

"Alice!" Cheng Xiao counted the copper coins with different names, and after finding that there were three missing, he turned his head and shouted behind him.

Alice, who heard the sound, responded crisply, and then ran quickly, handing over two coppers from her bag.

This is all the currency on Alice.

Cheng Xiao handed the nineteen copper coins to Wang Dali: "I only have these nineteen copper coins."

The latter accepted the nineteen copper coins gratefully, then kowtowed three times to Cheng Xiao, and then quickly ran towards the south without saying a word.

The hilarious robbery ended in such a sloppy way.

During the whole process, Qi Lin kept silent and watched everything quietly.

It wasn't until Cheng Xiao returned to Qi Lin's side with an apologetic face that Qi Lin said: "Don't be embarrassed, this is not your fault, it's just a small episode, it's getting late, hurry up and enter the village."

The three continued to walk towards the village.

On the way, Qi Lin has been listening to the ghost's report.

One of the quirks about surrounding greenery and flowers was quickly answered.

Within 360 kilometers around the steam town, [-] degrees, every road is full of flowers.

Moreover, the ghost also saw many villagers pulling farm carts full of flowers to plant on remote trails in the setting sun above their heads.

According to those people's remarks, Phantom got a piece of information: Recently, some important figures are coming to Steam Town, so the mayor ordered people to make such a move.

After hearing this, Qi Lin was not interested in listening anymore. The ghost boss still had several pieces of equipment waiting for his distribution. There were also many things waiting for Qi Lin, such as the progress of cultivating the terrifying golden bones and the observation records before promotion. do it.

As for who is the big man waiting for the mayor's battle?

Qi Lin didn't care.

While Qi Lin was listening to Ghost's summary of information about other aspects, Cheng Xiao, who had always been cautious in his words and deeds, quietly acted as a follower, said in a low voice, "My lord, I'm really not cheating, I really didn't know about Wang Dali in advance, This road is indeed the shortest way to the village."

In many cases, locals who act as guides for outsiders sometimes have another identity: human traffickers, or accomplices of robbers.

"As I said just now, this matter has nothing to do with you, and I won't affect my impression of you just because of this episode."

Qi Lin waved his hand to signal Cheng Xiao to take back his apology.

The appearance of the farmer was actually reported to the Ghost School very early by the ghost.

In addition to the worried old ten, three ghosts had long been hovering near the farmer and were on standby.

As long as the farmer makes any dangerous moves, only ghosts will greet him ruthlessly.

As for the deduction of the ghost school, will Cheng Xiao be an accomplice?
After receiving the notification, Lao Jiu, who had been staring at Cheng Xiao, hoped that Cheng Xiao was an accomplice of the farmer.

From the bottom of his heart, Lao Jiu looked down on Cheng Xiao who kept saying that he wanted to repay Qi Lin, because in Lao Jiu's view, sweet words of human beings are not worthy of trust, and only actions are the reality.

Qi Lin raised his head and looked at the smoke rising in the distance, knowing that the village was close.

"What do people in the village do for a living?"


Qi Lin turned to ask Cheng Xiao.

In the previous words about the farmer's robbery, Qi Lin also told Qi Lin the basic living price level of this world.

Five coppers can buy half a sack of chaff.

It seems that the people at the bottom of this world live very hard.

But what's interesting is that Qi Lin didn't see the planting scene that he saw in Yutou Village before.

In the ghost's report, most of the people in the previous village gathered at the entrance of the village to chat.

“It was originally farming”

Cheng Xiao thought for a while and said, "Later, when the mayor took office more than 30 years ago, all the land in the town was confiscated."

"Confiscated?" Qi Lin was taken aback for a moment. Does a town mayor have such great power to confiscate the land?

"Yes, they were all taken."

Cheng Xiao nodded and said in affirmation: "All farmers have to pay [-]% of the land harvest tax to the town, and the remaining [-]% is used for living and various additional taxes that change every year."


Cheng Xiao pointed to the flowers competing for beauty on both sides of the road, and said sadly: "Flower tax is an additional tax this year."

"Is [-]% enough to live?" Qi Lin raised his eyebrows.

After harvesting throughout the year, 30.00% will be handed over to the town, and only the remaining [-]% will be owned by individuals, and there will be additional taxes from time to time.
In this case, the farmers will not rebel?

