Doomsday Mage Summons the Undead.

Chapter 72 Spare Ribs is the name people call for the ribs of domestic animals.It's useless to

Chapter 72 Spare Ribs is the name people call for the ribs of domestic animals.It's useless to be powerful in this world
Qi Lin gritted his back molars, and his invisible hostility rose wildly.

But he was quickly suppressed by him.

Now the second leader with the highest spiritual attribute has been killed by Lao Jiu.

Others probably couldn't find any valuable information under pressure.

Those ogres who ate too much, their spirits were too low.

Every time I pull it in, it is madness.

Without any effective information at all, he died suddenly due to mental exhaustion.

From a certain point of view, the nightmare world of silver-level ghosts is also a mental damage skill.

Qi Lin just wanted to send all the ghosts to find Zhao Bin.

But he, who was still sane, suddenly thought that if he did this.

It will undoubtedly destroy the ambush circle already in place on Wanda's side.

Only by working hard to develop ourselves can we recover justice after we become strong.

Qi Lin didn't forget this, so he simply sent Heifeng to wait there.

Wait for Zhao Bin to appear, and then physically torture to find out the source of the silver needle.

Qi Lin strode to the balcony, opened his arms and took a deep breath.

The ghost boss at the side also stopped turning the pages of the book.

A wisp of Yin Qi gently blew on Qi Lin's temple, where the veins pulsated endlessly.

The ghost boss didn't say a word, but slowly controlled the frequency of Yin Qi, gently stroking Qi Lin's temples.

At this moment, Heifeng's voice came from within the soul link: "Master, Qin Youyi also wants to follow."

Qi Lin frowned.

After going through so much, he had a hard time trusting others.

But once he trusts others, he will be very caring.

In the past few days, Qin Youyi's various actions.

Especially the various reports of Ghost Fifteen that are beneficial to Qin Youyi, and what Qi Lin saw with his own eyes when he controlled the Black Wind.

All these things made Qi Lin start to accept Qin Youyi.

Even though the new discovery aggravated Qi Lin's dissatisfaction with the top military.

But he still didn't vent his anger on Qin Youyi because of this.

"Let him go. Later, I will ask Tong Gu to bring over a few defensive jade pendants, and you will give them to Qin Youyi."

After Qi Lin recovered from the black wind, he reached out and took two defensive jade pendants from his arms and handed them to a bronze bone warrior.

"Go to Hei Feng and give it to him."

Qi Lin thought for a while, and then took out a bottle of spiritual potion with only one mouthful left, which could restore about three points of real-time mental power.

If the ogre goes mad, it might come in handy.

The ghost boss watched the copper-bone warrior striding away with the jade pendant, as if he wanted to liven up the atmosphere: "Master, did your behavior just now mean giving your friends sincerity as stated in the book?"

"It doesn't count." Qi Lin strode towards the house, and he still needs to continue to improve some plans: "I don't want to give money to the boy to die because of some accident."

"That kid has a kind heart, I'm worried that he accidentally got caught."

"What a proud master!"

Qi Lin ignored him, but quietly looked at the hand-drawn map.

"After Wanda's business is settled, at least one more level can be upgraded, and the next stop is the Athens Hotel, which is a little east and north."

From the ghost boss's point of view, Qi Lin's quiet thinking looks the same as usual.

But Qi Lin's clenched fists from time to time told it that Qi Lin was very restless at the moment.

time flies.

Soon it will be six o'clock in the evening.

It is always dark so early in winter.

Tonight also somehow.

Feather-like snow fell through the sky one after another.

The various fortifications in front of the Mutual Aid Building have already been covered with thick snow.

Qin Youyi and Heifeng, one person and one undead, were mixing cement and preparing to strengthen the fortifications.

An ogre chef came again with a pot of meat.

"You've all been working all afternoon, eat something."

The chef passed the steaming ribs forward.

Qin Youyi hadn't eaten warm meat for a long time, and with a slight movement of his nose, he was about to step forward to take the ribs from the enthusiastic chef.

But the black warrior Heifeng stepped in front of the two of them, grabbed Qin Youyi who was about to step forward with one hand, and said hoarsely, "Thank you, we ate compressed biscuits just now, and we are not hungry yet."

The chef scratched his head with his fat hand.

When the two came in the afternoon, the other kid wearing a terrorist hood looked very greedy when faced with the pieces of meat being handed over.

Just like any other survivor.

But the man in sunglasses said he had already eaten.

The chef didn't think much about it, and according to Zhao Bin's instructions, let go of the ones you don't want to eat first.

Survivors who can live to this day may have two brushes, and there is no need to tear their faces at once.

