Su Xian heard the words, walked directly to the corpse, and began to do things.

As soon as the soul-suppressing bell in his hand rang, people from outside the Huguo Temple, Shangqing Palace and Jinxian Temple also began to chant scriptures in response, and the scene immediately became ethereal and holy.

Shen Lingxi cleaned her hands, and stood beside the corpse with a dust whisk as she did in the mourning hall of Mrs. Wu Anbo.

A gust of wind blew up her wide robe sleeves, her sleeves fluttered, and her blue hair fluttered.

Xiao Yuanfeng frowned at such a scene, and even Yun Chao showed surprise on his face.

"Mother and concubine, in this situation, why do I look at... so much like the saintess who was offering sacrifices on the holy mountain when she was still alive? Look, the princess looks...doesn't she resemble the saintess? "

Xiao Yuanfeng gave him a disgusted look: "How can a mere country girl compare to a saint? Don't be fooled by her pretentious tricks. I'd like to see what tricks she can pull off. "

He does not mean that.

The dead soul of Yunhong Mountain stood beside Xiao Yuanfeng and Yun Chao.

He also stared at Shen Lingxi's face.

Needless to say, there are indeed some similarities.

It's just that his niece, who has been dead for six years, is just a glamorous ostentation, which was put on the seat of the saint by Emperor Lie to fool people when she was young.

It's not as good as the princess in front of me, she is a master of Taoism with real talents.

Shen Lingxi didn't pay attention to what they were thinking.

She thought about Su Xian's transcendence spell, and it was almost done, so she threw the whisk at Yun Hongshan's body.

"King Yunjiang, wake up, if you have any grievances, you can express your feelings to the prefect here in person."

Following this soft call, Yun Hongshan's corpse's hand suddenly moved.

Everyone saw his stiff fingers directly grabbing Fuchen, and slowly sat up!
The soul of Yun Hongshan was shocked. He pointed to the corpse in disbelief, and then pointed to himself, " this me??? I, am I alive?"

Among the dead souls present, he was the only one who had never seen Shen Lingxi manipulating a corpse, and everyone looked sideways at him.

"Isn't it you?" Liu Meiren chuckled, "Don't you just want to avenge yourself, how do you want to avenge yourself, why don't you hurry up and talk about it?"

The soul of Yun Hongshan was overjoyed and floated to his corpse.

As soon as he approached, the corpse stood up from the stretcher, grabbed the whisk in Shen Lingxi's hand, and walked towards Xiao Yuanfeng step by step.

Xiao Yuanfeng suddenly opened his eyes wide.

Just now she saw with her own eyes that Shen Lingxi removed all the joints from Yun Hongshan's corpse.

How could this could it be alive again? !

"Mother, concubine mother..." Yun Chao grabbed Xiao Yuanfeng's sleeve tightly, his voice trembling, "This, this time doesn't look like a fake..."

Xiao Yuanfeng forced himself to be calm, "Nonsense, this must be false, there is no way in this world that ghosts come back, not to mention that Wuerda has already refined his soul.

Although her voice was very low, the dead souls gathered around her, heard this sentence clearly, and repeated it intact.

"Poisonous woman! This poisonous woman!" Yun Hongshan's soul hopped his feet in anger, "Not only killed me, but also wanted to kill me, it's vicious!"

Unexpectedly, his body imitated his appearance, suddenly stopped stiffly, and jumped on the spot like this.

Everyone's gaze followed him up and down, and couldn't help but follow him up and down.

The scene was a bit funny for a while.

Just when everyone was confused about the meaning behind this sudden movement of the newly revived Yunjiang King——

Then he stretched out his hand, pointed at Xiao Yuanfeng's nose, and cursed in a hoarse voice: "You! Poisonous woman! You poisonous woman! Not only did you kill me, but you also want to kill me, so vicious!"

Seeing this, the souls of Yun Hongshan came to their senses immediately.

When he realized that no matter what he did, the corpse would repeat his actions, so he strode up to Xiao Yuanfeng, pointed at her nose and began to complain:
"You poisonous woman, on the morning of the first day of October, you took advantage of the relapse of my lung disease and the phlegm in my heart, and pressed my shoulder with your own hands, letting me suffocate to death from the phlegm."

"You killed me and asked Kui Nineteen to make my body into a puppet, just to use my body to come to Beijing when the crown prince is getting married, and ask for seal for your useless son!"

"Xiao Yuanfeng, Xiao Yuanfeng, this king has been married to you for [-] years, and has always treated you well. Your Xiao family, relying on your little feat of surrendering to the Great Zhou, has pointed fingers at this king in the boundary of Yunjiang. This king sees you working hard. For the sake of the inner house, I never haggled with you, but how did you repay the king?"

"You, you, you! How dare you fool around with others behind my back!"

"Not only are you messing around with people yourself, but you also connive at the other aunts in the back house messing around with people. This king will never know until his death, how many green hats you have put on this king!"

"Now you still want to ask for a seal for Yunchao? Heh! Just dream!"

"Don't you even look at Yun Chao, a bastard, how does he have the demeanor of this king?"

"Just because he is also worthy to be the king of Yunjiang? This king is a ghost now, and he will never let you succeed!"

Yun Hongshan's body said so much in a hoarse voice without even stopping, which made everyone on the field dumbfounded.

Obviously, they came today to watch how the government will try the case of "deceitful ghosts and fraudulent corpses".

However, this court suddenly became——

Peerless, dog-blooded, green light soaring to the sky, extremely absurd, the scene of gossip-eating gossip in the palace backyard.

As the saying goes, "Family ugliness should not be publicized".

People in the world have only heard that ghosts cheat corpses and revive their souls to claim their lives.

It's the first time I've seen a ghost who worked so hard to come back to life, instead of taking his life, but blew himself up on this occasion and was greened.

Suffocated to death by phlegm, with green hats all over her head...

What a system!
What a shame!
The dignity of the princes and nobles of the Great Zhou Dynasty has been completely lost by this one!

All the onlookers felt ashamed for King Yunjiang.

Even Xiao Yuanfeng, the person involved, was dumbfounded.

What Yun Hongshan's body said is true.

Apart from Yun Hongshan himself, it is impossible for another person to know the details of the day he died.

This time, even though Xiao Yuanfeng didn't want to admit it anymore, he still had to admit that the corpse in front of him was indeed the resurrection of Yun Hongshan's fraudulent corpse.

However, when Yun Hongshan was alive, face was the most important thing.

Now that he is dead, even if he knows all the truth secretly, he shouldn't have the courage to blow himself up in public and make the world laugh at him.

Xiao Yuanfeng faintly felt that something was wrong.

She hadn't had time to think about it—

The son Yun Chao beside her was so frightened that she hurriedly let go of her sleeves and knelt on the ground with a "plop".

He cried bitterly and begged for mercy, "Father, all this has nothing to do with the son. The son doesn't know anything. It's all the mother's concubine, and it's all the mother's idea. Father, please spare the son!"

Xiao Yuanfeng swallowed a mouthful of old blood, which immediately rushed to his throat.

She knew that the situation was extremely unfavorable to her, her legs softened, and she swayed around, pretending to be "dizzy" to avoid the current situation like last time.

Unexpectedly, Yun Hongshan's corpse suddenly reached out and pinched her neck!

One more chapter to be late

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