Chapter 99
Li Mingji brewed tea, picked out some pastries and side dishes that Shu Yao liked, and packed them into food boxes.

He didn't turn back the same way, but turned in the direction of a small path and walked into a bamboo forest.

The bamboo forest in the cold winter is cold and bleak, the bamboo leaves are as sharp as needles, and the fine snow that is about to melt is falling.

There are many bamboo shadows, which is the best hiding place.

The winter wind was facing him, and among the shadows of overlapping leaves, Zhao Wenrui, wearing a cloak, walked swaggeringly.

"You said, the Queen and the Crown Princess also ordered someone to invite Princess Huaxi, and the Queen intends to match Princess Hua with me?"

There was no one around, and he spoke without hindrance, and his tone was very presumptuous.

"It's Miss Caidie's message. It's unmistakable. It is said that the empress and the crown princess invited you and the princess respectively, and asked you two to go to the Wanghu Pavilion alone."

The servant at the side smiled obsequiously, "Congratulations to your son, congratulations to your son, the empress and empress are willing to hold a red line for you, and the princess will definitely be in your hands."

Zhao Wenrui laughed out loud.

There is no need for him to invite others to make a show, the queen and the princess have already paved the way for him and Shu Yao, isn't this God helping him?
At that time, he and Shu Yao did not respond to the call, the empress and the princess sent people to look for them, and when they found him together, everything would be logical...

Recalling the haughty and indifferent appearance of the little princess, he licked the corners of his lips with a bit of complacency in his smile, "Okay, okay!"

With the rustling of the wind and the rustling of bamboo leaves, Zhao Wenrui suddenly felt a shudder in his heart.He raised his head in panic, but there was no one around, only the bamboo shadow shaking.

Zhao Wenrui intentionally avoided the crowd and found such a secret place to meet up with the boy.Only then did I realize that this place is rather gloomy, the bamboos are slender and lush, if I didn't look carefully, I would think someone was standing there.

"The butterfly has already taken the person away?"

He can't wait to enjoy the little princess.

Zhao Wenrui has been sensual for many years, and no one knows how to tame women better than him.In the past, there was an orchid in his backyard. When it was delivered, it was so fierce. Didn't it also obediently lie on the bed afterwards?
And a few days ago, the concubine sent by the Marquis of Qinyang...

It's a pity that the little concubine was really not in good health, she cried and cried out in pain after playing for a while, and died soon after.

Zhao Wenrui's eyes are vicious. Although the little princess is tightly wrapped today, he can guess what kind of slim and alluring demeanor is under the clothes... I don't know what it tastes like.

"Yes," the servant grinned, "I'm waiting for you. My lord, come here with me..."

As soon as the words fell on the front foot, a sharp pain hit.The boy froze and lowered his head, a bamboo leaf lay across his neck.

Such a slender bamboo leaf, less than the width of a finger, seemed to be inserted into his throat with a mighty force.

"Wu Qiu?"

Zhao Wenrui said suspiciously, wondering why the boy was silent, raised his hand and pushed him, and the boy's body just fell straight down.

Blood dripping.

Zhao Wenrui's face was horrified, a scream stuck in his throat, and the young man's slender hand was like a ghost, gently resting on his shoulder.

"My lord," he lowered his eyes and chuckled, the darkness in his eyes was as dark as blood mist, "Where is the princess?"



Shu Yao covered her forehead, and couldn't help taking another breath.

The place that was originally flat has already swelled up, and it hurts a little when it is touched, and you don't need to think about it to know how serious it is.

The brain seemed to be covered with a layer of chaotic fog, and it took Shu Yao a while to recover, realizing that she was sitting in a soft sedan chair.

Why is she here?What happened earlier?
She was led to the Wanghu Pavilion by an unfamiliar court lady, and saw that the new wedding ceremony she gave to Zheng Yueyao was placed on the round table in the pavilion.She opened the lacquered wooden box, and then her legs gave way, the lacquered wooden box fell from her hands, and her head hit the corner of the table...

The soft sedan was put down.

Shu Yao heard the maid's voice: "I'll send it here, you guys go."

It was the maid who brought her here.

Who is she?What is she going to do?
More and more questions came to mind, but the more I thought about it, the more I couldn't figure it out. My thinking ability seemed to stagnate at this moment. Shu Yao's eyes were red with anxiety, and she didn't know why she became like this.

The sedan chair was narrow, and for the first time Shu Yao felt that the cloak on her body was so thick that she was so hot that she couldn't breathe.

As the footsteps approached, she quickly closed her eyes, pretending that she was still in a coma.

Cai Die lifted the curtain of the car, condescendingly watching the sleeping Shu Yao.

She was sold into the imperial palace as a maid when she was young, and later arranged to work in the Eastern Palace, not a few years older than Shu Yao.But on weekdays, the activity area is very small, and you can't see the prince a few times throughout the year, and other nobles in the palace naturally have to avoid it, even if you see it, you can't raise your head.

It turns out that this is the most honorable princess of the royal family.

Hibiscus powder noodles, icy muscles and bones, every blue hair exudes a beautiful luster.Cai Die claims to be extremely beautiful among court ladies, and has always wanted to climb into the prince's bed, but she also loses her color in front of such a real beauty.

Shu Yao wore a string of bracelets on her hands.

The warm and clear Hetian jade, the finely shaped golden silk incense balls, are dotted on the girl's white wrists like frost and snow. Only such a beauty who is carefully pampered by the royal family can wear such precious objects with charm.

The same woman, looking at her hands that were rough from the clothes, a trace of jealousy flashed across Caidie's eyes.She grabbed Shu Yao's hand and pulled the bracelet off forcefully.

It hurts.

Shu Yao bit her lip hard, swallowing the scream that was about to blurt.She opened her eyes quietly, and saw the palace maid lowered her head, staring at the bracelet almost obsessively.

Caidie didn't notice that Shu Yao had awakened, she carefully picked up the bracelet and put it on her wrist, a smile appeared on her lips.

At this time, Shu Yao pushed hard!

The bracelet fell from her wrist, and Cai Die hurriedly bent over to fumble around, but when she turned her head, she saw Shu Yao running in another direction with the strength she didn't know where she came from, holding her skirt.


Cai Die angrily chopped off her feet, the movement was large, and the bracelet slipped off again.Picking up and getting up like this, Shu Yao has already run a long way.

She has been drugged with cartilage, and soon her strength will be exhausted.This area is full of abandoned palaces, and the palace people are busy with the banquet ahead, and no one will come over for a while. Thinking of this, Caidie heaved a sigh of relief, and the panic in her eyes was a little less.

Shu Yao could hardly see the road ahead.

My brain was dizzy, and my body was getting hotter and hotter. After a little effort, the lump on my forehead was hurting again, and the pain became more and more painful.

She tore off the cloak vigorously and threw it on the ground casually, which finally relieved some burden.

However, the discomfort in her body didn't decrease, and Shu Yao soon found that she couldn't exert herself.All around are dilapidated palaces, the doors and windows are closed tightly, the walls are high, and there is no place to hide.

Shu Yao turned her head and found that the maid had already chased her, and hurriedly ran into the narrow alley between the palace and the wall.

She really lost her strength, tripped over a rock, and fell out uncontrollably.She knelt on the ground, propped up on the rock that was stumbling her, and staggered to get up, only to find a door opened under the thick wall.

It is a secret passage.

(End of this chapter)

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