Li Qingshui's question broke the silence.

Li Qingxiu said displeasedly, "Qing Shui, why are you talking to my little sister?"

Li Qingshui leaned against a tree behind him, folded his arms and sneered, "Sister, you were like this before. No matter who had a conflict with the younger sister, you always stood by her to protect her. It's still like this now, but others may not I appreciate it. After all, they don’t recognize us and don’t regard us brothers and sisters born from the same parents as relatives. What’s the point of you still showing your heart and soul?”

Li Qingxiu's expression changed, "Qing Shui..."

Li Qingshui waved his hand, "Sister, please listen to me before you scold me. I've been holding it for a damn month. I told you before that she was cold-hearted and disowned her relatives. You still didn't believe it. Now you can see it with your own eyes. Oh, I'm not lying, am I? Oh, her attitude towards her sister-in-law and Zhu Yan was even worse before. She simply didn't treat them as human beings. She just scolded them and left them in front of outsiders. How much hatred and hatred was there. Back then, we The family sold her, but it was Yang Jinzhi's doing. Every injustice has its own owner, and if you have the guts to vent your anger on her, what can we say to you? As for coming up to see your face? ?”

Song Hongguo listened calmly and sneered in her heart, haha, what she said was quite true. Didn't she think she wanted to get the upper hand and give her power?

However, she only looked at Li Qingxiu's attitude.

Fortunately, Li Qingxiu didn't disappoint her too much next.

"Do you think so too?" She asked Li Qingxiu, her tone was straightforward, neither angry nor sad, indifferent, even worse than a stranger.

Li Qingxiu's heart was as sharp as a knife, and she shook her head with tears, "Sister, why would you think that? I understand, you, it's right for you to be resentful and angry in your heart. It's because your family can't forgive you. No matter how much you say now, it won't change." It’s nothing. I came here today not to persuade you, but just to see you. I haven’t seen you for more than ten years. It turns out that our Qingguo looks so good-looking..."

Song Hongguo said, "My current name is Song Hongguo, the name my father gave me."

Li Qingxiu cried and laughed, "The red fruit is better than the green fruit. Your father, he, he must love you very much to give you such a nice name. He must be a good person..."

Song Hongguo nodded "Yes" and took out a handkerchief and handed it to her, "Wipe your tears. Don't feel bad. I lived a good life in those years. I had enough to eat and warm clothes. I could also study and go to university. Compared with I will be much happier if I stay in the Li family. Now that I have a decent job and can support my family, no one can decide my life at will anymore. You should be happy for me."

Hearing this, Li Qingxiu cried even harder. It was not a wailing kind of cry, but a depressing, dull, and forbearing cry that made people feel sad.

Song Hongguo did not persuade her. Moderate emotional expression was good for the body.

Li Qingshui raised his eyebrows at her and said sarcastically, "Are you satisfied now?"

Song Hongguo asked speechlessly, "What am I satisfied with?"

Li Qingshui sneered and said, "Li Qingguo, why didn't I realize that you were so thoughtful when I was a kid? Look at the things you do now. Everything is spotless. Anyone who goes against you will end up well. Including relatives like our Li family, you are becoming more and more popular. I wonder if the brains and destiny of everyone in our Li family have been taken over by you alone..."

Listening to his talk becoming more and more out of tune, Song Hongguo frowned and interrupted, "If you want to promote feudal superstition, please change the place so as not to implicate us." "You..."

"What am I?" Song Hongguo unceremoniously opened the hand he pointed at her, "I don't like it when people point their fingers at me to show that you are capable, right?"

Li Qingshui covered the back of his beaten hand and inhaled hissingly in pain. How could this damn girl be so strong?
At this moment, Li Qingxiu finally stopped crying, wiped her face with a handkerchief, and leaned against the tree with red eyes, barely supporting her body, but her mood was much calmer. She first said to Li Qingshui, "You and Qingshan , and what my brothers and sisters mean, I know it in my heart, and you yourselves also know it. No one can hide your little thoughts from one thousand to ten thousand. Over the years, I have been going to my parents' house again and again. Get things, the Li family raised me, I should honor my father, I am the eldest sister, and I should also take care of you. But Hongguo does not have this responsibility and obligation. She left home at such a young age. She does not owe anyone, the Li family owes her. of……"

The fig leaf was torn open, and Li Qingshui was embarrassed and annoyed, "We don't owe her, it was Yang Jinzhi who owed her, and it was Yang Jinzhi who wanted to eat ginseng, so he sold her..."

Song Hongguo took over the words mockingly, "How dare you pat your chest and say that when you sold me, you didn't hear anything? Didn't you see any signs?"

Li Qingshui's expression changed. Before he could explain, he heard Song Hongguo sneer again, "Even if you didn't know it beforehand, you were all present when I was sold. At that time, who of you would stand up?" Stopped it? Don’t think that I forgot everything because I was young. I remember clearly that day, you all looked at me coldly. In your eyes, you only saw the 100 yuan my father gave to the Li family. Maybe you were still very happy. , because without me, there is one less person to compete with you for food!"

Li Qingshui's face turned pale and he was speechless.

Li Qingxiu was no less shocked than him, and asked in disbelief, "Hongguo, you, that means that they all knew about it at the beginning? Were they all present? Qingshan, Qingshui, and Qingmei, were all three of them here? "

Song Hongguo nodded.

Li Qingxiu swayed as if struck by lightning, and turned stiffly to look at Li Qingshui, "You, you all lied to me? Join forces and just lie to me?"


"Why? Why did you lie to me? Are you afraid that I will hit you? Or will you see your true colors of ruthlessness and selfishness and never love you again?"

"I'm sorry, eldest sister..." Li Qingshui lowered his head and explained dejectedly, "We were too scared at that time. We didn't know beforehand that Yang Jinzhi would sell our little sister, and we didn't see any signs of it until that day. , but by that time, it was already too late, all the buyers came to the door, and you were not at home. Our father seemed to be very happy. Yang Jinzhi was afraid that we would do something bad, so he threatened us. If he didn’t sell the little girl, he would sell us instead. , we have to sell one anyway, because the family needs 100 yuan, so we..."

After hearing this, Li Qingxiu rushed over and beat him, "That's our little sister. You brothers are all scared, haven't you thought about how scared she was at that time? She was only five years old at that time, five years old..."

Li Qingshui endured the beating without saying a word.

Song Hongguo frowned for a while and said in a cold voice, "Stop fighting. Anyway, everything has passed and I have let it go. From now on, let's just go back to each other and never go back and forth."

This time, after hearing this, Li Qingshui didn't sneer or pester, and just turned around and left. (End of chapter)

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