If you get hungry for a while, you will eat sooner or later.

Even if there are difficult problems, don't tear your face apart, to prevent accidents, just wait for the big boss Zhao Bin to come back and solve it.

The chef walked over to the other ogres with a big basin, and said coldly in his heart: "You guy who doesn't know what to do, don't eat a toast and eat a fine wine!"

"Wait for the big boss to come back and you'll have something to look forward to!"

Seeing the chef go further and further away, Qin Youyi said urgently: "Brother! We ate compressed biscuits before we came, which were good, but they were ribs!"

"Look at that fresh pork rib, the last time I ate it was a week ago!"

At this time, Qi Lin's consciousness just came to Hei Feng.

He glanced at Qin Youyi and said, "Sparse ribs are what humans call the ribs of the livestock they eat."

Before Qin Youyi understood what it meant, Qi Lin continued: "Continue to work."


Although Qin Youyi didn't have some of his cousin's excellent qualities, he had one great advantage.

I have never had the airs of the third generation of the army, and I can get along with anyone carelessly.

Cement freezes faster due to the weather.

Qin Youyi bitterly stirred the cement, secretly took out half of a compressed biscuit from his pocket and took a bite.

"Hiss! It's so cold!"

He turned his head and looked at Hei Feng who was silently stirring the cement beside him, and wondered, "Brother, you are so strong, why don't you show them?"

"Every time you show off, they will designate you as the honored guest!"

When Heifeng led Qin Youyi to hunt earlier, he injured the mutant but survived.

Its agile stature, superb fighting methods and magic of burning flames.

They all shocked Qin Youyi.

Qin Youyi didn't understand why he didn't show it, but instead stirred the cement like a laborer in heavy snow.

Qi Lin didn't turn his head and said: "You are also very strong. I heard from my cousin that your meteorite technique is very good. Why don't you show it?"

"Maybe they treat you as a guest of honor, but I can still be honored by you."

Qin Youyihao smiled and scratched his head: "Hey, that's all my cousin's ridiculous praise!"

"You don't know, if I don't have the time for the medicine card, I won't be able to release my mental power."

Qi Lin asked again: "Then why don't you save some spiritual potion and give it all to my cousin?"

Qin Youyi didn't think much about it, and said carelessly: "Even if there is medicine, I will be impotent for a long time after I put it off, and it feels... hiss!"

"Besides, our cousin is a good man with principles. If he is strong, he can also drive us to be strong, isn't he, hehe!"

Seeing that Qi Lin continued to stir the cement in silence, Qin Youyi asked again, "You haven't answered me yet, brother?"

"Answer what?"

"I can't show it, brother, why don't you show it?"

Qin Youyi's eyebrows danced brightly, and he danced and said, "You don't even need to show teleportation, just your snort of flames covering the blade, obediently, this special effect is designated to conquer them!"

Qi Lin stirred the cement silently, and said casually, "Why do you want to show it?"

"Ah?" Qin Youyi was a little puzzled, but soon what he said in a hoarse voice made him unforgettable for the rest of his life.

"I only spend my energy on what I need."

"I don't need to go down to their level to show what I can do."

"Sometimes trying to prove that you are the best." Qi Lin paused his hands stirring the cement, and continued: "It's actually an insult, isn't it?"

Qin Youyi was stunned for a long time, his lips opened and closed and he said: "I'm so stupid, brother, what you said just now is so pretentious!"

Qi Lin: .
If it was before, Qi Lin would definitely not have said this to Qin Youyi.

Just like the last time he encountered the little sun, Qi Lin said that he was facing the ghosts in the soul link.

But these days.

Qin Youyi often came to give him spiritual potions.

Even the potion that the black warrior burst out was bought by him with money and given to himself,

This move surprised Qi Lin, who was used to seeing sinister people.

Whether it was a show or something, Qin Youyi didn't know the true identity of the black warrior.

All he knew was that Darth Vader was his long-lost cousin.

Qin Youyi couldn't escape the 24-hour surveillance of Ghost Fifteen.

All kinds of actions have already won Qi Lin's acceptance.

In other words, a good relationship is formed.

Qin Youyi was thinking, when he suddenly saw a bright light from a car coming.

It was a black Mercedes Benz.

The bodywork is brand new, except for those freshly fallen snowflakes.

The whole car looks like it has just been serviced.

In the current world, this is definitely a miracle.

In a city full of dangers and various obstacles, you drive a car without any protection?

Are you looking for excitement?
The car quickly stopped outside the fortifications.

A thin man in a black coat got out of the car.

An ogre chef rushed forward with a black umbrella to shield the man from the snow.

"Brother Zhao, these two days."

