Skill extraction from Dragon Clan

Chapter 245 Torturing Each Other

Chapter 245 Torturing Each Other
The lion glanced at Zheng Shu, and a humane disdainful smile flashed in his eyes, as if he was laughing at such a little guy for daring to stand in front of him.

"Although I know it's impossible, there's no harm in trying." Zheng Shu shrugged his shoulders, took a step forward, looked at the lion and asked very seriously, "Can you let me touch your fur? Of course I can provide you with prey as a reward."

Then halfway through, the lion's eyes changed, from the original sneer to anger, as if he felt humiliated by Zheng Shu, a prey who dared to approach him instead of running away.


The lion raised its head with a low growl, revealing its unusually sharp teeth. The muscles on its body exerted force, turning into a blurry figure and rushing towards Zheng Shu.

"Well, I know your attitude, what a pity." Without the slightest fear, Zheng Shu threw his mace aside, and greeted the lion rushing like a heavy truck with his bare hands.

There was a dull collision sound, and a circle of shock waves visible to the naked eye exploded, rapidly spreading around from the place where the two collided.

[The user has come into contact with a carrier containing an unknown factor and has started to test the sample]


[The test is completed, and a strengthening template has been set up based on the carrier sample]

"Panel, name this reinforcement template Lion."

[The command has been received, the enhanced template: the naming of the lion is completed. 】

"Complete the goal perfectly." Seeing the sharp claws close at hand, a smile appeared on Zheng Shu's face.

"Then, my goal is accomplished, goodbye!"

Taking the initiative to take a step back in the power confrontation between the two sides, Zheng Shu allowed the lion's sharp claws to scratch his chest, while his leg kicked the lion in the abdomen the moment it lost its balance.


Looking at the wound on his chest, Zheng Shu was a little surprised: "Hiss... such sharp claws?"

He had clearly turned on the keel state in advance, and dragon scales had grown on the surface of his body, and he also used the magic power usage skills obtained from Vera to gather magic power into the scales to increase the defense as much as possible.

Even so, when facing the sharp claws of this lion, Zheng Shu felt that his defenses were as if they were made of paper, without any protective effect at all, and even the plate-like keel in his body did not block the claws a cent.If it wasn't for Zheng Shu's fast kick, the blow just now might have scratched his heart.

On the contrary, Zheng Shu's powerful kick just now did not cause any harm to the lion.

Although it looked like the lion's skin was fluctuating when it kicked up, the lion just shook its body and got up immediately after landing, without any trace of injury at all.

"Not only the skin, but the internal organs and bones also have strong defenses?" Zheng Shu licked his lips, and the super speed healing started, quickly healing the deep bone wound on his chest, "Yes, I am very satisfied. But not now I'm sorry when I was playing with you, I have to leave here first!"

After all, before the lion could fully get up, Zheng Shu quickly left the spot and ran towards the outside of the forest with a catapult.

"Roar!!!" An angry roar suddenly came from behind Zheng Shu, and the terrifying sound even caused ripples in the surrounding air.

Seeing that he was tricked by the little bug in front of him, the lion was surprisingly angry, and running away in front of the wild beasts was showing weakness, and once showing weakness, these ferocious beasts would attack instinctively.

During the roar, the lion's muscles exploded suddenly, and it jumped up from behind Zheng Shu with a violent momentum. Two huge claws blasted the air and rushed towards Zheng Shu.

Zheng Shu just felt a blur in front of his eyes, and the lion, which was still far away, appeared in front of him. The huge claws covered his field of vision and fell suddenly, and he only had time to raise his arms and cross his head to block.

The terrifying power and speed caused substantial ripples in the air in front of the claw.

The huge pair of claws hit Zheng Shu's body, and the huge size of the lion almost drowned Zheng Shu's figure.

The moment it fell, the ground around Zheng Shu's body shattered, and the violent impact lifted up the mud all over the sky, and even directly lifted a tree not far away.

"Damn it! Is the lion's speed so fast in the myths and legends?!"

The voice of cursing came from the dust, Zheng Shu still maintained that defensive posture, but his feet sank more than one meter deep into the ground abruptly.

The sudden impact of force made his face flushed red, but his tone was still full of air, and he didn't seem to be hurt.

"Roar..." Realizing that his blow hadn't exploded the bug, the lion let out a deep roar.

It also realized that the prey in front of it was a bit different from the others.However, as the king of the jungle, it absolutely does not allow any creature to dare to provoke him.

As a result, the lion's whole body erupted with terrifying power again, and its two sharp claws, with afterimages, grabbed Zheng Shu below fiercely at a terrifying speed.This time is different from the last time, the lion deliberately exposed its claws during this attack, trying to use its sharp claws to tear the prey in front of it into pieces.

The violent sound continued to come, and the materialized air shock waves exploded hastily one after another. Under the eruption of terrifying power, the ground within a radius of more than ten meters began to vibrate and shatter, and countless soils burst around the lion, as if there was a kind of The illusion that the earth is turning over.

With the final sweeping sweep, Zheng Shu was blown away by the huge force, and stopped after rolling on the ground for a long time.

—Stupid humans...

After venting the anger in his heart, the lion returned to that lazy feeling again, squatted on the ground, and licked his paw.

——From the feel, this prey is more resistant to beating than other prey in the forest, but my claws are sharp enough to easily tear off the scales on the prey. Now he is probably torn to pieces.

Shaking the hair on his head lazily, the lion looked at the dust slowly falling in the distance, thinking quietly.

Although it is not clear because of the dust blocking, the lion can already imagine the scene of blood gushing.

"I've let you down, I'm still alive and well." A voice came from the dust, stopping the lion who was planning to leave just like that.