Cheng Xiao sighed: "Hey, that's already good, there are plenty of people who don't have land."

"Thirty percent is small, but at least it can cover the stomach."

"Are there any landless people?" Qi Lin frowned slightly and asked, "How do those landless people live?"

"They all went to the steam workshop in the town to work, and the various handicrafts produced there are very popular in the city of Huangsha."

Cheng Xiao replied: "The salary of the workshop is not bad, it is higher than that of farming."

"Just like Wang Dali before, he was a farmer in the village in front of him. After the land was confiscated, he went to work in the workshop in the town to support his family."

Before Qi Lin could ask what the handicrafts in the steam workshop were, the tenth ghost reported in a very sensible voice: "Master, that workshop is a bit like a workshop in the steam age. There are simple machines that use steam as kinetic energy. Stamping some strange components, according to the ghost report, people in the town said that the strange components are handicrafts, but after the investigation of the ghost in the school, it was found that some of the parts looked like parts for assembling some kind of vehicle. It’s just that the metal material is quite noisy, most of the brass has no steel, and their metallurgical technology seems to be broken.”

The ghost old ten was talking, Cheng Xiao from the outside continued: "But since half a year ago, the factories have been shut down, and there is no work to do, so they will no longer be paid."

Without waiting for Qi Lin to ask, Cheng Xiao continued: "The reason why the work was stopped is because a big shot came to inspect. Maybe it was because he was afraid that the tail smoke from the factory would choke the big shot."

Speaking of this, Cheng Xiao pointed to the flowers on both sides of the road, and sighed, "Maybe the shutdown of the factory is because we are afraid of affecting the blooming of these delicate flowers."

"Well, what big shot?" Qi Lin found that many things seemed to point to the same factor.

Someone big is coming.

As a result, many villagers have lost their livelihoods, and additional taxes have to be levied.

"Maybe it's a big shot from the City of Yellow Sands to inspect?" Cheng Xiao shook his head: "I'm afraid only the mayor will know about this."

"What is certain is that this big man is definitely not simple, otherwise the mayor would not have shut down the factory half a year ago." Cheng Xiao affirmed.

After thinking about it carefully, Qi Lin didn't want to understand whether the big shot would have something to do with the clues at the station.

Looking far into the distance, Qi Lin saw the scene at the entrance of the village.

Groups of children happily ran back to the village from outside, holding some metallic gray things that looked like dead bark in their arms.

Those barks were neatly and evenly divided into many small pieces.

Maybe because he noticed Qi Lin's gaze, Cheng Xiao followed the trend and saw the group of children.

There were also some women who came back from afar, carrying similar metallic gray things that looked like dead tree bark, as well as certain grass plants in their arms.

"Sir, those gray ones are the bark of the Iron Armor tree."

Cheng Xiao, who was responsible for the guide's accusation, explained: "Because the iron armor tree is rather peculiar, the bark will be very hard when it is connected to the trunk, so it is difficult to cut off the whole piece, and it can only be slowly peeled off in small pieces."

"After the iron armor bark is stripped from the trunk, it will become soft and elastic in a short period of time, which can be chewed and digested."

"The taste is very unique, with a slightly fruity aroma and a hint of saltiness."

Cheng Xiao said with a smile: "Many times in the wild, it is really lucky to meet an iron armor tree."

"When those barks are picked, they're culinarily treated, usually boiled or roasted, and they become great food."

"That grass is ruin grass, a weed that usually grows on ruins and abandoned land."

"Because of the dense black-purple leaves and stems, it looks extremely lush and full of death, so the locals gave it the name Destruction Grass."

"This kind of grass is a bit bitter when eaten, but it feels very full." Cheng Xiao said with a smile: "And it is one of the few weeds that will not cause too much negative impact on the body's mobility after eating. I didn’t eat less when I was in the wilderness.”

"My lord, don't you know that if you can find this kind of grass when you are avoiding the attack of the demon seed, you will be really happy!"

When Cheng Xiao spoke, his face was filled with happiness, and he didn't feel that eating grass and bark was very difficult.

"Indeed, it's a good thing to have something to eat." Qi Lin nodded and didn't say much.

(End of this chapter)

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