The chef quickly talked about what happened in the past two days when Zhao Bin left.

Zhao Bin nodded, and was a little surprised when he heard Qin Youyi and the two of them.

"Oh? Black needlework hat? Take me to see it."

Under the guidance of the ogre chef, Zhao Bin quickly came to Qin Youyi.

Zhao Bin had encountered a group of survivors during his last outing.

Before eating them alive to increase his physical fitness, Zhao Bin had learned from them.

A powerful plant demon appeared in a community on the west side, and was finally crushed to death by a large meteorite!

According to the survivors, the person who summoned the meteorite to kill the demon seed was a young man. When they separated later, they saw him wearing a black needlework hat.

When Zhao Bin saw the black sewing cap on Qin Youyi's head, he immediately said enthusiastically, "Strong man! I finally found you!"

The ogre chef, who was about to reprimand the two, saw the big boss like this, and quickly swallowed the words he hadn't said yet.

Looking at the big boss's enthusiasm for him, he knew in his heart that he almost made a big mistake, and he was glad that he didn't rush to kick the iron plate.

The chef quickly stood up with his hands tied, with a warm smile on his face.

Even the way he looked at Hei Feng, the black warrior, was flattering.

This kid Qin Youyi is also sincere. Faced with Zhao Bin's questioning, he decisively admitted that he was the one who summoned the meteorite.

Under Zhao Bin's provocative words, he even fired a fireball!

Looking at the abandoned vehicles that were blown away in the distance, Zhao Bin's enthusiasm increased again.

"Our Mutual Aid Association lacks heroes like strong men!"

"If the hero doesn't dislike him, how about being the second brother of my mutual aid society?"

Perhaps it was because Qin Youyi was hesitant, and he couldn't stop looking at the man with the golden and black face scarf next to him.

Zhao Bin understood, and then said to the black warrior: "You two don't know something."

"This world has changed, and the order is about to be reshaped. In the future, the structure of Nanzhili must be dominated by the strong!"

Zhao Bin talked about his imagination about the future in various ways.

But even though his big pie painting was flying all over the sky, the black warrior remained unmoved, just listened to his story quietly, and analyzed some things from it.

Maybe seeing the black warrior's indifference, Zhao Bin glanced at the silver sword under the black warrior's clothes, and said with a smile, "In this world, it's useless to come out and fight, you have to be powerful!"

"No matter how strong a person is, he can't beat a giant, can't he?"

Zhao Bin blinked and said mysteriously: "Let me tell you two things. There is a big force behind our mutual aid association."

"With the support of this force, our Mutual Aid Association will be able to move sideways in Nanzhili!"

"The future, luxury cars, champagne, beauties, mansions." Zhao Bin stretched his hands to the sky: "Everything you want!"

Qin Youyi blinked his eyes, and asked like a stunned man: "What kind of power is so powerful? Can you walk sideways in Nanzhili?"

In Qin Youyi's knowledge, there were only three people who could walk sideways in Nanzhili.

One is the owner of the skeleton: Qi Lin.

The second is the highest rank in the military: Qin Youde.

The third is his uncle, the person in charge of the army.

But no matter which of the three, Qin Youyi has never seen them greedy for enjoyment, bullying others, and wantonly plundering.

Zhao Bin chuckled, pretending to be mysterious and said, "You don't have to worry about that."

"Anyway, you two will hang out with us, and I will guarantee that you will be popular and spicy in the future!"

 There are currently a total of [-] chapters due.

  guess unit two chapters
  chapter magician

  Chapter One

  Peach Juice Chapter

  I will pay back all owed changes after the second month

  All the attempts in the first month are tens of thousands,

  It’s all in return for your continued support in the new book issue
  Currently the first day is 9779 words,
  On the second day, 1.2W words

  The third day, 10245 words

  I will try my best every day, thank you for your support

  It's hard to sort out the reward list today.

  Especially last night, there was such an oolong incident
  There are even book friends who spontaneously donate to support me and encourage me!
  No matter what the final score is, I will stick to it until the last moment
  The book friend group has been established, if you have suggestions, you can join the group and find me
  Another: The lucky soldier with id in the book review area,
  About no longer subdividing the skeleton level
  Divide the total quantity directly according to the stage, the suggestion is very pertinent

  In the early stage, I thought that there were still few undead, so be careful
  Now it's on the shelves, in order to save everyone's coins,
  This recommendation has been adopted and will be implemented in the future

  Another: I don’t know the name of Sad Wind
  I only know that the legacy resounds in the sad wind
  Enthusiastic book friends from the book group today told me the whole story
  I will think about changing the name Beifeng later.

(End of this chapter)

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