A gust of wind appeared out of thin air, and the dust that was slowly sinking was blown away by the terrifying force, revealing Zheng Shu standing in the middle, judging from his posture, it should be the wind that he just swung his hand out.

Zheng Shu's current appearance looks extremely miserable, the clothes on his body have been completely shredded, blood is all over his body, and there is a scar on his face that has not fully healed, and it is healing rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Shaking the bag in his hand, he poured the last bit of fried noodles into his mouth. Zheng Shu didn't chew much, and directly relied on the peristalsis of his esophagus to press the flour into his stomach.

Looking at the somewhat dazed lion in the distance, Zheng Shu had a terrifying smile on his face: "You played really well just now, didn't you?! Well, it's time for me now!"



"Then go and hunt down the Nemean lion!" In the luxurious palace, King Eurystheus looked at the half-kneeling man under the throne with a mocking smile on his lips. The gap, now that he has found the opportunity, it is natural to deal with it to death.

Sure enough, after hearing his words, even the surrounding courtiers had a commotion.The lion of Nemea is famous far and wide, even those present have heard of it. It is said that the army there has carried out many encirclement campaigns, but was completely defeated by that lion.

Even if the blood heroes organized a crusade without success, only a few people even came back alive.

And the most frightening thing is that so far, there has been no news of the lion being injured. No matter what kind of weapon it seems, it can't cause the slightest harm to it.

King Eurystheus asked the other party to hunt down the lion, which was simply to let him die.

Compared to the commotion of the surrounding people, the person half kneeling under the throne did not react at all.

His figure is extremely majestic, even if he is half squatting, he can show a sense of oppression. If he stands up, his height may exceed [-] meters.The muscles on the body are bulging, and the strong muscles can even allow children to run freely on the arms and shoulders. The broad palms can even grab an adult's waist with one hand. It can be called a real strong man who can run on his shoulders.

He is the most brilliant hero in the entire ancient Greek mythology: Hercules.

But at this moment, Hercules was still half-kneeling under the throne as if he had lost his soul, because not long ago, he went mad and killed his child because of the curse.

In order to atone for his sins, he followed the advice of the Delphic oracle, and came to his former enemy to serve him to wash away his crimes.

After King Eurystheus announced the mission, Hercules didn't have any objection, but bowed silently to the other party, then stood up and left the palace.

Seeing the figure of Hercules leaving, the king on the throne had a look of expectation in his eyes. He had already begun to wait for the news of Hercules' death.




The dull roaring sound continued to come from the depths of the jungle. At the beginning, the creatures in the jungle would run away in terror, but after a few days of getting used to it, they are now immune to such sounds.

The collision of the fist and the claw erupted a shock wave visible to the naked eye, ignoring the horrible injury that almost split his fist in half, Zheng Shu's leg suddenly lit up with a dark red light representing magic power.

The gathered magical power burst out suddenly, pushing Zheng Shu's feet forward like a jet, allowing him to complete an attack in a position where he could hardly exert his strength.

Basic magic power usage skills: Magic power release.

The heavy blow firmly hit the lion's abdomen that had just been exposed by jumping up, and the powerful force even made Zheng Shu's entire calf disappear into the soft hair and skin.

With Zheng Shu's continuous force, the lion's huge body was kicked out like a ball, and it stopped after breaking several big trees.


Without catching up to pursue the victory, Zheng Shu just stood there and breathed heavily. With Zheng Shu's violent breathing, his physique as a dragon species was continuously absorbing magic power from the atmosphere to make up for the physical exertion of his body, while his fist The horrific injuries are also healing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Is this guy really a living thing? His physical strength is a little scary!" After taking a few breaths, Zheng Shu finally recovered from his exhaustion.Looking at the lion Zheng Shu who got up again and shook his body, the lion who was completely unharmed also felt a little helpless.

Five days... The battle between him and the lion has lasted for five full days.

In fact, at the very beginning, Zheng Shu just planned to leave immediately after touching the lion to obtain the strengthening template, not to engage in unnecessary entanglement, and even getting hurt for it is acceptable.

But he didn't expect that the speed and wisdom of the lion were beyond his imagination, and Zheng Shu was pressed into the soil by it as a target and beat him up without checking for a while.If it was just a simple slap on Zheng Shu, he could still bear it, but the lion's claws were too sharp. After the first combo of blows, he seemed to have been tortured by Ling Chi.

Although an injury of this level can be recovered quickly with Zheng Shu's resilience, the pain on his body will not be reduced. Therefore, when he was in the top position for a while, Zheng Shu gave up the chance to leave and fight the lion.

In fact, during the five days of fighting, Zheng Shu had a chance to get out of the fighting and leave here, but at this point, the fighting could no longer be stopped.

After the anger dissipated, Zheng Shu also tried several times to leave here quickly while taking advantage of the gap between beating the lion, but the lion who was beaten again obviously would not give up so easily, and passed the smell quickly every time. Find Zheng Shu's location again.

Whether it was when Zheng Shu was sleeping, he suddenly jumped out of the grass and hit the back of his head with a paw, or when he was going to the toilet, he suddenly jumped out from the side and hit Zheng Shu's waist.

In short, after narrowly avoiding the lion's act of digging out the bird's eggs for the last time, Zheng Shu finally confirmed that the lion was dead against him.

Of course, because the lion was too ungrateful for martial arts, Zheng Shu also expressed that he was fighting with it.So he gave up all his fantasies and followed the lion wholeheartedly to fight.

Then the two undead monsters tortured each other for five days.

(PS: There is another chapter to add today.)
(End of this chapter)

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