Skill extraction from Dragon Clan

Chapter 235 Mutual calculations

Chapter 235 Mutual calculations (a large number of character settings)

The feast went on very late, and did not end until the heroes had drunk all the wine in the village.

Before going to bed, Zheng Shu sat in the stone room and summed up what he had learned today.

Among other things, at least the existence of this group of discerning heroes and Vera made Zheng Shu understand that people in this world have their own set of activity theories, and sometimes, what you see is not necessarily what you know of.

Fortunately, until now, Zheng Shu's actions have maintained a minimum of influence, even at the expense of reducing his access to impact factors.

Because he has never forgotten that in this world there are still two major restraining forces that control the whole world. The names of these two profiteers are not for nothing. Zheng Shu has been carefully looking for each other to put himself into this world s reason.

As for another harvest, it is probably that Zheng Shu knew how many magic tricks the other party knew during the chat with Vera.

Although there is still a lot of gap with Zheng Shu's imagination of the top magician who is extremely proficient in magic and can even touch magic, but it is already better than those guys he met who were more warlocks than wizards not enough.

Zheng Shu has always been very eager for all kinds of magic knowledge in this world, because only by knowing the basic operation rules of these extraordinary powers in this world, can he transfer the alchemy-related knowledge he learned in the Dragon World to this world. in the world.

Even though Zheng Shu used various things similar to magic circles and alchemy on Wuming Island to modernize the treasury of the three Gorgon sisters, but in fact most of the "magic" in that treasury used The power of three sisters.

It's not so much magic, it's not magic.

So after finally having an opportunity to learn from the essential power of this world, Zheng Shu didn't want to give up so easily.

The only question now is how can he get the other party to teach him willingly, after all Zheng Shu knows no matter how low his EQ is, knowledge like this is definitely very precious.

What's more, in the Xingyue world, whether it is magic or magic, its power depends on mystery.

In terms of analogy, the overall magical power of a world is similar to a huge wireless network. The more people use it, the worse the "signal" will be, so everyone who knows the relevant knowledge will try their best to ensure that the knowledge will not be spread. To ensure that your "signal" is at its strongest.

In such a big environment, the difficulty for Zheng Shu to learn relevant knowledge has increased a lot. If he is a villain, it would not be so troublesome, but Zheng Shu feels that he is at least a person with normal morals. Human beings, so some extreme methods will not choose to use.

However, judging from Vera's behavior, he should be well-educated, and his background should be regarded as noble. I hope he can be more reasonable...



On the other side, Vera was also silently recalling the Zheng Shu she met today.

Zheng Shu's guess was actually quite right. Vera's background is quite good, even very good.

He was born in a country with more than a dozen city-states, the national power can be considered strong, and his father had a lifelong friendship with the king of this country, and the two were good friends who grew up together. His father was himself the strongest fighter in the country.

In terms of origin, Villa is almost the top group of people in the entire country.

Moreover, he was born with long blond hair that was exactly the same as the god Apollo believed by the whole country. Although he was born in a prosperous family, he was well-educated and treated people politely. The original Vera could be regarded as the dream lover of every girl in the whole country.

...and a handful of men's dream girls.

But this kind of life was shattered the moment he became an adult.

In the year when he became an adult, Vera awakened his future vision. Although his future vision could only be observed for a second after so many years of training, Vera had already learned of his own vision at the moment of awakening. death.

As a follower of Apollo, he will eventually die in a place where the sun cannot shine.

Knowing the cause of his death, whether as a young man or as a devout Apollo believer, such a way of death made Vera unacceptable.

So for a long time, he fell into great fear.

It’s okay to have the sun during the day, but once it’s cloudy or at night, he must spend the night in Apollo’s temple. If he accidentally encounters a sudden rainstorm on the way out, he will even cry in fear.

At the worst time, Vera didn't even dare to leave the temple of Apollo, for fear that he would die if he left.

In the end, it was his father who couldn't stand his son's cowardly attitude, rushed to the temple, and slapped him dozens of times in front of the statue of Apollo, which saved him from the abyss of fear.

After that, Vera became more passionate about life than before, because for him now, every day he lives is earned, and it is a gift from the gods.

Under the pressure of death, he discovered the beauty that he had never found in life before.In the end, in order to allow himself to see more things during his lifetime, regardless of his family's opposition, he resolutely left the country that completely believed in Apollo, and stepped out of the world illuminated by Apollo.

So unknowingly, Vera has been traveling outside for several years.

But to be honest, even Vera, who thought she was well-informed, felt a little unbelievable the moment she saw Zheng Shu.

To be honest, Vera has seen a lot of human nature during these years of traveling: violence, greed, lust, complacency, pride, humility, kindness...

Especially in those heroes, the shortcomings and advantages of human nature will be infinitely magnified on them.

But in Zheng Shu's body, he felt an unprecedented strange atmosphere.

To be honest, the first meeting between the two people was not friendly, because of a guy who was too stupid, the atmosphere between the two parties could be called tense at the beginning.

But even so, Vera believed in the first impression formed by relying on his intuition—it was the reward given by his fate after seeing through death.

And Zheng Shu gave him the impression that... crazy.

It feels like a mass of extreme, erratic, violent energy that explodes at the slightest disturbance and influence.

