Chapter 116 On Marriage
In the purse was a gold ingot, which was quite heavy in his hand.It just so happened that Shu Yao gave Li Mingji her purse, so she tied the red purse around her waist.

She raised her face and asked, "Concubine Shu, did you make this purse yourself? Did you use double-sided embroidery?"

The purse is embroidered with persimmon Ruyi. Although the pattern is common, the stitching is tight, the color matching is quite exquisite, and the falling webbing is also very beautiful.

Unexpectedly, Shu Yao would take the initiative to talk to her, Shu Concubine was slightly taken aback, nodded and said, "Yes. The concubine's mother is from Suzhou, and she taught the concubine how to embroider on both sides when she was young."

She didn't have much contact with the little princess, but her own daughter played well with the little princess.

Concubine Shu's family background is mediocre, participating in the draft is just a helpless move, she never thought that she would be selected into the palace and even promoted to concubine.

The change of Pingzhi was a taboo in the palace, and there were few concubines in Emperor Yong's harem, so they were also affected by this incident.Concubine Shu was even more worried that history would repeat the same mistakes, and had no intention of competing for favor. After giving birth to Princess Jiayi, she intentionally avoided pregnancy and kept her existence to a minimum. Fortunately, Emperor Yong rarely stayed in the harem.

Concubine Shu is also unwilling to participate in the disputes in the harem, but the little princess is the biggest contradiction in the harem.Therefore, in the past, she avoided the little princess like a snake and scorpion, and repeatedly told her daughter to reduce contact with her, but unfortunately, her daughter did not listen to these advices.

Shu Yao said, "Is double-sided embroidery difficult?"

She asked implicitly, but her thoughts were written in those eyes.Looking at such clear and clean water eyes, like fine snow falling on the branches, her heart softened a bit. Concubine Shu said softly: "It's not difficult to put in more thought. If the princess is curious, you can come Yuxiu Palace is looking for concubines."

So those eyes also curved up: "Really? Thank you, Concubine Shu!"

This time, I thank you sincerely. She is very good at laughing, and she can infect people's emotions like sunshine.Emperor Yong beside him touched his chin, "Who does Yaoyao want to embroider a purse for? If it's not for uncle, uncle will be very sad."

Shu Yao was not guilty: "Of course it's for uncle and grandmother!"

By the way, change Li Mingji to a better looking one.

Concubine Shu thought, no matter how frightening the outside rumors are, Princess Huaxi is just a young lady who has just reached her age.In the past, it seems too prejudiced against her.


After leaving Chengqian Palace, Shu Yao went to Yuxiu Palace to find Princess Jiayi, who was actually practicing calligraphy in the study.

"The spring breeze is proud of the horseshoe disease, and you can see all the flowers in Chang'an in one day?" Shu Yao stood on tiptoe and read out the words she wrote on the note paper, "Yuanyuan, who are you writing this for?"

"Next month in the spring, Zhou Lang is going to take the exam..." Princess Jiayi said subconsciously, she blushed a little when she met Shu Yao's probing gaze, and patted her troublesome hand away, "Who else can I write to? I mentioned him to you, Shu Yao, you don't care about my affairs at all!"

Shu Yao really didn't realize that it was Zhou Langjun last time, but now he has become Zhou Lang?

She became more and more curious: "Yuanyuan, you won't..."

"That will have to wait until his imperial examination results come out," Princess Jiayi did not deny, with a bit of shyness in her eyes, "I, Wei Yuan, don't marry useless people."

Has it reached the point of discussing marriage?

Shu Yao clicked her tongue, "You want to get married so soon?"

"Where is it coming soon!" Princess Jiayi glanced at her, "The two love each other, and the age is right, isn't it just right?"

"Didn't you say before that you want to raise a whole house of noodles?"

Princess Jiayi coughed lightly, "It's not a conflict. It's not that I met the right person, so take it easy? Shu Yao, tomorrow I'm going to Xiangguo Temple to pray for blessings and offer incense to Zhou Lang to worship Emperor Wenchang." , do you want to come together?"

Shu Yao really wanted to find a reason to go out these few days, so she nodded upon hearing this, "Okay then."

Princess Jiayi and Zhou Rong have only met each other a few times. She and Li Mingji faced each other day and night, but there was no spark.The determination to win or lose is burning in Shu Yao's heart, no, in the past few days, she must find a way.


Xiangguo Temple is the temple with the most incense in the capital.There is a bronze bell cast 500 years ago in the temple. Although it has been harassed by wars many times, it has always been intact. There will be an endless stream of pilgrims.

The neighborhood in Xiangguosiqian Street is one of the busiest areas in the capital, especially when the New Year comes, and temple fairs are held in the neighborhood all night long.No matter day or night, it is full of traffic and tourists.

Shu Yao and Princess Jiayi agreed to ring the bell to pray for blessings in the morning, and visit the temple fair of Xiangguo Temple in the afternoon and night.For this reason, she woke up very early in the morning, put on the newly made New Year clothes and newly acquired jewelry, and let the pine needles stick flowers on her, with bright eyes and white teeth, apricot face and peach cheeks, just like a fairy of Luoshen.

All the people in the house were palace servants who had served Shu Yao for many years, each of them was sweeter than the other, coaxing Shu Yao into ecstasy and getting a lot of rewards.

Chunrui ordered people to prepare the carriage early, and waited for Shu Yao in front of the mansion.The face-faced boy named Xiaoxue also changed into the clothes of a guard and stood guard on the side of the carriage.

Shu Yao walked to the door, put down the Persian cat in her arms, turned her head to Li Mingji and said, "Li Mingji, the princess is going to visit the temple fair with Princess Jiayi today."

Li Mingji nodded slightly, "I'm waiting for the princess at the foot of the mountain."

Facing his calm eyes, Shu Yao felt guilty instead, turned her eyes, coughed lightly and said, "What the princess means I will travel alone with Princess Jiayi, you don't have to follow."

Li Mingji seemed to be stunned for a moment, and raised his eyebrows in surprise, "Princess?"

Shu Yao was straightforward: "What's your opinion on the arrangement of the princess?"

"No," Li Mingji shook his head, his eyes inadvertently fell on the young man beside the carriage, his eyes slightly lowered, "Did the Princess change a new guard?"

"Of course not, the princess has only one bodyguard." Shu Yao became more and more guilty, and she didn't dare to look him in the eye, so she ended the topic very simply, "Anyway, you wait for me to come back at the mansion."

What should I do? It's becoming more and more like the heartless scholar described in the storybook who went out to find a confidante and left his wife at home.

But she couldn't tell Li Mingji that she took Xiaoxue out to get him drunk.

Li Mingji pursed his thin lips lightly and said hello lightly.

The carriage gradually disappeared from sight. The Persian cat looked outside the door, then at the calm but cold young man, and frightened away with a trembling beard.

Li Mingji did have some regrets.

Knowing why she sent him away, but seeing an outsider taking her place by her side, the killing intent in her heart couldn't be stopped.

He is not happy, so he can only find trouble for others.

The falcon flew over the high wall of the mansion and landed firmly on Li Mingji's arms.It let go of its beak, and a charred remnant fell out.

"Didn't I tell you not to pick up all the rubbish?"

Li Mingji frowned lightly, and picked up the fragments of scrolls that fell at his feet.

Most of the cover of the book has been burned away, and the three characters "Red Dust Chaos" can be vaguely seen on the spine of the book. It seems that it looks like a folk tale book that the little princess loves.

 The last day of May~ Please, my babes, after reading the update, please light up the five-star rating in the back, your evaluation is the motivation for me to write this article╭(╯3╰)╮

(End of this chapter)

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