Chapter 134 A Different Pet
"Where did it come from?"

"Running to the rescue station today scared my staff, who should have kept it as a pet."

Hearing Wen Wanwan's words, the man took out a pair of white gloves from the drawer and put them on, then carefully opened the lid.

"What's your personality like?"

"Very docile, you can get started."

With an affirmative answer, the man directly dragged the green snake's chassis and put it in his hand.

Looking at the curled up little guy, a pair of eyes looked carefully.

"No problem, the color is pretty good, I can keep it as a snake."

"Okay, then this one will be handed over to you."

The man's surname is Fang, a classmate of Wen Wanwan's, nicknamed Fang Datou, after graduating from high school, he gave up going to an unremarkable university and opened a pet shop.

Undoubtedly, the little money invested was wasted directly, and a cat plague made his hair turn gray from worry.

After going around for some reason, I got a reptile pet for some reason.

From geckos to chameleons at the beginning, to some snakes that are suitable as pets, they cover a wide range.

Now I also have a pet shop of my own.

This is why Wen Wanwan brought the Green Snake here. If he wants to find a suitable zoo for this guy, he might as well give it to Zoom Head.

A professional reptile breeder can definitely take good care of this little guy.

"I'll take the snake to the pet store and put it in an incubator for two days to get used to it. Would you like to see my new batch of reptiles?"

"Okay, I happen to be live broadcasting, so let me introduce you."

Zooming in with a smile on his face, he put the green snake into a dark cabinet beside him, and then led Wen Wanwan towards a room on the first floor.

Pushing open the door, you can see a whole row of glass boxes, and there is a huge box on the ground.

"The smaller ones have been put into the breeding environment, and the big one has not been dealt with."

Wen Wanwan glanced at the huge box, and then led the audience in the live broadcast room to the first glass box.

The entire glass box is covered with sand, and there are many fallen leaves on it.

And in the middle of these fallen leaves, a big dark red spider was stuffing the insects on the plate into its mouth.

The moment I saw this guy, the barrage in the live broadcast room surged like a tsunami.

Mi Jinyu: [Help, I'm most afraid of this thing! ! ! 】

Too lazy to name it: [You call this a pet? 】

Fat Flower Toilet: [If this thing climbs on top of me, I can perform a Thomas infinite maneuver plus a 5-minute soprano. 】

Looking at the barrage in the live broadcast room, Wen Wanwan was silent for a moment before explaining.

"Although it looks a bit scary, this guy is actually extremely popular in the reptile market."

"It's called the red rose spider, also known as the Chilean red rose, and it's native to the deserts of Chile."

"The whole body is covered with dark red fluff, which is not demanding on the environment and has strong adaptability."

"Because of its gentle temperament and easy feeding, it is especially suitable for breeders who are new to reptile pets. In addition, it is not expensive and has an attractive name. It is the most popular pet spider in the insect breeding market."

"Most people can put it in their hands after getting acquainted with this guy for a few days. This guy itself is not very toxic. Basically, novices will recommend it to pet shops."

Why can't I get enough to eat: [We have been in contact, and its character is docile, but I don't know it. 】

Yijun Shaoxia: [If my boyfriend raises this, I will let him know what it means to have lost all the qualities. 】

Dog who doesn't cook: [It looks a little strange, it's like a kind of food that you can come into contact with every day. 】

Wen Wanwan glanced at the barrage in the live broadcast room, and then continued to popularize science with a smile on her face.

"Red rose spiders are the easiest reptiles for beginners to keep, and their lifespan is also very impressive."

"Red roses that are kept as pets live ten to 12 years in most cases."

Fang Datou watched Wen Wanwan's science popularization for a while, then directly opened the door of the glass box, and put the red rose spider in his palm.

"In fact, many people have certain misunderstandings about reptiles. Most of the reptiles that can be kept as pets are very docile."

"They don't get close to humans like cats and dogs, but they also show happiness and unhappiness."

"It's like this red rose spider, even if I only fed it for a week, it also knows that I am the master, and it will let you pet it in the palm of your hand."

Although most people can't accept raising it by themselves, watching a palm-sized spider quietly lying in the palm of your hand and letting it be stroked makes people feel that it is very happy.

Putting the red rose spider into the glass box, Fang Datou immediately opened the second box door.

After looking for a moment, he quickly found the little guy raised here on the dead wood.

After the little guy left from the dead wood, his whole body turned red immediately.

Basket is about to get rich: [Knock, Chameleon? 】

Brother Pig is here: [It turns out that a chameleon can't change color in an instant! 】

Fox cub: [The tail is so long! 】

As the little guy appeared in the live broadcast room, the barrage began to surge.

Compared with animals such as spiders and snakes, this kind of reptile, which does not look so scary, is easier to accept.

Fang Datou pressed the little guy's head with his fingers, and then he started to introduce.

"It's not a chameleon, but a tree lizard that lives in subtropical regions."

"Some places also call it thunder horse, horse mane snake, cockscomb snake, and four-legged snake, which belong to the genus Lizard of the Iguana family."

"Generally speaking, it is more common in Yunnan and Hainan in my country, and this guy's wild species is one of the three protected animals in my country. Only those bred by regular manufacturers are allowed to be sold."

While speaking, Fang Datou pulled out several cloths of different colors from the side, and put the chameleon on them.

Although this guy's color-changing ability is not as strong as that of a chameleon, he still tries to change the color of his body in different environments.

The novel and amusing scene made the audience in the entire live broadcast room discuss it.

This kind of crawling pet that is easy to accept, although it doesn't look so good-looking, is fun and really fun.

Watching Fang Datou playing with the little guy, a group of people have already started asking about the price.

Wen Wanwan picked out a few barrages and read them to Fang Datou, and then he explained.

"In fact, the reptile pet market is divided into several parts, and the price is not as outrageous as most people imagine."

"Among them, the ones shipped from abroad are the most expensive. They have to pay customs duties, ensure the breeding environment, and do blood disease inspections. The cost of each item is not small."

"The second is rare species, like some that are not easy to survive, and those that are difficult to raise are at this level."

(End of this chapter)

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