If it's just pure madness, it won't interest Vera, because there are too many crazy people in this world.What interests him the most is that in the midst of madness, Zheng Shu has another emotion deep in his heart: pity.

These two personality traits, which are almost completely opposite in theory, are now concentrated in one person.

Vera discovered from the very beginning that Zheng Shu's eyes are completely different from others.

No matter who he is facing, whether it is a commoner or a hero, he is curious and not afraid, neither inferior nor arrogant, just very... calm.

Therefore, Wei La judged that Zheng Shu should have received an excellent education and was once a nobleman with a high status, because only in this way, he would look at others at the same level from beginning to end.

But under such an appearance, Zheng Shu's heart is full of danger.

His mind was full of hesitation, and after hesitation came madness.Just like those sad subjugated people that Vera saw before, they wandered around the whole world, lost their faith and morality, and became more and more crazy and depraved in despair and hesitation. In the end, those people would Gets really extreme and hysterical.

Because for them, this world has long since lost their place to live—they have no home.

Zheng Shu gave him the feeling that he was very similar to those subjugated people, and even surpassed them.It's just that his own willpower is strong enough to control the changes and declines in his mind, but Zheng Shu's own mental state is still very unstable, as long as there is a slight stimulus, there will be drastic changes.

"I need to take a good look at him. If possible, I want to know his story." Vera's body sitting on the bed was as straight and straight as a sculpture, but there was a different light in his eyes.

In a sense, Vera is a real "desperado".

After he broke through the fear of death, the only thing that can drive him is the exploration of the unknown. The appearance of Zheng Shu, a "cherished" existence in front of him, will naturally arouse his desire to explore.

"But if you want to know his story, you must touch his inner pain," Vera frowned thinking.

In essence, he is still the noble warrior of the kingdom, and he doesn't like to use overly violent and unethical means to influence others, so this matter can only be done slowly.

However, Zheng Shu's background seems quite noble, I hope he can be more reasonable than ordinary civilians...

So, Zheng Shu, what kind of person are you?


"What? Missing?"

Zheng Shu looked at the village head in front of him with a dazed expression. He just woke up and heard a big news.

"Yes, half of the hero group disappeared that night, including their leader Dole." The old village chief touched the sweat on his face with his hands, and his expression was quite anxious.

After such an event, the remaining heroes become extremely restless, and a village that is not careful about itself may be destroyed by them.

In desperation, the village chief had no choice but to seek Zheng Shu's help, and the reason why he came to seek his help was probably because Zheng Shu let the villagers know that he was a good person when he rescued the villagers that day.

Zheng Shu frowned. Although he slept deeply last night, he did not let down his vigilance, but his spiritual sense didn't mean to warn him at all.

After thinking for a while, Zheng Shu picked up the mace beside him very simply and walked out of the room.

When approaching the open space where the banquet was held last night, Zheng Shu had already heard various noises coming from there.It is not difficult to hear from the voice that not only the hero, but even the villagers themselves seem to be worried all the time.

After all, even the most powerful heroes in their eyes are missing. If the enemy finds them, the villagers don't think they can hide.

"What exactly happened?" Zheng Shu saw Vera in the crowd at a glance, and asked directly in front of him.

The surrounding heroes and villagers immediately quieted down after seeing Zheng Shu coming. Zheng Shu had already proved his strength last night, so after such a thing happened, they must hope to be able to rely on the strong.

"Dur and more than a dozen heroes disappeared in one night. We checked his room, but there was no sign of a fight, and neither weapons nor luggage were taken away, indicating that they did not leave suddenly by themselves." Vera described it very In detail, it seems that he should have observed the scene.

"So is there any special discovery?" Zheng Shu asked.

"Not sure..." Vera seemed a little hesitant, "You also know that I learned a little knowledge from a wizard, so I can feel a strange energy breath in their room, but this breath is very strange, It's not the magic fluctuations that you see routinely."

"Take me to see!"

Vera also decisively took Zheng Shu to the place where they were stationed before. Zheng Shu took a look and saw that it was the few stone houses left in this village. Compared with the house where Zheng Shu lived, these stone houses It is bigger, and there are more people living in one house.

"It's here." Vera pointed to the two largest houses in the center, "Last night, everyone who lived in these two houses disappeared. I live in the next room, but I didn't feel any movement."

Zheng Shu took a look. The distance between the house where Vera lived and the two houses where the accident happened was not that far away. The farthest distance was only about ten meters. Face.

Don't say that there is an enemy attack, even if the people in the house come out to use the toilet, they will be discovered by the people in several other houses.

Zheng Shu was a little strange looking at the two houses where the accident happened, because he felt a familiar atmosphere inside.

Going in and taking a look, Zheng Shu didn't find any special clues.

As Vera said, their luggage and weapons have not been touched, and even the money bags are well placed, as if they simply went out for a couple of laps and are about to come back soon.

"What kind of situation is this? It can't be that this group of people feel too bored, so they sneak out to play quietly at night, right?" Zheng Shu was a little puzzled.

When he walked out of the room and saw the villagers around him, a flash of inspiration suddenly flashed in his mind, and he turned to look at Vera who had been standing behind him: "Do the villagers have any losses?"

(PS: There is another chapter in the afternoon.)
 Thanks to the readers of Xiaomijiao who are not spicy at all, thank you for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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